Bangladesh Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Sunday, November 26th, 2017Open Meiningsaustausch about development cooperation since early 2009 Dr. Dipu Moni directs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh became the first woman. During her four-day visit to Germany, she met with Dirk Saam by the German development organization network. The Bangladesh expert and the Aussenpolitikerin discussed human rights and the poverty situation in the country. She stressed that her Cabinet had the claim of a very transparent governance. With parliamentary elections in December 2008, Bangladesh had returned to democracy. Their country, Dipu Moni, is on a right track, to strengthen the rule of law and ensuring the respect for human rights in accordance with signed UN conventions.
Dirk Saam reported the Foreign Minister from the work of the welfare network for overcoming hunger in the North of the country and for the observance of human rights in the villages. Interlocutors emphasized the need to continue to promote the political participation of the population. Two is it a Concerns, the image of Bangladesh in the German public, which is characterized by natural disasters and Fahrunglucken, to expand other facets. As an example, Dirk Saam called the great successes of the country for the schooling of children. Dr.
Dipu Moni”, contains his impression from the meeting with the Secretary of State, is critically deals with the shortcomings of their country Dirk Saam, and rightly emphasizes what successes the young democracy has.” Previously, the Secretary of State about the intensification of german Bangladeshi development cooperation with Bundesentwickungsminister niebel had spoken. It was to the areas of energy, health and good governance. The international climate protection, as well as the expansion of cultural and economic relations between the two countries were at the center of their meeting with Foreign Minister Westerwelle. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries around the world, about 40 percent of the 160 million population live below the national poverty line. The Bangladesh organisation network supports the self-help of the poorest population for food, education, and the observance of human rights