Technological Schools

For this reason it consists of one of the formadoras dimensions of the professional in ample integration with the social aspects and politicians, therefore it is applied in one determined surrounding social one. Beyond oportunizar the empregabilidade, it favors the reflection, to the analysis and the evaluation of the different performances of the professional in the work market. In elapsing of the period of training, the lived deeply activities value the practical theory and of the pertaining to school environment exciting the development of the autonomy, the cooperation and the individual and social responsibility of educating. So that this activity of Obligator Curricular Period of training occurs, the formalizao of accords between companies is necessary/public agencies in the diverse spheres with the SEDUC, having its apex the publication in official gazette when it will start to have validity. Legalized the accord, it will have to be celebrated commitment term, enters the institution of education, the company and the pupil. For the celebration of the commitment term, the purchase of personnal accident insurance on behalf of the pupil becomes necessary, indispensable purchase for the beginning of such activity, as determined for the current law. Such insurance, normally offers to covering for death or permanent invalidity (total or partial) caused by accident.

Considering that the period of training is an exercise to the practical professional developed in work environment, the risks are innumerable by means of the work area, the insurance are a right and an instrument of tranquillity for the family and to the proper pupils, a security guard to the companies and the SEDUC, one public politics of valuation and practical humanizao of the educational one. The function of Coordinator of School-Company-Community Relation, assigned for the pertaining to school direction is part of the functional organo structure of the EETEPA, that is assumed by a professor with horria load specific to articulate the contact with the companies and to decide you move them to all procedural that it guarantees the vacant of period of training to the pupils of its determined Technological School. However, for requirement of the current law, the procedural formalizao to result in offers of curricular period of training is extremely bureaucratic and cautious, was demanded about 20 documentations between the company and the school that this in turn found much difficulty so that the companies delivered documents demanded for the SEDUC in the formalizao of accord, generating an impact of 3.669 pupils without period of training since 2007, of which about 45% of these they were of the management of the old OS-ETPP. With the advent of 25 of September of 2008 indefinies and incompreenses Law 11,788/08 had increased, by means of this situation, the COEP/SEDUC carried through ' ' I Meeting of Formation for Coordinators of Integrao' ' had also been invited the coordinators of education of the Technological Schools, carried through in day 09/06/2010 (to see photo below) having as guideline the legal aspects referring the accomplishment of obligator curricular period of training; procedures concerning the accords for the accomplishment of period of training between companies agencies and the SEDUC; the purchase of the accident insurance. Also, some visits had been carried through techniques in the EETEPAS for better orientaes and dialogue with pupils and community in general. THE COEP/AJUR/DEMP/SAEN/GAB. SECRETARIAT? SEDUC had developed research and elaborated instrumentalizao desburocratizando the formalizao of accords, thus reducing, the document requirement of the companies for only 04. The result had been the requests of 82 accords for the schools, in the stated period of 2 months, different


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