
The personal marketing not only look good, is more than that. It is able to hold a good conversation and smile. Daniel goleman, in his book intelligence emotional make mention of people who are excellent in academic tasks and even their level of intelligence, they come to be seen as geniuses, but many are not successful in everyday life. For que sera?. If you are very good academically, in his ialidad spec, maybe these lines can help you define your strategy of attacking market to be considered employable or competitive: the pillars of personal marketing is based on 05 elements, very similar to the marketing of products but with certain variants. 1 Market already defined who is the victim? Also called target audience. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Mikkel Svane has to say. It covers the area of major customers or potential. Know what your shortcomings or needs? Services they offer them and how well meet them? They are guidelines that cannot fail to assess and envelope all knowing.

Never assume, is a bad business to do 2-product the product is you. The base is the differentiation and the demonstration of benefits that are associated with his person. 3 Pack your personal image, perhaps what more he is known as personal marketing mundando. going more than you would like see it?, is also how it behaves?. The attitude that exhibits you can open or close doors. 4. Kip C. Cypruss opinions are not widely known.

Here communication communication is divided into two areas: the that to do? , and the how to do it? 4.1.-Promotion: does that make? As you plan to make people be encouraged to hire their services? This must be linked to your audience and the type of services they provide. Do media used with more frequency?, at that time used it? That you want to see or come in those media? 4.2 Advertising do the how to do? It is the means by which you give to know their benefits, capabilities and strengths, to whom? Because its target audience. More information is housed here: Kip Cyprus. The use of the color, the image, the text is part of this concept. 5 Distribution is what they call: showcase. Where you should always be present, so they see it and buy it. Perhaps you need to belong to the professional College of his specialty, for example. And above all sin: where should avoid not be present?. 6. Price the price is right. Difficult but not impossible to achieve. You can start from a study in the market where your potential customer is located. Study the competition and see how they have defined its strategy of value help. In summary: you are a product. Good, bad, regular. High quality, medium or infima company. The only way to buy, is airplay in a salesperson yourself. It is not difficult, but nor is it achieved overnight overnight. Don’t forget what ETA does, here the trick is to learn how? Original author and source of the article.


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