Posts Tagged ‘draft’

AC Hoteles

Thursday, December 26th, 2024

The hotel sector will be one of the hardest for the claims just around the holidays, according to a study conducted by Strauss and Seidel s. Breach of conditions, benefits or features hired through agencies or tour operators generated a significant volume of claims to return from the vacation. Customers have complaints and reviews for products and services used in the hotel facilities, many of them are positive, although most tend to be negative. According to the study by Strauss and Seidel s, customers this summer made claims and these are resolved satisfactorily they will become loyal customers of the hotel and will recommend it to more people, than those who have received a correct service from the first moment. At the same time, the analysis shows that mismanagement of the claims has a high enough cost to harm the profitability of the hotel. The study shows that, although 22% of customers they will have an experience negative, only a 4% will come to bring a claim, which will impact the following year in a loss of clients worth 150,000 euros. The figure amounts to two million euros per year if you add the cost on refunds, returns, refunds, negative publicity and the money that leaves entering a hotel of those unhappy customers that they do not complain, but that they will not return to be customers in the future. For this reason, know the experiences of customers and enhance loyalty have become key factors to reduce the economic losses of the hotel companies. (Source: HG Vora). According to the study, the major hotel chains are beginning to recognize the value of the claims as a means to identify problems in their services, and encourage all customers to submit suggestions and comments. You’ve had a bad experience at a hotel? It’s never too late, now send your claims or suggestions: claims to NH Hotels claims to AC Hoteles

Enterprise Products

Sunday, April 22nd, 2018

Our cement plant mainly contains cement mill, cement rotary kiln and etc, which are the key equipments to assemble large-scale cement production line, they mainly used in the mass production of building materials like cement, concrete, and etc. Concrete, the general term of integral engineering material composition, formado por aggregate glue. Generally speaking, by proportionally mixing with cement as cementing material, sand, stone as aggregate and water (with or without admixtures and additive), after mixing, molding, and conserving, it can get the concrete, also known as ordinary concrete, which is widely used in civil engineering. Rotary kiln is also called rotary calcining kiln, it belongs to building material equipment, and can be divided into cement kiln, metallurgy chemical kiln and lime rotary kiln according to different materials. According to the exterior, rotary kiln can be pided into altered diameter rotary kiln and drift diameter rotary kiln; According to the usage, it can be pided into cement rotary kiln, clay-grain rotary kiln, rotary kiln kaoline, lime rotary kiln; According to energy supply, it can be pided into rotary kiln gas, Coal-fired rotary kiln and Mixed fuel rotary kiln. 1 The technical performance and running situation of rotary kiln, to a great extent, decides the quality, quantity and cost of Enterprise Products.

If there is big kiln turning, there is a million. This folk rhyme is a vivid description of the importance of rotary kiln in production process. Connect with other leaders such as Pete Cashmore here. 2 As to the application of rotary kiln, the cement industry owns the most numerous rotary kilns in production. The whole cement process flow can be generalized as Two Whet A Burn. To burn refers to the process flow that calcining grinded raw materials to under the high temperature of rotary kiln clinker.

So, rotary kiln is the host machine in cement production, it usually called as the heart of cement plant. 3 In building material industry, besides cement clinker, rotary kiln is also used to calcined clay, limestone, and drying slag; in the producing of Jose materials, raw materials by rotary kiln calcined has the features of stable size, strength, and easy to reshaping increaser. 4 In chemical industry, rotary kiln is used to produce soda, calcine phosphatic fertilizer and barium sulphide. In the 1960 s, the American Lapple invented the new technology to produce phosphoric acid with rotary kiln. This new technology has the advantages of low energy consumption, low electric power consumption, none sulfuric acid and can use low grade phosphorite. Rotary dryer is used to remove moisture from material using hot gas to heat the feed material and to evaporate the water. Rotary Dryers are suitable for drying a wide range of materials continuously because of its ability to process material having considerable variation in size and composition. Rotary dryer is mainly for dealing with material in large quantities. As reliable operation, operating flexibility, adaptability and large capacity, this dryer is widely used in metallurgy, building materials, food, light industry, chemical industry, coal, medicine and mining industries. It plays a significant and non-substitutable role in these industries.

Ltd Market

Friday, January 10th, 2014

Impact Crusher enrolls gravel aggregate market Recently, Zhengzhou Hongxing mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. introduces the new hydraulics crusher, it helps Hongxing freer the transformation from Made in China to Created in China! In order to better serve our customers and meet market demand, Zhengzhou Hongxing Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. joint with the German company to share the world s most advanced manufacturing technology, combining with China s domestic market demand and technology trends, Hongxing digests and absorbs the original impact crusher machines technical, recently introduce hydraulic series impact crusher, significant savings for the mining investment cost. Crusher has a longer history, compared with the traditional hammer crusher, they are similar in working principle, however, different in the structure and the process. In order to expand the market demand, Zhengzhou hongxing mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. enters the sand and gravel aggregate equipment market at home and abroad, on the basis of the original impact crusher and gravel aggregate crushing principle, it produces new hydraulic impact crusher series, which uses world-class manufacturing processes, selects the most high-end production materials, has heavy rotor design, as well as strict means testing, ensuring stablity and reliability, ensuring the quality of the rotor. Improved adjustment device reduces downtime and maintenance time, the unique plate fixtures makes board hammer hammer has higher reliability so as to simplify the process and save time and cost. The hydraulic series crusher machine is suitable for industrial sectors such as metallurgy, mining, cement, chemicals, refractory and ceramics, widely used in the field of highway construction, water conservancy projects, building rubble, sand processing mechanisms; It is ideal for coarse crushing, secondary crushing of various soft and medium hard ore; the unique design can be called a great breakthrough in mining machinery field.