Posts Tagged ‘psychology’

Prejudices Personality

Monday, December 9th, 2019

All the human beings not only pass for innumerable evolutions throughout history, but throughout all its particular life. Periods of training evolutivos personal, that is what in fact it interests, is varied, such as: the instant that we think that we are all perpetual dependents of our parents in infancy; the instant that we think that we are perpetual free in the adolescence; the instant that we perpetual think to be worthless of the freedom and happiness in the adult life. Such evolutivos periods of training cause in many of the times irreversible effect in the personality of the person, where that the main factor is the emotional load that comes of hitchhiking with our experiences, therefore if in any of the evolutivos periods of training mentioned above, the experience will be positive, bigger they are the possibilities of terms a coated personality of auto-confidence, in diametrical opposing field if the experience will be negative, and other experiences will not be successful, the person will have a personality coated with low auto-esteem, and there everything its return it will contribute for the permanence of the feeling of that it is not capable. Let us see some practical examples in the next paragraph. In infancy, if the person grows being constantly reprehended, will have a thought of that everything what to make will be worthy of rebuke, and in the phase of the adolescence certainly will prevent many contacts, will open hand of many relationships, and when to arrive in the adult life, will be a fearful person to everything and to all, its return will prevent to the maximum to dislike those. (frightened the precision of as she seems that I am describing somebody that you know? This is alone one of some developed scientific studies already that I will present of simple and objective form for you in all my writings).

Ana Luiza

Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

We always wait something of somebody and that is invariant because we are gregrios beings the curious one is here that many times we are not nor close to reaching the desire or expectation of the other, since what we imagine optimum or to be adjusted, it can at least indicate the beginning of the necessity of the other, that is, we can be road of high performance, only that with wrong destination! To have expectation is always to wait something, and if this expectation will not be verbalizada without shunting lines, is really difficult to incase adequacies, therefore nobody obtains to reach what not enxerga! To have tato to communicate itself is importantssimo also, because the next one does not act of the form that acts because he is provocative. It acts thus because enxerga the satisfaction of the other of the form that has acted. To the times we frustramos the others (or we are frustrated) with this correctable mistake with a clear and frequent communication, therefore happily we are dynamic beings. The expectations are not mathematical accounts, therefore, the precision not it is its first force, therefore it is fluid that she is become enlarged or if she in accordance with retracts the receptividades that we allow or we deny in our lives therefore, do not kill all the lizards stops later complaining that she does not have more butterflies circulating ok? I finish with a phrase that I am unaware of the authorship of that ' ' the biggest defect of the man is to feign itself blind person for its errors, but not of dumb for the errors of the others ' ' Ana Luiza ' ' The first one to have of intelligence is to distrust of it mesma.' ' (Albert Einstein).


Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Antagonistically we hug in them to the calabouos of our unconscious memories e, without searching ours eus Knows you it exactly you. To stop the good combat, in the incessant search to undertake new steps in search of God. After all mamon never was so on to the reading human being in technological modernity. E, after all, why we have as much difficulty to initiate the combat? I took the freedom to choose five characteristics, amongst as much, that finish for favoring us the discernment, much even so without a worthy order of assertive. To deepen your understanding Peter Asaro is the source. Let us see them: 1-Distanciamento and descumprimento of the Moral Laws (Laws of God); 2-Attachment to the corporeal properties (Materialism); 3-Adormecimento spiritual; 4-State Esquizofrnico and the social collections; 5-Will (to stop the Good Combat). The poem the ANIMAL Vi yesterday an animal In the filthiness of the Catando patio food between the debris. When it found some thing, it did not examine nor it smelled: Engolia with voracity.

The animal was not a dog, was not a cat, was not a rat. The animal, my God, was a man . The poem, without shade of doubts, supports a series of cabveis analogies around the constitution human being who in the contemporaneidade comes if fitting in an atmosphere self-centered, capable to portray the product of the distanciamento of the Moral Laws (joint of relative principles or rules to the behavior human being) conducted by God, for the man: Law of Worship Mostra the innate feeling that all the livings creature possess of the deity. Law of the Work Is a necessity. The necessity is the conscience of that the lack something.

If it does not have to confuse work with job. Some work and they do not have job; others have job and they do not work. Relative law of Reproduction After the life, all we feel the necessity intuitivamente to progress and to perfect.

The Complex

Saturday, March 29th, 2014

Concomitantly, we come across with the uncertainty of the Real thanks to the errors and here described illusions. Therefore, one becomes necessary that the Man is realistic in the complex direction: to understand the uncertainty of the Real, to know that it has something possible still invisible in the Real. The same uncertainty acomete the knowledge that, in the same way will have to be understood and to be analyzed of ample and complex form. On the imprevisibilidade in the long run it describes that actions can have its results calculated in short term, but its results are unexpected in the long run. Thus, no action is insurance to occur in the direction of its intention. However, the ecology of the action invites us not to the inao, but to the challenge that recognize its risks and to the strategy that allow to modify, even though to annul, the undertaken action. Thus, the strategy must prevail in such a way on the set of action of a program that it minimizes the unexpected consequences of these actions. It finishes the chapter placing that, in history, we have seen frequently, unhappyly, that the possible one if becomes impossible and can pressentir that the richest possibilities human beings still remain impossible of if carrying through.

But we also saw that the unexpected one becomes possible and if it carries through; we saw frequently that the improbable one if carries through what the probable one more than; let us know, then, to wait the unexpected one and to work for the improbable one. In VI the chapter, Morin guides to teach us to it the understanding. In a world where the communication wins, being the planet crossed for cellular nets, fax, telephones, modems, Internet, the incompreenso remains general. The problem of the understanding became crucial for the human beings. E, for this reason, must be one of the purposes of the education of the future, not an education for a rational and mathematical understanding, but an education that the understanding between the people teaches as condition and guarantee of the intellectual and moral solidarity of the humanity and, for conseguinte, that assures the survival species.