Posts Tagged ‘services & consulting’

Corporate Succession

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Business succession: A case for professionals the look in the business section of the daily newspapers says: Germany’s economy is supported by the small and especially medium-sized companies, they make up a large part of our success at home and abroad. As a strong export nation, German products and services at home and abroad enjoy an excellent reputation, they boast excellent quality made in Germany, and also the supplementary services can be seen. There are very often the small and medium-sized enterprises, which provide strong export performances and who are economically through healthy. But just the medium-sized companies are faced with the problem of the succession, because the Patriarch wants to put to rest, all necessary legal arrangements should be made. It looks similar in the case of death, which occurs always too early and completely unexpectedly. Even the succession must be substantiated be regulated. The owner of the company has all necessary Arrangements, members and employees can face largely retired or even the dreaded death. On the way to the comprehensive clarification of the succession, a good tax advisor is the perfect companion.

In the best case, he is a trained consultant for the succession. Tax issues in the Centre as well as countless other issues especially the topic is taxes at the heart when clients are looking for a consultant for the corporate succession. Who supervised Freising and the other towns in the greater Munich area as a tax consultant, finds there clients from diverse industries, who have to settle the succession. A considerable importance of tax advice. Finally, it involves the question of inheritance and the inheritance, especially when company shares tax issues for all parties are taken into account. As possible heirs to pay inheritance tax may be required, must in the context of the tax also be clarified, what obligations the heirs thereof adult.

Leading Corporate Function

Thursday, May 21st, 2020

Whether public relations measurement, press articles, ads, and more, or distribution, often they are equated with marketing, even though they are only parts of it. Seekirch 14 12, 2012 – whether public relations measurement, press articles, ads, and more – or even distribution, often these are marketing ‘ equated, although they are only parts of it. Many examples show that only comprehensive marketing leads to lasting success. Just when the German specialities, such as capital goods, engineering, etc., Techniklastige enterprises are unfortunately often in this case: very good products are developed, excellent work. But often, the weakness is the on the market by ‘ conceived and produced. Who should buy them then? Why? Of course, there is not an answer that would be applicable to all. Many companies exploit their technical core competencies and believe that to make something great to the market.

Usually this is only even, Demands of the market are for an egg-laying wool milk sow ‘ just only rarely available. A few days ago was reported in a Sueddeutsche Zeitung, that a big company have produced machines, too good for the market were (quote!) and therefore the company in difficulty in the sale or the company stability ‘ came. That went up to the workplace hazard. An other example, such as in the car industry, shows see hybrid / electric cars., the long – sold by Asian producers, that foreign competitors have already largely occupied the market, before German tighten ‘ can. The success to be achieved, so already from the outset, has limits. We move initial situation on global markets, foreign companies have also excellent technicians and the Internet offers the possibility today any buyers the world supply ‘, to examine, to compare details and to obtain a very good basis for decision-making.


Wednesday, December 4th, 2019

And Furthermore, I think that at least one real meeting per year for all parties is important. Building personal relationships of team members will be impossible without this. And also the quality of relations ultimately decides whether the success of the team. Additional information at Samsung supports this article. This applies only for international teams or all teams of the members of which are resident not in one place? PI: It is very likely for each team, that is distributed across multiple sites. But as soon as, in addition several regional, national and cultural backgrounds are added, increasing the physical and emotional distance of the team members still. You have a method or a system developed with the teams collaborate virtually. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Viacom.

What are your 3-5 key points? PI: The base is the personality. As I said, the team should meet as soon as possible face to face. Each team member will present his personal and professional highlights this first cooperation meeting; This provides the basis for Relationship building and helps with future relations. Ten for the project and the team are collectively elementary projects of part of, the 10 big rocks identified. These are equally important for the success of the project, as for the personal growth of the team members.

The 10 big rocks method the team around a common goal has United, at the same time the inpiduellen strengths of team members are identified and promoted. The different cultural characteristics are explicitly supported and this generally strengthened recognition of the performance of each team member and the individual successes. Empowerment, as it is so beautiful on Neu: mutual and community development and of course the Community cooperation are more key. In a virtual team, where the Chief sits not just around the corner, the employee must have freedom of choice to achieve their goals and to carry out their tasks. Without a doubt, everyone should as far as possible always have access to the advice and support of the Team leader have virtually of course.

What Language Is Your Company?

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Foreign language skills are the key to the success of the company whether German, English or French, internationally oriented companies speak many languages. “” That a customer on the export Department “or the sales department” can contact, says that the company employees with good language skills and active support to the international sales. To convey the right image of the company, you should pay attention to a correct presentation of the company. So how in the German sales texts are written by copywriters, required for the translation also a professional. This work should not just be passed to an employee of the sales department. Translation: the right word, the right tone of various company speaking different languages.

It is above all the sound. If a more youthful, fun style is used in advertising copy, no strict form text should be used when a range or in response to a complaint. The customer says the company would not recognize and would have doubts about the identity, the image of the company. What is hard in German, is even more complicated in foreign languages. So a customer from Austria in a friendly tone feels at home, perhaps it could alienate a French client, but who is accustomed to very strict form and letter phrases in French. A specialist is required for the correct appearance in another language: a translator.

The right sound at the right time and in the right document, such a task may be applied only by a translator. To find a professional translator for writing advertising copy, you should contact a translation service as all languages. Here are three experts working on the text: a translator, an editor, and an editor. The guaranteed sale lyrics with the right cut. Help for Employeees another important aspect in the commissioning of external translators is the staff. The employees of the export or sales departments can put on professional sales documents and can fully concentrate on their actual task: the service and sales. “The translation Office a professional international” presence is essential at the present time for the success of a business. Translation agency supports all languages GmbH since 1991 very successful domestic and foreign customers. The services of the company includes translations from all languages into all languages. In addition, but also oral language broadcasts and editing / proofreading are offered. The all languages GmbH was the first Austrian translation agency with an ISO 9001:2008 as a DIN of the oNORM EN 15038 certification. On the official website you will find more information related to the company’s strict quality assurance. Submitted by Alexander RUS