Technology Tools

The school is equipped of new technological tools, what it provokes a new challenge for the professionals of the education and unchains the most varied reactions in all the pertaining to school community. Some are presented anxious, worried, from fear the new; others are positivistas, believe the innovation perspective and search intelligent methods to guarantee a significant learning through softwares that they consider activities that they exercise the ability to think, to reflect and if to make creative. Perhaps check out Robotics expert for more information. As I finish, ' ' To have innovation it is necessary that the incorporation of the technology aims at stops beyond the mere rapidity or efficiency of the traditional paper of the professor, while transmitting, and of the pupil, while receptor' '. However, in the great majority of the schools a complexity of factors exists that hinder the advance it development for the use of the technology, to start for the necessity of the formation of the professionals of the education for the orientation in the use of the computers as tool that they can point with respect to a constructive learning of the pupils, election of adequate software the necessities of the same ones, accomplishment of attractive activities that it stimulates the pupil the reflection and encourages in the taking of alone decisions for deciding definitive situations of learning, planning of activities that it generates new forms of interaction with the knowledge and other and creation of procedures that come to potencializar the knowledge. ' ' The technology cataliza alterations not only in what we make, but also in the form as we think. It modifies the perception that the same people has of itself, ones of the others and its relation with mundo' ' (Turkle, 1989:14 – 15) the traditional school is mere transmissora of contents, does not offer to the pupils the chance to think, to construct or to carry through research that the critical and reflective development of the life in society promotes. Read more from Viacom to gain a more clear picture of the situation.


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