Posts Tagged ‘history’

Golden Horde

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

Yaik Cossacks differed stamina, determination and military acumen. During the period of service in the Tatar-Mongol forces Cossacks borrowed from the Tatars, some tactics of hostilities. Russes, compared with the Mongols, had higher levels of culture and living traditions. The Mongols were pagans, they had no written language, their spoken language than the language of the Turkic peoples was poorly developed. The Mongols did not wash in the baths, do not change clothes, do not swim in rivers.

Russes, serving the , thanks to the Orthodox faith, kept their traditions, their religion. The Cossacks of the Russes and Slavs sometimes taken as a wife women from neighboring settlements that have adopted Orthodox Christianity. Intermarriage led to the assimilation of the Slavs and the Russes with Turkic peoples, which created a special Cossack style, then distinguish them from other nations. In XIV-XV centuries, the Golden Horde start rend internecine war, which leads eventually to weaken it. of the White Horde stopped paying salaries Cossacks for their service. Part Yaik Cossacks to secure the existence of the service went to the Central Asian ulus – the great Tamerlane (Timur). In the army of the eastern lord Yaik Cossacks considered the finest warriors, dashing horsemen, attacks which cavalry could not restrain himself no opponent. Yaik Cossacks fought in the armies of Tamerlane in Central Asia, Persia and India, the mighty Tamerlane put an example to other people and serve in his cavalry. Illustrative example, when a ruthless Tamerlane defeats his rivals, the only soldiers, whom he had been spared Yaik Cossacks, who were among those at the service.

Assistant Dean Course

Thursday, March 30th, 2017

The next will take place on May 4 from 12: 30 at the computer science faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid Madrid, 28 April 2011-after the success of the Conference help you find a good job held last April,, the Global job hunter 2.0 oriented to the search and management of employment on the Internet based on Artificial Intelligence and with totally free servicesHe has returned to listen to the requests of its users and has organized a new free course. Under the title employment search techniques 2.0?, Jobbsy wants to offer to those enrolled a course completely adapted to the present needs of communication on-line, especially through social networks and other Web 2.0 tools. Thus, the main objectives to be covered in the course are as follows: personal analysis: strong, objectives, points differential value personal brand (HP, e-mails, profile at the network, etc.). Routes of access ofertas de empleo. Networking: How to manage your network of contacts Employment 2.0 and social networks. The selection interview: myths and legends the day will take place next Wednesday, may 4, from 12: 30 hours in the room of degrees of the Faculty of Informatics of the University Complutense of Madrid – c / Profesor Jose Garcia Santesmases s/n-. The course will be presented by Mr.

Manuel Prieto, Assistant Dean for foreign relations of the Faculty of Informatics UCM, and will be taught by Javier Sevilla, CEO of and by Cruz Gomar, Coaching teams and expert in Personal development. Those who wish to attend this course can enroll through Facebook page: or by sending an email to. About Jobssy is a Global job hunter 2.0, based on Artificial Intelligence, with completely free services, oriented to the search and management of employment on the Internet. It is able to make proposals and removed in seconds automatically the most relevant information related to employment, the best companies to work for a profile or the best resumes for a job. The newspapers mentioned Kai-Fu Lee not as a source, but as a related topic. facilitates the entire process of employment management both candidates and the HR departments of any company, using technology-online 2.0. They recommend companies for work to candidates seeking employment of most important of Spain or international social networks and portals.

Also, companies that work with, are provided immediately candidates that match their profiles more defendants, sieved databases and social networking through Artificial Intelligence, without even having an open position. is free. The companies, entities, or freelancers who work with this search engine can insert offerings or any project without any cost.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

As long as each infected user send in half the mail more than one sensitive user (i.e., the reproductive rate Basic is greater than one), the performance standards in epidemiology imply that the number of infected users will grow according to a logistic curve. Adds Wikipedia, that if each user sends mail to more than one sensitive user then in theory the campaign will last forever, or at least until all sensitive users have received the message. Even if the message is not sent as frequently, will continue being sent many more times than it was initially. For example, consider a campaign that begins by sending a message to 100 users. Not all of them forwarded the original message, but some of them may do so. This some can be tested by market research; Let’s say he turns out to be an 80%, and each of these forwarded it to just a friend specifically indicates the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, viral marketing or viral advertising are terms used to refer to marketing techniques that seek to exploit pre-existing social networks to produce increases exponential knowledge of brand (Brand Awareness) through self-replicating viral processes similar to the spread of a computer virus.

Are typically based on word of mouth through electronic means; use the effect of social network created by Internet and modern mobile telephony services to reach a lot of people quickly. The term viral marketing is also used to describe campaigns of undercover marketing based on the Internet, including the use of blogs, sites apparently amateurs, and other forms of astroturfing designed to create Word of mouth for a new product or service. The goal of viral marketing campaigns is often generate media coverage through unusual stories, by a value much higher than the budget for advertising of the advertising company. He insists to point out, that viral advertising refers to the idea that people will pass and share fun and interesting content.


Friday, January 11th, 2013

I introduce then the echo notion? the distorted repetition of the sound, whose origin is doubtful? as one it saw to understand as history operates in the construction of the identity. Identity as continuity, coherence, historical phenomenon is a fancy that erases the divisions and discontinuities, eliminates the differences that separate the citizens in the time. The echo of the one brightness to the fancy, remembering to us that the identity is constructed, in relations distorted complex and. The identification (that it produces identity) operates as echo of a fancy, bringing up to date in the time and through generations, the process that forms individuals as actors social politicians and ' '. The author uses the term fancy and echo as a metaphor, and in this citation above if she can see that to deal with History, these new incorporated terms to the tools that we historians can use, she serves so that let us can see that the fancy to the times is distorted by the echo, and that nor always one ' ' boa' ' fancy has echo, however echoes and reverberaes have distorted many practical and speeches that could produce the difference.

We must remembering in them that the identities operate as an echo of a fancy and that the echo is the imperfect return of the sound. These resonances or echoes (distorted sounds) act directly in the constructions of the identity of the woman. We must lead in account that the task of the studies feminists is exactly to identify and to dislocate the production of these apparatuses that act in the constructions cultural that they produce the fixed differences, women as being the other, identities and regimes of truth sexual. A consensus enters all the authors mentioned here is the aversion to the identity and ' ' to buscas' ' of the absolute truth. Durval Muniz, as ferrenho ' ' destruidor' ' of identities in it will show the evil to them that this will cause the humanity, in the construction of fixed places where some citizens if refuse to occupy.