Archive for the ‘General’ Category

International Conference

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

Moreover, in the early stages the most promising application of a 40% solution as an additive in polystyrene mixture in an amount up to 2% by weight of polystyrene, thus achieving a reduction in consumption of liquid glass in 2 times, increase the strength of the mixture in dried state at 8-10. But in this case we find that the positive effect that These mixtures are legkovybivaemymi, upon heating above 300 C, they can easily spill out of the cavities of the casting, sand cores made. Thus, by adjusting in the range of 1-2% of this additive, engineer-founder gets gamut legkovybivaemyh mixtures for various conditions of casting (mass casting a rod, a kind of alloy), the competitive strength of resin. A design for recycling polystyrene foam technology by dissolving the gum in turpentine obtained data show a very wonderful opportunity to compaction. According to the table in one unit (46 cm3) of 40% solution is placed 19.14 volume units (880.5 cm3) of waste polystyrene foam, and with respect to source 30 cm3 of solvent that the volume of waste more time in 29.35. Questions or References 1.

O. Shinskij, V. Doroshenko, A. Striuczenko, J. Ladarieva. Recykling polistyrenu piankowego / / Recykling. (Miesiecznik ogolnopolski. Poznan) – 2008 .- 1 – P.28-29 2.

IV International Conference "Replast 2007. Recycling of plastics. " Moscow. 3. Bedrik BG, Chulov PV, Kalashnikov, SI Solvents and cleaning compounds for machinery: A Handbook. – Moscow: Khimiya, 1989.-176 with. 4. Shinsky O.Y., Terlkovsky .V., Stryuchenko AA, that n. Dekle. U.S. Pat. Ukraine 9003 vd 15.09.2005. Zastosuvannya gum turpentine for yak rozchinnika vdhodv pnopolstirolu. Bull. 9. 5. Shinsky O.Y., Naydek VL Stryuchenko AA, that n. U.S. Pat. Ukraine 77 338. Polstirolne zv'yazuyuche for vigotovlennya livarnih forms that sterzhnv – publ. 15.11.2006, Bull. 11. 6. Shinsky OI Doroshenko, VS, AA Stryuchenko Sand mixture, based on polystyrene for molds and cores with higher crude compressive strength. Casting the 2008 Abstracts. Reports .- K. editors of "casting process", 2008. – S.193 – 194.

Upper Concrete

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

If you are using a combination of two or more lower the flag, they are placed with an overlap on one another for at least 3 cm Upper panel should overlap the lower 10-15 cm docking installable with the band already hardened concrete upper cloth is placed on it, with an overlap of at least 20 cm from the joint. Evacuation is carried out at the dilution of 0.07-0.08 MPa. The duration of vacuum set at the rate of 1-1.5 min to 1 cm thick concrete layer. With less dilution of the specification, but not less than 0.06 MPa, the duration of evacuation increases in inverse proportion to the fall depression. Stop in the absence of vacuum movement of water through the transparent section of the pipeline and achieving concrete mixture density at which the surface is weak footprint of man. At the end of the process of evacuating the upper edge of the cloth roll so that the bottom could be seen filtering cloth, and then disconnect the vacuum unit and suction mat is removed.

Evacuating the concrete, you can immediately make reparation for the surface, which carried out in two stages. Primary processing is carried out smoothing machines SB-170, equipped with a disk. Secondary treatment produced 3-5 h after the primary the same machine, equipped with blades (disc removed). At Smoothing the surface move on already hardened concrete. If the area is laid concrete can not do that, then smoothing produce "back" while moving around the otvakuumirovannomu concrete. Concrete coatings must harden in wet conditions. To do this, they go to sleep with wet sawdust or cover with wet burlap or woven mats. A layer of wood shavings, mats or burlap kept wet for 7-10 days from the beginning their installation. The intensity of the wet set depending on local conditions of humidity and air temperature, but in all cases, even partial drying of the coating during this period are not allowed. Watering concrete water surfaces not covered with sawdust, mats, burlap, is not effective, as water flows down and accumulates in low areas, creating not equivalent conditions of concrete hardening, which leads to the formation of cracks in the coating

Long Tails on the Internet

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

These products are known as products that are at the end of the tail or the Long Tail products. Suppose we have a video club that is comprised of a catalog of 5,000 films that correspond to 1000 different titles. If we see daily sales statistics we find that in 100 films sold to date, some 50 members of the 10 titles superestreno and 50 other members of about 40 titles that are documentaries, classics, independent films, ie not as well known titles. The Long Tail invites us to identify those 40 rare titles that originated the other half of sales. The Long Tail in e-commerce e-commerce portal Amazon gets 50% of their income from book sales from titles that are not the usual blockbuster. Why people buy on Amazon? Is it because they can get some titles of books in any bookstore in the street are not available.

Another good reason to buy on Amazon is their competitive prices direct result of its low cost of storage. This cost reduction is possible only through its Internet business model based on the Long Tail. Internet has enabled many companies realize the benefits of the Long Tail. The first requirement for applying this theory is based on the creation of a wide range of products. To get rare products we have many stock. For a retail store having a wide range of products is synonymous with higher costs of storage. For a Web site storage costs rarely grow in large proportions with increasing stock of products.

Massachusetts Institute

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

Some engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT) have successfully created a sophisticated and economical method to convert ordinary glass into a solar concentrator technology. The technology relies on glass Windows, applies to which a coating as a paint or varnish, that collects and directs the photons that would be lost if this surface is a conventional solar panel. In addition, could allow in the future that an office building obtain energy through its tinted Windows, in addition to using your roof. This technology can be very practical to reduce the cost of solar energy. Marc Baldo, Michael Currie, Jon Mapel, Timothy Heidel and Shalom Goffri covered glass panels with layers of two or more light sensors dyes. The dyes absorbed the incoming light and reemitieron energy inwards of the glass, which served to drive the light towards the solar cells along the edges of the panels. Dyes may vary from which appear in bright colours to chemical compounds that you are very transparent to visible light.


Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

There are different crops that can be used to develop silages, as well as by-products of fish and other animals making it possible to make efficient use of the production, we then relate a number of examples of this, with its technology for silage. Types of silages. Sugarcane silage: bud and harvest residues can be used. The cane is a type of farming that has advantages over others since this can remain in the field until you need without losing its nutritional value. According to Necenen 1990, world production of buds of sugarcane is estimated at 60 million t year, of which only 15% is used in animal feed systems, so it is easy to deduce that still is not given the proper use to this so useful by-product, due to the additional cost of storage, which is avoided if this Bud is used for the elaboration of silages. Technology: Chopped particles size cannot be greater than 20 – 30 mm on average.

During or after this tamping it should raise the temperature of 45 C. As additive you should be applied by each 0.002 Kg of chopped sugarcane a mixture composed by urea(0.00098%), salt mineral(0.00044%), sodio(0.00014% sulfate) and Zeolita(0.00044%), spread it evenly over layers of cane ground not greater than 10 cm thick. Fish silage: the edible fish yield is only 40%, so per T of fish 0.6T are obtained to be used as animal feed 4. Technology: you can use waste sliced or mashed before adding organic acids and minerals can also be mixed with carbohydrates like Yucca, sweet potato, honey, where the presence of acids from fermentation of carbohydrates reduces the pH thus achieving inhibit the development of microbes 5. Silage acid. Silage of Pope. Corn silage: the procedure is very similar to the cane but with the only difference is that the time of exposure to the Sun should be greater when he joins a legume.

North American

Thursday, January 16th, 2014

Carl Sagan was one of the most famous and recognized North American artonomos, his books and theories in particular his book Cosmos would be translated and interpreted in many languages Grancia in all their successful approaches on important topics like the origin of life on our planet, the creation of the universe and extraterrestrial life. This great scientist, who felleciera in 1996 at age 62, always had very much in mind the importance of ethics in their work that is why all their approaches and theories should be based on a total and complete objectivity. According to this always was a supporter of concepts such as the formation and origin of life on Earth is completely linked with extraterrestrial life. This emphasizes that life will always have a corelacion inside the planet and beyond since its origin and formation depends on the sum of the same organic molecules. Moreover, Sagan theorizes about extraterrestrial life drawing on knowledge of life on Earth, its origins and subsequent evolution, to suggest that the substance of life is everywhere, and therefore, any life outside our planet could follow a process similar to ours. The greatest test of his theories about the origin of life on the planet are based that they go beyond the theory of Abiogenesis, refer to a test very specific of the evolution of life from organic molecules is the existence of Europe one of the moons of Jupiter, and Titan the largest satellite of Saturn where easily oceans of what can be very possibly could to be water. Today this theory is very accepted in the average scientific and astronomical, similarly with the evolution of technology aero space it has been shown the veracity of the deSagan approach by which his theory about the origin of life here and there outside is by no means outrageous, is more fairly resembles the natural and evolutionary facts that are really very significant at the time of talk about this complex subject. Always let the concrete plateamiento the origin of life on Earth and beyond is due to a fact known as cosmic inevitability in which the process of evolution and transformation at the molecular level is an inevitable fact, a consequence of the action reaction resulting in the emergence of microscopic life, which subsequently and with much patience will evolve to conceive what today we can see and touch.

Ltd Market

Friday, January 10th, 2014

Impact Crusher enrolls gravel aggregate market Recently, Zhengzhou Hongxing mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. introduces the new hydraulics crusher, it helps Hongxing freer the transformation from Made in China to Created in China! In order to better serve our customers and meet market demand, Zhengzhou Hongxing Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. joint with the German company to share the world s most advanced manufacturing technology, combining with China s domestic market demand and technology trends, Hongxing digests and absorbs the original impact crusher machines technical, recently introduce hydraulic series impact crusher, significant savings for the mining investment cost. Crusher has a longer history, compared with the traditional hammer crusher, they are similar in working principle, however, different in the structure and the process. In order to expand the market demand, Zhengzhou hongxing mechanical equipment Co., Ltd. enters the sand and gravel aggregate equipment market at home and abroad, on the basis of the original impact crusher and gravel aggregate crushing principle, it produces new hydraulic impact crusher series, which uses world-class manufacturing processes, selects the most high-end production materials, has heavy rotor design, as well as strict means testing, ensuring stablity and reliability, ensuring the quality of the rotor. Improved adjustment device reduces downtime and maintenance time, the unique plate fixtures makes board hammer hammer has higher reliability so as to simplify the process and save time and cost. The hydraulic series crusher machine is suitable for industrial sectors such as metallurgy, mining, cement, chemicals, refractory and ceramics, widely used in the field of highway construction, water conservancy projects, building rubble, sand processing mechanisms; It is ideal for coarse crushing, secondary crushing of various soft and medium hard ore; the unique design can be called a great breakthrough in mining machinery field.

Secretariat Business

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

If you do not pay attention to these terms very likely to not pass the filter of the Secretariat. 8 Negotiations. Negotiating is an authentic art where the preparation and technique play a fundamental role, but without a good public speaking and the ability to sell your arguments to the other party lose all their value. 9. Presence in the media. Imagine that, as one of your public relations elements, you have to give an interview to a radio station.

You imagine what would be the? effect for your business if you are not convincing enough to the ears of those who listen? 10 Conferences. They are perfect opportunities to sell your business and sell you. Accepts all invitations that you receive and prepares with dedication the topic of which they speak. If you do it with brilliance, you’ll be planting a great crop of future customers. 11. Training.

The only way to make all those who attend your training session (nature that are) come out with clear concepts happens because you organize your presentation in a didactic way, incorpores activities and use different techniques (presentation oral, visual and physical work). 12 Rounds of funding. Here jokes are not. You have a need for funding. Your interlocutor has the money and is only willing to give it to you if you are able to convince him, with a winning presentation, that your business is the best place to deposit your money. 13 Teleconferences. Take advantage of the opportunities it offers us the technology and using this formula for keeping in touch with your clients or trying to attract new customers offering them teleconferences in group with attractive themes and captivating exhibitions. The possibilities are many and varied, but all offer an opportunity to put into practice your public speaking and get the benefits of a good presentation. Work them as they deserve, think about your audience, technique applied, put so much passion and energy as you are able and get ready to win. The word is a very powerful tool. Use it as you have and get that you want!

Virtual Dub

Sunday, December 15th, 2013

Creators 3D if experts are right, the 3D has come to cinema to stay, increasingly more rooms are the trained for this type of projections and the number of spectators interested in digital cinema grows daily. Those who want to delve into this new world can make their first steps with the program Virtual Dub and 3D Journal. To do this they must make two recordings of the same image taken from different angles and then use some of these programs to the final realization. But to succeed in this emerging niche employment is necessary to attend educational institutions specializing in 3D animation. Programs like 3D Studio Max, Byrce (used for recreation dreamscapes in 3D), facial Studio (applied to human faces), among others, require excellent technical and methodical knowledge. In Spain there 3D specialized centers where young talents dormant waiting his chance, some of his creations are in view of the general public on the Internet, is worth a look to some of them.

Draws attention to two made in Spain, the success of output to bag of Pocoyo, through alternative stock market, and the projection of Planet 51, this film produced entirely in Spain has had an international marketing. Both one and another are two clear examples of the birth of a new economy model based on creative talent and technology. Spanish creativity has first conquered the textile industry with Inditex (ZARA), we will be able to reach so high in digital creativity? Talent there, now makes lack support it…

In United States

Monday, December 9th, 2013

This market is dead, but we refuse to bury him, because it is what we do. Mass marketing continues and will continue forever. But the difference will be marked by the individualization of the relationship with customers. Today’s niche is the individual. To do so we must implement strategies of relationship marketing, which is now within the reach of any company large or medium-sized, even small, thanks to the new technologies of information, efficiently and intelligently managing the databases of customers, from a system of interactive contact. In other words, from a modern Contact Center or contact center. Why if it lacks Call center, the client will be exposed to widespread treatment. Save in the exceptional case that the officer on duty, identify, learn, recognize, differentiate and interact intelligently, the relationship will be impersonal.

A contact center doesn’t have to be a large Department with hundreds of booths, or a costly outsourcing. In fact if your database to work is small, the exclusive dedication of a single person, supported by integrated, and possibly with a simple excel sheet with a computer and a telephone will suffice. The important thing in this case is the strategy. Before technology strategy. Now that if your database is several hundreds or thousands of records and clients at the same time have different options and do multiple transactions in periods relatively short, since it must rely on multiple tools to the modern Call and Contact centers offer today. Apply the CRM and one-to-one marketing strategies, is an obligation of every company that wants to survive in today’s competitive market.

Increasingly clients are more demanding and want to be served in a timely, agile, personalized and intelligent. This may be the reason why the contact center industry has developed in a vertiginous way. 72% Of American companies use the system either internal or via outsourcing.