Consultancy Energetics
The main consuming sectors of energy and where measures in the matter of Saving and Efficiency can be realised and be fomented Energetics are: The transport, the most consuming sector of energy in Spain, approaching 40% of the national total and especially the car that represents 15% of total saying approximately, must be harnessed with measures as the labelling to promote the electrical vehicles of low consumption and, to foment the alternatives to the particular car like the public transport, the nonmotorised transport and the diversification in the mobility of people and merchandise, mainly in the transport by highway The buildings, that represent 20% of the needs energetics of Spain and where reductions of one third part of the consumption can be reached stimulating measured to improve the design of the buildings and to foment the installation of more efficient systems of illumination, heating, conditioned air and hot water. The industrial sector, responsible for 30% of the power consumption of our country and where one has demonstrated to the influence in the reduction of power consumptions of the implantation of measures of implemented saving and efficiency in the industrial processes through application of new technologies thanks to the conclusions obtained in the accomplishment of audits energetics. Despite and in spite of the interest of all we have left much to progress and we have before us exciting challenges to which we must give satisfaction during the decade that comes and that we must begin to design right now. These challenges imply by equal parts the administrations, the companies, and professionals, in this urgent necessity because this new tendency energetics can cause in a significant change of our economic and social model. The administrations must stimulate the I+D+i in efficiency energetics, that is an objective value in hiring processes as quality criterion and to drive fiscal measures to stimulate to the companies to be more jeopardizes with Ahorro and the Efficiency Energetics, sensitizing and obtaining the implication of all the social estates. The companies must participate developing initiatives that generate new opportunities of business and use, that influence directly in the reduction of costs within a frame of economic and environmental sustainability. The professionals in saving and efficiency energetics must collaborate with administrations and companies in the creation of a market with quality assurances, stability and independence, fomenting the use of the audit energetics like essential tool to obtain a rigorous knowledge of the power consumptions and being optimized the management of the facilities energetics. Javier Maueco Go’mez-Inguanzo Partner of SinCeO2 Consultancy Energetics Original author and source of the article.
Tags: technology