Posts Tagged ‘medicina-alternativa’


Sunday, October 13th, 2019

Communication is essential, because convey what you want to do and say, is fundamental to the activities and techniques to be effective. The way in which a group is directed can make that outcomes are one or the other, and that children behave in one way or another. If we don’t control the group we can end up controlling the monitor, and desmanteles activities. Mikkel Svane may also support this cause. 4 Learn to organize work, classroom and play areas, to be able to launch the activities. The knowledge of the environment is essential for the development of games and dynamics, as well as organize spaces for this purpose.

5 Know coordinate with peers and superiors, particularly for the organisation of work, activities and all kinds of events in relation to the playroom. 6 Know how to resolve conflicts in the classroom, i.e. know how to act when problems arise. The monitor does not have to be a person capable of knowing to solve everything, but that you have the ability to deal with situations with maturity and, above all, common sense. 7 Know denounce unjust situations affecting children. Monitor is in direct contact with children, and in some cases passes quite some time with them, so you can see and detect situations affecting the child and must be treated with sufficient seriousness to denounce them if it is appropriate.

8 Know foster the Personal development of children. Children are developing every minute, that everything that is done with them going to affect their development. This is the reason why there is to plan activities taking into account that what makes the monitor should favor a positive personal development. Attitudes: Refers to the principles and values that must have the monitor to. 1. Patience: acceptance of the child respecting the differences. 2. Responsibility for the children in the playroom. 3. Respect and defend the rights of the child.