Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Management Systems Certification

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Certification of management systems – is introduced at the international level a system of comprehensive evaluation of the enterprise. Management Systems Certification consists of three main parts: certification systems quality management, certification of environmental management systems and certification of management in the field of occupational health and safety. Carry out these procedures can be both jointly and severally: none certificate does not require another. However, standards are developed on a uniform basis and promotes the same approach to management. Certification of quality management systems are regulated by iso 9000, environmental management is evaluated in accordance with standards of iso 14000. Of special note is certification of management systems in occupational safety and health – it sets the standard ohsas 18000. Management Systems Certification takes as its basis process approach to management.

This means that the estimated goals and objectives of various activities, the methods of their achievement, the relationship of processes at different levels and stages. Management Systems Certification implies use in the management cycle of PDCA: Plan – Do – Check – Act (Planning – Implementation – Verification – Action). Any event begins with his plan, after the introduction of development should be in life, quality of work and continuous improvement. Management Systems Certification requires the application of this algorithm in any processes in the enterprise. In Russia, the certification of management systems is not mandatory.

However, many companies still undergo this procedure, most often carried out certification of quality management systems. Document of Compliance to this standard enables any company an advantage in the marketplace. Systems Certification quality management makes the company more competitive, gives many opportunities for participation in tenders and receive government contracts. Acquired special significance this procedure in the construction business. In connection with the cancellation of licenses and the need for entry into cpo construction companies require certification of management systems to iso 9000. This document has become a major confirmation of the level of their work.

Activities To Leave Your Routine

Friday, February 4th, 2011

If you find that your life is gray and not very motivating you may be involved in the daily routine and you have not had time to ask yourself what you really want in life. I propose a number of creative solutions to let you explore taking action you’ve never done and that you have not even raised. First of all are fun, you enjoy them: 1.Confessional a list of three vacations you have enjoyed happier than ever. What do they have in common? 2.Queda to eat with a friend you trust but is not one of your close friends or co-worker. For dessert, ask, “If you thought of me doing something to fill me with happiness, how and where do I see?” 3.Inscriber in a course on a topic you think you might be interested but is not related to your work and not know about practically nothing. 4.Habit three people who have triumphed in the field that interests you. 5.Investigate on a topic that interested you Internet 6.Computerate a nice book, sit on a sunny afternoon on the terrace of a cafe. Watch the people passing in the street, in your notebook and write down everything that comes to mind without stopping to think about it.

7.Grab on your mp3 or tape what they think you want and then listen. What do you feel? What do you think? 8.Ojibwa a travel magazine. Choose three images that you like. Cut them out and put them in the kitchen or near your desk.

Engine Optimization

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011

One thing you should always keep in mind about your website is search engine optimization. Internet marketing is an area brutally competitive. You have to stay up to date especially with regard to their knowledge and resources to make your website better than the rest. All other sites are struggling to get your site on top search engines. One thing you should always keep in mind about your website is search engine optimization. Internet marketing is an area brutally competitive. You have to stay current on all their knowledge and resources to make your site better than the rest. All other sites are struggling to get your site on top search engines, and if not do the same, then they could be forgotten.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a technique used by almost all e-commerce sites web. Search engines are used to find sites that consumers need to find the product or information they are seeking. Most search engine users do not go beyond the first page of results. Getting your site to appear on the first page is a great achievement in itself. You will have a much higher chance of getting clicks if your website is placed in the first pages of search engines. If you have more traffic on your site, make more sales.

But you can not be static once they reached the top of the list. Since all the other sites are also working to improve their classification, will be constantly updating its website to maintain or improve their position. So how go about doing this, and why? Well, I'll do it for more profit. SEO will help in generating large amounts of traffic. If your ratio of sales to search engine results is 10% and you get a hundred or more hits a day, you get a pretty good amount of sales. SEO is the use of tools to make your website to reach top positions in the results of certain searches. To achieve this goal, you must put a lot of effort. There are many things you may need to modify or add to achieve a better search engine recognition. Generally, you must purchase large amounts of data regarding key phrases for your site. You should consider changing the content of your site in order to get a good amount of keywords without being too commercial. It is good to work with other sites in order to get link exchanges. The more traffic from other sites, the higher you go back the search engine results. If you have some cash available for increasing traffic to your site, you can pay an agent to do the optimization of your site in search engines. There are many content writers who are very experienced in SEO can create a good balance between keywords and the content of your site. Act now, and immediately see the benefits. The Algorithms search engines are always changing. If your site is in the top one day, might not be so tomorrow. It is good to always pay attention and do your best to keep your site on top, because more traffic means more money.

Newcomers Portal

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

Many artists know the problem: You have put together a band, recorded songs, made a record, but it will be bought by anyone … Why? Because no one knows that this band exists! Here comes a into play. Here, any band to send an application to the NB-editors in order to qualify for the following things ": 1 Each band gets its own page on the user and the other bands, a description, facts, pictures and MP3's of each group can be found for download. 2nd The forum is for any band opened a thread in which all users can discuss the newcomers. Thus, the bands at the same time receive feedback from the people, of whom it matters most: your potential customers / fans 3rd This service is for bands and users completely free and will remain so! Log in to the soloists and groups easily directly to the page in the "Contact", or you send an email with the subject "New Bands Contact" to the address. In addition, Reviews of the NL teams to the latest albums available from the charts. Course can be discussed about this in the forum. Furthermore, the site contains information on upcoming contest and a shop for the full music needs.

Through an RSS feed, as well as a newsletter to stay up-to-date. The whole project went online on 06.01.2007 to beta-base. Which means: You want to check what the response on the Internet for this page. We hope that many bands will use this opportunity and we soon make a large number of newcomers to a broad audience widely available.

Venezuelan Society

Saturday, January 8th, 2011

I could and immediately dressed in civilian clothes, which, coupled with my card teacher, helped me to escape the concentration camps … And World War II broke out. All of a sudden, everything is complicated. My wife pregnant. My parents-Oviedo banished after confiscating their property, “abandoned in Barcelona. Seeing the letter of my father discovered that I had told her days. There was no alternative.

After agonizing weeks in the field of concentration of Deusto, arrived just in time to bury my father, avoiding the common grave, and pick up my mother. “Qualified” pinko “, suffered a bitter internal exile. was devoted to private education, a work of translation Some publishers and literary published articles using pseudonyms. “On January 30, 1949, we had the Granell, I held the” chapels “of logic-book that was my hope to jump to America. Much sooner than expected, just the first of October, I arrived in Madrid a cable from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, spontaneously offering, for reasons his own and without any influence-one teaching position. “Since January 1950 a visiting professor pursues Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the Universidad Central de Venezuela, which would be a full professor.

In 1959 acquired Venezuelan nationality, and in 1964 earned a doctorate in Philosophy with his thesis The human neighborhood. He was cofounder of the Venezuelan Society of Philosophy and director of the Institute of Philosophy Faculty of Humanities, from 1972 until his retirement in 1977. Among the works of the profile of the philosopher Manuel Granell, in addition to the above, include: a woman Philosophical Letters (1946), Aesthetics of Azorin (1949), Ortega and his philosophy (1959), Del think Venezuela (1967) Ethologia yexistencia (1977) and Integral Humanism (1983). As a poet he published two collections of poems, under the pseudonym Manuel Cristobal, Threshold (1941) and Anthology of Silence (1981). And, as the poet and philosopher Oviedo: “The genuine philosopher should not bow to another voice than his pillow.” Francisco Arias Solis Where liberty dwells, there is my homeland. Of Internet Portal for Peace and Freedom and Free Forum.


Friday, December 24th, 2010

The figure of the leader always has been manifested throughout history d according to the roles they play in the political, cultural. Scientific, social within other and each of them have submitted their own attributes, traits that have distinguished themselves, have placed them in a special level for those who have evaluated their work, achievements, impact, scope. Each leader is in line with some common traits as empathy, motivation, persuasion, enthusiasm, perseverance, responsibility, trust, have generated their own attributes that makes them special, and this leads to quines interested in the study of leadership in assessing what the most significant aspects to consider in what makes you recognize a good leader, and other aspects that help to understand.

In this paper we move simply select those notes allow us to understand the dimension of the leader, but we confine especially in the management leadership, so we have selected on the contributions that scholars leadership have bounded through their investigations, respecting the content and sources. For example Carlos Herreros, gives us, which has always been debated whether leaders are born or made, in this respect, evolutionary psychologists us to relate the current characteristics of the leaders to whom they who directed the first “homo sapiens “If leadership is a science or an art, if a leader is or is not different from being a” manager “, a manager, about what are or should be its characteristics, skills and attitudes. Since the mid-90s, is studied and elaborated the “emotional intelligence” of leaders and define its core competencies in terms of precisely Herreros it indicates that despite the confusion that so much information and many points of view , appears to be achieving some consensus on what are some key features of the leaders, we mention some that present summarized below: a) the management and inerting the toxicity produced by all human organization b) b) reveal their weaknesses.

President Rafael Correa

Monday, December 20th, 2010

(FTAA) should not be forgotten, as has been published on several occasions, that the nation South America had so far participated as an observer of the Bolivarian forum, which includes Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominica, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Antigua and Barbuda. The formalization of their change of status occurs at an extraordinary summit taking place in Venezuela, which marks the 188th anniversary of the Battle of Carabobo, which sealed the independence of this country from the Spanish crown. Venezuelan official spokesmen have described the addition of Ecuador as “historic”, while President Rafael Correa highlighted the political importance of the ALBA. bbc. co., in this context indicates that “with the ALBA is being developed an integration scheme which will enhance the comparative advantages of member countries,”

according to Falconi Fander l Ecuadorian foreign minister, who said that the income will give Ecuador “complementarity new options in energy, trade, finance, health cooperation and technology.” Some analysts Ecuadoreans, the numbers do not support this view of material gain through ALBA. A recent article in El Comercio noted, moreover, that the economies of all members of the ALBA added (again not including the main promoter) did not reach the key nations on the continent, as Mexico or Argentina. To this must be added a very relevant as it highlights some critics: that the trade between Ecuador and members of the Alternative with the exception of Venezuela, is “emerging”, ie comparatively small. Do not forget according to Professor of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Teodoro Bustamante, countries that make up the mechanism “are economically similar, hence little complementary.” That is, produce more or less the same and therefore have little to be bought and sold each other.

Surviving 2012

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

With so much concern about climate change, world wars and a possible apocalypse, 2012 has gone unnoticed on our radar. However, many believe that all these things are connected, and that on 21 December 2012 will be the day that everything will come to its peak, resulting in an eruption of cataclysmic events that will destroy our way of life and possibly lead to a mass extinction. For those who are closely following the year 2012, and even for those who believe that whatever happens, not because of the date, the issue of survival is important and urgent. Is there a way for people to prepare for the future? Is there anything I can do to survive the apocalypse of 2012, whether caused by a planet passing (Nibiru, Eris, or Planet X), the gravitational field, climate change induced by man, or a solar maximum causes geomagnetic investment? We have seen, only in recent years, the world is not ready for many natural disasters: Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Ike, the earthquake in Sumatra that triggered a tsunami, floods and tornadoes unprecedented eruption of Tambora volcano, the earthquake in Haiti. All these natural disasters that happened was devastating. The panic caused all the chaos and crisis, caused by the loss of many lives. Imagine what would be in 2012 if all these things begin to happen one after the other … or all at once.

Imagine if our power grids are silenced forever. How many people in industrialized countries would be able to survive without someone to give them control of temperature, hot or cold water, drinking water, waste water management, food stores? Or, if our roads and bridges are destroyed? If buildings are imploded and left in ruins? The vision of an apocalyptic future is frightening, beyond this world is not ready. Even if people are safe in 2012, they will feel the consequences of the disaster. Financial markets will crash, resources will become scarce, anarchy will become commonplace, and wars erupt. Whether you are in the center of the storm or not, all will be adversely affected by natural disasters worldwide. It is clear that survival in 2012 will not be easy … And it may be impossible for many. The government has established a system limited only to human survival.

There is even talk of underground and submarine operations, which may contain large numbers of people in order to preserve the species, but not enough to house the world’s population. At least, the government and the military will be in these places, as well as a number of scientists, physicians and other caregivers. The elect can not bring their families, the government will take only individuals as necessary. However, the average man on the street is likely to be limited by your own defenses, the lack of technology for survival. I know this sounds like a fantasy straight out of a movie, but it would be really unwise on our part to take something as important as surviving the 2012 lightly. What can we start doing? Let’s start by informing! For more information visit

Future Of Online Marketing – Search Engine Optimization

Friday, November 19th, 2010

It appears that the trend is predicted relative to something very simple, just check where you are going a leader in the field, in the case is sometimes grow by leaps inciertos.En United States and Israel SEO is an already known and used gun to position e-commerce sites, used for more than eight years. Now there is even strong competition between a site expert to position above others. As these countries with large export of technology we make the next step all demas.El case of Mexico is unique, because apart from the slow growth of the industry, we also distrust by the site owners or webmaster, as the case of an seo expert who provides a good service, will know that it works only with an address for each country and within the same site does not reaches the top in different countries.The companies do not usually pay without seeing results or guarantees, and wish they could get better returns and benefits of positioning.

But what can be done? to trust this medium reached be so useful and helped as it is today in North America. The major sites in spite of being in Latin America know this and are beginning to buy domains for each country and invest in the special creation of a site for each country to shape and use of language suitable for this. It’s just a matter of time, perhaps if, a few years, until it comes to driving and talking as much of the rest of the world where technology has already been done absolutely essential and where there are multimillion dollar businesses that started from zero only with a website to sell products, such as e bay.El amazon web positioning is an excellent tool that we should not belittle and why it’s worth staying informed or even hire placement and maintenance fees for our website.

Social Research

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

An indirect way of knowing how many there are is based on Social Security contributions. For example in 1997 there were about 211,000 businesses. 78% of which were micro enterprises, 14% and the rest small medium or large. A typical small industrial enterprises have fewer than 10 workers and an equal number of employees, and is managed by two or three owners, most with secondary or higher education. It does not use unpaid family workers. Half have one or two managers, on the other half, the owner is the sole manager 60% have more than ten years of operation. 17% between six and ten years, and another 17% fewer than six. Weaknesses There is a lack of staff qualified and strategic vision based on knowledge of what is happening in your environment, be a serious obstacle in their development, requiring urgent to improve the management of the business to strengthen its strategic vision in the face of national problems, the Opening Toward Socialism Globalization. There is a lack of qualified management, supported formal knowledge that fosters management science, seriously affecting its jurisdiction, the proper use of their resources, and know the challenges and bring about the changes, changes necessary to ensure productivity and competition.

Another major weakness in exports because they have few limitations organizational, financial and technical, poor knowledge of foreign markets and distribution channels, inability to hire staff specializing in international trade, lack of international agreements, low volume and low variety products, and insufficient financial resources. Remarkably, the export consortia, the most widely used organizational response by SMEs, especially those in Europe, to tackle these barriers are ‘undeveloped in the country. There is only one example of industry consortium formed in May 1999 in the state of Carabobo under the patronage of the government and technical advice from the Institute for Social Research, Economic and Technology of Venezuela (INSOTEV) In the case of manufacturing enterprises the difference between Venezuela and other countries is greater: Venezuela manufacturing firms has barely 0.35 per thousand inhabitants, while Colombia, four times this figure and Germany and Japan have the world’s highest rates 8.2 and 6.2 below in relation. These figures should not miss the almost continuous decline in private investment since 1978 leaves no doubt that the dismantling of Venezuela’s productive apparatus.

It is disturbing that any sector of the Venezuelan company works to 100% capacity, it is presumed that this is due mainly to falling demand, which significantly affect the level of domestic production. Definitely to meet the requirements of the new model of industrialization, modern SMEs increasingly need qualified staff and managers willing to compete with global markets. This leaves little room for traditional SMEs, which produces goods or services of poor quality, as technological innovation is scarce or absent and their managers are reluctant to integrate (horizontally or vertically? With other companies. It is known that a minority of the Venezuelan SMEs use advanced technology, bases its competitiveness in quality of designs, production flexibility and timeliness of deliveries and exports directly or as suppliers of intermediate products for large companies that export. Small businesses would not normally know the status of their companies because their planning and control systems are little developed. Also another great weakness is its marketing. The employer responsible for a small business who want to know where they are, who are the customers and why buy. SMEs do not have in most cases, strategies, financial planning or tax and administration systems are weak, which hurts and affects the bank credit.