Since that we learn that the human look does not withhold the privilege of enxergar the absolute one? or not yet we learn? infindveis perspectives and infinite interpretations if place ahead of us. We would need the look of an earthworm (it assumes that this earthworm believes to enxergar the absolute one) and to compare it ours, to glimpse, still rudemente, the extraordinary and caleidoscpica vision of a species superior, or same of a god? since that this god is not a projection of we ourselves, is clearly. Then, the earthworms are blind, alone distinguish the clarity from the blackout; we, in the perspective of this god, perhaps nor this! All the coloring of the orqudeas and the rainbow, a mosaic of forms when the wind happens on the surface of a lake, the ramifications of a twig until the most tenuous filament of graveto, nuances of the Iris of a child, everything this that the earthworm not enxerga perhaps either only clarity and blackout? or not even this! close to what a god, one superior species or that a extraterrestrial one could enxergar. Still we are earthworms trying to think as deuses, and only a magnificent god, and with an intelligence superior thousand of times ours, it could understand? understands this not as to only have knowledge, to know rationally; but to understand incorporated in the proper intuition to think, as something evident (and already we commit the desecration here excessively to seem cartesian? Saint Deus, you pardon us! )? , that the perspective of the earthworm is so true, for it, how much ours, for us. that the opinions of a philosopher, for more free-thinker who is, will be always loaded of preconceptions, its preconceptions, as well as the opinions of the most empedernido, orthodox sacristo. How many Nietzsches still will die wild therefore? Then, we track down, and only we dig holes, and suddenly a new hole if figures in them as a miraculous discovery of the wisdom, and then we invent deuses and basic, imperative laws, and categories, the equations that must prevail universe, the essence of the things and the things as they must be: the thing in itself.
Tags: philosophy