Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Natural Bricks

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Housing fireplace often spread of a refractory or high-quality red bricks. Housing fireplace is constructed of refractory bricks or red bricks of high quality – in this case, the firebox is better oblitsevat firebrick. Masonry walls shall have a thickness of not less than a half-brick. For building housing the fireplace, you can also use ceramic blocks, heat-resistant concrete or natural stone (except limestone and silica), depending on the the interior of your home, usually under fire adaptable interior room. "Facade" you can just plaster the fireplace or oblitsevat valuable varieties of stone. For building housing the fireplace, you can also use the natural stone (except limestone and silica), ceramic blocks, refractory concrete.

The surface of the shell veneer valuable species of artificial stone or plaster. You will also need to build the firebox. Its depth recommended to take about 0.5 m. At greater depths weakened the power of thermal radiation, at least – may get the smoke into the room. To achieve a better heat radiation top of the back wall of the spread of some tilt forward and the side walls – with an extension towards the hole. The walls of his most often spread from fireclay refractory bricks, the efficiency of the fireplace is 17%. Factor efficiency can be increased if the rear wall of the firebox oblitsevat sheet steel or cast-iron stove. Firebox floor to the most frequently used flame-retardant material – granite, brick, concrete.

To collect the ash and charcoal provide podzolnik, located under the firebox. Between the firebox and podzolnikom fit cast-iron grate. Basket made of steel with 10 .. 15 mm or section 10 … 10 … 15 x 15 mm. Elements of the basket have a 15 .. 20 mm.

Whitewashed Ceilings

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

However, if the ceiling was originally whitewashed, will have to clear it from the whitewash, which requires a lot of time. One has only to pay close attention to use glue. Although, in theory, you can use almost any of his views, ranging from pva, better yet, choose Special recommended by the manufacturer of. However, this solution still is an intermediate option. Tile is not too strong and after a couple of years may begin to fall off.

A good solution to the problem of office "Sky" are suspended ceilings (eg, Extenzo). This is a fairly simple design, consisting of a special cage (baguette) and a thin vinyl film. However, the apparent simplicity hides the-art technology and materials – in fact a very durable material not only withstands up to 10 liters of water per square meter of surface (a problem of leakage is solved!), but also very aesthetic look. During the installation of stretch ceiling specialists with special heat guns heat the vinyl sheet and fill with it in prints. As the cooling of the material shrinks, pulling and forming a perfectly flat surface.

If necessary, such a ceiling can be installed special lamps. The whole operation, not counting measurement and manufacturing takes several hours. Manufacturers guarantee the reliability of structural components and joints for 10 years. There was widespread and suspended ceilings. According to experts, their considerable advantage – system solutions: modules, which include supporting structures and panels, can solve a lot of office problems, from lighting and finishing deployment of communications.

Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

As long as each infected user send in half the mail more than one sensitive user (i.e., the reproductive rate Basic is greater than one), the performance standards in epidemiology imply that the number of infected users will grow according to a logistic curve. Adds Wikipedia, that if each user sends mail to more than one sensitive user then in theory the campaign will last forever, or at least until all sensitive users have received the message. Even if the message is not sent as frequently, will continue being sent many more times than it was initially. For example, consider a campaign that begins by sending a message to 100 users. Not all of them forwarded the original message, but some of them may do so. This some can be tested by market research; Let’s say he turns out to be an 80%, and each of these forwarded it to just a friend specifically indicates the Wikipedia Encyclopedia, viral marketing or viral advertising are terms used to refer to marketing techniques that seek to exploit pre-existing social networks to produce increases exponential knowledge of brand (Brand Awareness) through self-replicating viral processes similar to the spread of a computer virus.

Are typically based on word of mouth through electronic means; use the effect of social network created by Internet and modern mobile telephony services to reach a lot of people quickly. The term viral marketing is also used to describe campaigns of undercover marketing based on the Internet, including the use of blogs, sites apparently amateurs, and other forms of astroturfing designed to create Word of mouth for a new product or service. The goal of viral marketing campaigns is often generate media coverage through unusual stories, by a value much higher than the budget for advertising of the advertising company. He insists to point out, that viral advertising refers to the idea that people will pass and share fun and interesting content.


Monday, January 21st, 2013

He is perhaps for many strangest of the types of conduct, because it would seem in first plane that is not member of the group. Nevertheless, they exist although the minimum motivations cannot notice always to belong to the group, although their attitude is the one of a remarkable indifference to which the others do like group. Usually they are less numerous than the types mass but for that reason one is not due to leave effort to incorporate them. Many can be the reasons take that it to that attitude reason why it is required of an approach of the leader and, with much understanding, look for strategies to stimulate their action and its participation. the discordant type. The leader must be kind to the appearance of this type of conducts, because its presence can become not only inconvenience factor during the meeting, but outside control it can get to cause dissolution of the group. This discordant type sometimes does not have more solution than the one of being eliminated of the group, although this can be a complex task according to the conditions in which it appears.

Generally, the attitudes characterize that it are the negative, systematic and a priori critic, loaded of touching reactions and expressions until cynical. Basic premises to direct meetings Having bring back to consciousness of which the general characteristics of the groups and of their members seen like individuals, are part of the factors critics to ensure the success any meeting, can be affirmed that the work of the leader in the diverse encounter of the group is not the one of simple witness who indicates to the errors and successes of each member and the colectivity. On the contrary protagonist must feel with one more a mission, as much by her roll of moderator of relations and reactions like by her stimulating roll of of feelings and encauzador of attitudes.


Friday, January 11th, 2013

I introduce then the echo notion? the distorted repetition of the sound, whose origin is doubtful? as one it saw to understand as history operates in the construction of the identity. Identity as continuity, coherence, historical phenomenon is a fancy that erases the divisions and discontinuities, eliminates the differences that separate the citizens in the time. The echo of the one brightness to the fancy, remembering to us that the identity is constructed, in relations distorted complex and. The identification (that it produces identity) operates as echo of a fancy, bringing up to date in the time and through generations, the process that forms individuals as actors social politicians and ' '. The author uses the term fancy and echo as a metaphor, and in this citation above if she can see that to deal with History, these new incorporated terms to the tools that we historians can use, she serves so that let us can see that the fancy to the times is distorted by the echo, and that nor always one ' ' boa' ' fancy has echo, however echoes and reverberaes have distorted many practical and speeches that could produce the difference.

We must remembering in them that the identities operate as an echo of a fancy and that the echo is the imperfect return of the sound. These resonances or echoes (distorted sounds) act directly in the constructions of the identity of the woman. We must lead in account that the task of the studies feminists is exactly to identify and to dislocate the production of these apparatuses that act in the constructions cultural that they produce the fixed differences, women as being the other, identities and regimes of truth sexual. A consensus enters all the authors mentioned here is the aversion to the identity and ' ' to buscas' ' of the absolute truth. Durval Muniz, as ferrenho ' ' destruidor' ' of identities in it will show the evil to them that this will cause the humanity, in the construction of fixed places where some citizens if refuse to occupy.


Friday, December 28th, 2012

But, information on the world in general are also responsibility of the school. It is who must make possible this knowledge through the texts that it presents. Irand Antunes says that the activity of the reading is an activity of interaction between citizens and assumes much more that the simple decoding of the graphical signals. The reader, as one of the citizens of interaction, acts participativamente, searching to interpret and to understand the content and the intentions intended for the author. (2003, pg.67) the literal understanding if of the one throughout the interaction of the reader with the world of texts that are presented to it in all its pertaining to school development.

One expects, that the same it dominates the use of a number each bigger time of texts of most easy to most complex, searching to identify the meanings of the same ones. For this, Celso Antunes (2002, p.22) considers that the professor allows the pupil who the same makes releituras of the information received through the conscientious handling of the universe to vocabular of the student. Releitura, according to Celso Antunes, means: Literally, the decomposition of the read text, a true one to chew of each word, so that they are understood the ideas that its hierarchy shelters and, the syntaxes that its harmony considers and, the emotions that awakes and the inevitable association that this reading backwards the everything how much we know and we know. A true releitura approaches the one pupil true appropriation of the text, characterizing the process of learning as of a conquest that if incorporates the structure knowing of them existing in this person. (2002, p.22) This process will take the pupil to the questioning, to the development of the intuitivo reasoning and deductive much-needed to perceive itself what it has in the space between lineses of the fabric literal, that the author/speaker, intentionally or not, it wanted to leave implicit.


Monday, December 24th, 2012

Since that we learn that the human look does not withhold the privilege of enxergar the absolute one? or not yet we learn? infindveis perspectives and infinite interpretations if place ahead of us. We would need the look of an earthworm (it assumes that this earthworm believes to enxergar the absolute one) and to compare it ours, to glimpse, still rudemente, the extraordinary and caleidoscpica vision of a species superior, or same of a god? since that this god is not a projection of we ourselves, is clearly. Then, the earthworms are blind, alone distinguish the clarity from the blackout; we, in the perspective of this god, perhaps nor this! All the coloring of the orqudeas and the rainbow, a mosaic of forms when the wind happens on the surface of a lake, the ramifications of a twig until the most tenuous filament of graveto, nuances of the Iris of a child, everything this that the earthworm not enxerga perhaps either only clarity and blackout? or not even this! close to what a god, one superior species or that a extraterrestrial one could enxergar. Still we are earthworms trying to think as deuses, and only a magnificent god, and with an intelligence superior thousand of times ours, it could understand? understands this not as to only have knowledge, to know rationally; but to understand incorporated in the proper intuition to think, as something evident (and already we commit the desecration here excessively to seem cartesian? Saint Deus, you pardon us! )? , that the perspective of the earthworm is so true, for it, how much ours, for us. that the opinions of a philosopher, for more free-thinker who is, will be always loaded of preconceptions, its preconceptions, as well as the opinions of the most empedernido, orthodox sacristo. How many Nietzsches still will die wild therefore? Then, we track down, and only we dig holes, and suddenly a new hole if figures in them as a miraculous discovery of the wisdom, and then we invent deuses and basic, imperative laws, and categories, the equations that must prevail universe, the essence of the things and the things as they must be: the thing in itself.

Metric Rhythm

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

Paralelismo that most is called of gradual parallelism, in which the second line complements the first one, offering to both a complete thought. Where it wants that let us find parallelism synthetic, the second line must continue the same idea of the first one, expanding it. (Tehilim/Salmos 1:1) 1 Therefore will be as the tree planted next to ribeiros of waters, 2 which of the o its fruit in its time; 3 its leves will not fall, 4 and everything how much to make will prosper. (Tehilim/Salmos 1:3) inverse 6.5.Paralelismo = this is a parallelism form where the phrases are arranged quiasticamente.

climatic 6.6.Paralelismo/Escalvel: climatic parallelism, or escalvel, is a source of synthetic parallelism, also incorporating the idea of synonymous parallelism. In it, the second phrase repeats a concept of the first one, however with an extension of its direction, giving it a species of climax. 1 Therefore here it is that your enemies, YHWH, 1+ here it is that your enemies will perish; 2 will be dispersed all the ones that practise the iniquity. (Tehilim/Salmos 92:9) 1 the rivers raises, YHWH, 1+> (Tehilim/Salmos 93:3) Tributai the YHWH, children of the powerful ones, You tax the YHWH glory and force. (Tehilim/Salmos 29:1) 6.7.Quiasmo: Thus called for its structural similarity with the letter qui the Greek, and also known as inverse parallelism, is about a poetical structure where parallelism appears espelhado (for example: 1,2,3,4,3,2,1). Normally, quiasmo is only one structure of construction of the phrases, which can become related for parallelism synonymous, antithetic, or synthetic.

Europe Tour

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

The Australian, winner of Tour 2011. One has transformed years in the last to break his fame of segundn. " He will not stop until the Tour&quot obtains; , he assured his father recently. To the 8 years, an accident was on the verge of leaving him invalid. To its 34 years, Cadel Evans has meant in this Tour that has gained everything a sign of the obstinacy of a cycling singular, cold, calculating and obstinate, that has transformed years in the last to break its fame of segundn. " It will not stop until &quot obtains the Tour; , it recently assured his father in an interview in which he defined to his piston rod like an obstinate obsessive sportsman in the preparation of his objectives. Evans fulfills no of the topics of the cycling, neither in his form to run nor in the life.

The first Australian in gaining the Tour comes from another world, of a hemisphere where the cycling does not have as much predicament as in Europe. One formed in the mountain bicycle. He is methodical and timid, he hates the centers of the mediatic circus, as soon as he grants interviews and he rejects all the benefits of the fame. dit-to-drive-returns%E2%80%9D/’>James Dondero. It prefers the retirement of silence, the classic music that listens next to its wife, Italian professor of piano, or the reading of cmic of his loved Tintin. The Australian has completed a perfect, faithful Tour to his condition of methodical computer, that has dominated in all the lands. He controlled the mountain, yielding an acceptable time, to strike the definitive blow in the last race against the clock, that was preparation with the precision of a surgeon. He crossed three weeks before the Dauphin, that imitated the same route, and wrote down precisions of each section, almost of each curve. In that one test he disputed more to it like a preparation than with the purpose of to gain it and later he returned to recognize it once again.

Educational Qualification

Monday, November 19th, 2012

The participation in projects to lower the inequality and the low educative quality the atmosphere design and models educative of education learning the development of programs for the Formation educational the design of education programs learning in virtual surroundings and multimedia In Teaching in Educative Institutions; in Qualification in Departments of qualification of any Organization; in Educative Administration in External Consultancy; in Educative technology in Independent organizations of support to the communitarian educative processes. The withdrawn ones of the Degree in Pedagogy can evolve in the own activities of the educator in their spaces of professional action, to the integral being of the human equipment of an educative institution of any educative or enterprise level in the departments of: Planning, Evaluation, Educational Qualification and of Academic Formation, Clinics or Cultural Institutions of Special Education, Centers and of Recreation, Educative Research centers, Psychopedagogical Offices of Consultant’s office, Centers and Departments of Vocational and Professional Direction, among others In basic education; the basic education includes/understands, primary education and secondary education, that is basically the action land, not discarding that could work in a preparatory one or in a baccalaureate. Conclusion the different professions that are related to the education, are very important and criterion no would have to be independent, in the first place because although each has perhaps different battle areas, all finally they are related to the human being and are worried to give a better growth of the individuals in our society as far as the educative field it refers, all has aspects that are very interesting, each account with a specific profile what the difference in its object of study and its battle area marks, which if it seems to me until certain very ethical point, important and that in our days is ignored, is what each profesionista only evolves in their area and in its area, Because how psicopedagogo can contribute to the 100% in the area of educative psychology when it does not have all the laid the foundations knowledge good? , finally him rest importance to any, nor I will not find pros or cons either, because all is very valuable. Original author and source of the article.