Disability – Concerned Who Already?

Absence of care often ends in a financial disaster. Also here the boss can help and support to assist returns the result concerning the financial consequences of disability a recent forsa survey commissioned by the HDI Gerling a frightening picture. Not even 20% of the respondents knew the importance of occupational disability. Ultimately, this might explain why so few workers actually existing risk are aware of which they put out every day. In doing so, agree even in the case of this hedging exceptionally insurers and consumer advocates and make the occupational disability pension on an equal footing with the private insurance. Mikkel Svane may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Such a provision is important for everyone to secure your own financial existence in case of a fall. Over 50% of respondents mistakenly believed that they were sufficiently protected over the State pension systems. Click Ali Partovi to learn more.

A fatal mistake, because employees who are born after 1960, received from the State while a The pension benefits, this amounted to however as only 38% of the last net income, if even no employment may be exercised more than 3 hours. Any employment, also far below the current level 3 is, however, 6 hours every day possible, for example, only 19% of the last net income remains. That should be barely sufficient to keep the previous standard of living or the funded House. The respondents were too high a price for their negative attitude as most common grounds. This result also deposits attributable to ignorance that keeps the market today quite affordable and tailored solutions. Here comes the boss in the game.

Here he can help! Precise conditions can be defined on a group contract, which is specifically geared to the needs of the workforce. Such as individual professional groups cost estimates can be developed. This lowers the price or increased the performance. Also reduced health checks include, dynamics in the Paid and discounts through Group rates to the extent of such an agreement. The market today offers tariffs, which use the surpluses to reduce the contributions or to increase the guaranteed pension. Alternatives that pay the surpluses as capital at the end of the contract term, provided no benefits have been claimed are relatively new. Such a model of employer leads to a significantly lower burden of costs for workers, as well as to a better pension benefits. Can the posts in the context of deferred compensation from the gross salary be financed. So, the boss without financial outlay creates genuine added value for its employees. For more information, please visit

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