Archive for the ‘General’ Category


Friday, November 10th, 2017

All we know that the efficient spreading of a business, either it virtual physicist or, is the great tool of leverage of the profits. Any that is the product or offered service necessary to be ' ' notado' ' for the customers and potentials customers also. Based in these basic principles of marketing he is that he comes to tona a great problem: ' ' where to divulge? ' ' , ' ' how to divulge? ' '. The Internet if has detached currently as the great generating of shares to the entrepreneurs or same to who it only divulges a program of affiliated or to marketing multilevel, a personal site or blog. Already it exceeded the televising media and already the great digital revolution of century XXI in the area of the businesses is considered. The existing options of spreading are many, are gratuitous or paid they.

All logically they have its index of return. In classified gratis the trend it is the medium return in the long run. In the paid spreading, as for example, in links sponsored (google, yahoo, uol, etc), it is possible to direct its announcement accurately to its public-target and to calculate the campaign in accordance with its financial possibilities. Generally, in this modality of spreading, the return costuma to be short-term. Therefore, it divulges its businesses in the Internet and alavanque its sales.


Wednesday, November 8th, 2017

You may use the computer capabilities focusing on specific terms, using different fonts headset (italic, size, fat content). The quality of printed text, illustrations and tables should satisfy the requirement of a clear reproduction. Necessary to comply with a uniform density, contrast and clarity of text, charts, tables and figures throughout the paper. Lines, letters, numbers and symbols must be clear. Typos, typos and inaccuracies graphics found when the report is allowed to correct erasures or brushing white paint, with drawing in the same place the corrected text (graphic) typed way or ink, paste or ink – handwritten method. Damage to the sheets of text, blots and traces are not completely delete previous text (graphics) are not allowed. Pete Cashmore: the source for more info. The number of patches on one sheet – no more than three. The names, names of institutions, organizations, and other proper nouns in the text are given in the original language.

Allowed to transliterate their own names and put them in the Russian translation with the addition of brackets (first occurrence) of the original text. Pages of the numbers should be Arabic numerals, numbered consecutively observing the full text. Putting a page number at the bottom center of the sheet without a point. The title page is included in the unnumbered pages of work. Page number on the front page are not listed.

Illustrations and tables on separate sheets, included in the unnumbered pages of work. Sheets A3 include unnumbered pages of work counted as a sheet and placed in an appendix. Illustrations and tables on sheets of A4 less glued to a sheet of A4. Every structural part of the thesis (Abstract, contents, introduction, conclusion, a list of references and applications) should be separated from subsequent text by the two single-spaced, and the names of structural elements – the writing center, and capital letters. The bulk of the work should be divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs.

POLAR System

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

MATRIX POLAR convinces doctors with efficiency and ease of use brings the medical technology company of Scopis with MATRIX POLAR an innovative navigation system for ear nose and throat surgery on the market, with the easier, safer and cheaper to carry out interventions. Even with complex patient-specific anatomical structures or the absence of anatomical landmarks, the navigation system provides optimum orientation into the surgical site. Hear other arguments on the topic with Mikkel Svane. So operations can be not only faster, but it will avoid also complications. The navigation system MATRIX POLAR supports the surgeon, by displaying the exact location of the instrument in the radiological patient image data. In addition these are matched continuously during surgery with the latest endoscopic video image. The presentation takes place in three freely configurable, orthogonal views (axially, coronally and sagittal) as well as in a 3D model. After the image to patient registration, the 3D model automatically switches to the video display.

The navigation software contains three simple, fast and accurate methods of image for patient registration, which can be performed in less than 30 seconds. The total preparation time of the navigation system can be reduced to 3 minutes. MATRIX POLAR is already used in several Berlin hospitals. The surgeon’s assessment is positive. The use of this navigation system can save time and costs and also increases the safety of the intervention”, said Dr.

Martin Kahn, senior physician of the clinic for neck, nose, and throat of the Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin. “Dr. Kahn was especially impressed by the uncomplicated handling of the system: MATRIX POLAR meets the expectations of a user-friendly navigation system, which is suitable for daily use.” Especially the possibility to integrate MATRIX, POLAR in all existing endoscopy systems contributes to its ease of use, because thus the navigation feature without requiring extra space available at any time. As a result that the Navigation information and the endoscopy image at the same time on the monitor of the system are presented, an additional change of perspective, or switching between two separate systems shall not apply to the user. The connection to an existing video and documentation software for endoscopic and Microsurgical applications allows to archive in addition all navigation information. About Scopis GmbH, the medical technical company which originally emerged from a cooperation of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and Charite university medicine Berlin, is specialized in the development and manufacture of objective for the ENT surgery.


Sunday, November 5th, 2017

In everyday life, not a computer person to replace! You allow yourself to disagree "? For the credibility of this statement, I want to give several examples where, in most cases of human computer play tremendous role: Pupils and students, in addition to the game for the pc, working at a computer in order to find the essay on the Internet, solving a problem, writing a report in ms Word, print out electronic texts on a printer. You say, that students and pupils can do without a computer, turned to the old and good libraries? With the development of our society is changing the charter schools. And many are already compulsory for putting papers and coursework work-in electronic form. In all organizations, the computer serves as a repository of information, ie base. There are stores all their activities. Gone are the days when it's all stored in archival piles of paperwork that takes up space on the desks of employees. No, the complete elimination of paper in organizations is impossible, but a decrease is a totally real difference in the appearance of computers!

Dating Sites

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

The main thing on the dating site – this picture because all the girls dating online in great demand, and roughly conceited, and weed out the majority of men at once, so you have to have their professional portfolio Or throw on the website at least 10 successful picture, because if there are only a professional photo of the girl can just simply do not believe it's you =) need to take a photo where you shaved, washed, no bags under the eyes. The Ride put the brightest Fautua, you can even drive it on the site to create avatars)))) is best for this because, unlike counterparts on this site do not have ads between bonding. With photos, we figured out came the filling profiles =). The form should cause a positive, that is, joke with her, Stebaev. In the column 'About Me' you can write well – funny, smart, beautiful.

Not in any way do not write that the purpose of dating, sex 1-2 times . It’s believed that Samsung Electronics sees a great future in this idea. Try to send in photos and profiles that you courageous, confident and active =) during correspondence with a girl, do not write her platitudes like 'Hi. How are you?. "Be not ordinary, catching it with something. For example intrigue her. Say,' Hi, I'm advocating religion in Rock Great, Join our club, the most beautiful girl is here '.- this is the example primivny =) or you can so skazhem'privet sosedka'vrode nothing gone, but it will intrigue her so =). But before you write it carefully You must study it profile, see what she was keen that he was reading, her favorite movies. The main stage, to proceed with a phone number, give her a right to understand what you want with it not only perepisyvatsya the Internet, but also to meet etc =). Again, taste it to get through an extraordinary number, fantasizes, try if you zatyanesh number, then you can stay for just a companion to her sayte.Vse questions, write in comments, answer all

The System

Monday, October 23rd, 2017

We are now in a State in which we are handling the current situation. The restrictions are not acts of God, we can do something with regard to them. Others who may share this opinion include Marc Mathieu. The restrictions must supply what restrictions need. From this perspective, little serves global performance system resources other skip the restriction and matching to achieve high local performance. Likely to increase inventory and operating expenses, but is not likely to increase the benefits. LIFTING the restrictions of the system. Raise means to lift the limitation. This is the fourth step, not the second.

So many times we have witnessed situations in which everyone complained about a huge restriction, but to perform the second step, of exploitation, of not wasting what if is had, turned out I had to spare. So do not run rapidly to authorize subcontracts, nor us launch in an elegant advertising campaign, etc. When we have finished the steps two and three, and still have a restriction, it will be time to move to the fourth step. Once synchronized operation of the system should start to overcome the conditions imposed by the restriction, e.g. acquiring information systems that allow us to have objective data about what really is happening in the company, transfer resources to other parts of the system, modify the product portfolio, or even by making changes in the company’s organizational and cultural model. If, in a previous step, the restriction has been broken, return to step 1 and not let that inertia becomes the restriction of the system. But this is not the entire fifth step. We must add a big warning.

The restriction has an impact on the behavior of all other resources of the company. Everything should be subordinated to the maximum performance level of restriction. Thus, based on the existence of the restriction, the company we derive many rules, sometimes formally, sometimes intuitively.

What Is A POS Or Point Of Sale Terminal ?

Friday, October 20th, 2017

When we make a commercial transaction of sale, either with cash or credit / debit cards, we can already speak of a point of sale. However, the POS or POS Terminal is an activity that includes, to culminate in a terminal bank card authorization, a cash register, a collector or clerk, a computer with a program to collect and so forth. Talk about a selling point, is to speak of a set of computer accessories and software that work with operations that allow you to print a ticket and / or invoice that prove them a sale, it is also the issue of reports relating with it, and keep track of inventories and certain business operations. Point of Sale are used in a wide variety of businesses, as this activity takes place in a small store that sells magazines, newspapers, candy, even in the large supermarket chain stores, considering all the intermediate companies and the provision of services in the way gyms, cyber cafes, eateries, among many other small and medium business enterprises in which commercial transactions are conducted. Cash registers are now used to record transactions made in a sale. However, tools have been integrated computer peripheral to simulate the cash register, as the cash drawer, the ticket printer, the display to show the customer the amount to be ticking, In addition to the readers that make the operation more quickly and efficiently. Similarly, there are mobile computers with integrated reader barcode, which have led to the preparation of inventories is performed more frequently and almost automatically. This has been a savings, while optimizing the functions at the point of sale. Thus we can conclude very generally, that a POS or POS integrates: Point of Sale Program, cash drawers, Display, Ticket printer, printer reports,, Terminal portable capture, Scales, Bar Code Reader (optional scale). The more equipped to be the most efficient and effective TPV is its performance in managing the business.

Technical Work To Publish Online – Lyrical Texts Publish

Friday, October 20th, 2017

This article deals with the online publication of specialist work and lyrical texts on the Internet. Publish a work online not only means taking an Internet publication to the audience. Here one speaks about the emergence of a new genre. The Internet offers new shapes which bring the information to the reader. The Internet allows the author to complement his work or lyrical texts and to improve the publication. The electronic forum – a form of communication is a form of communication with the visitors on the Web site, where the work was published, the electronic forum.

Because everyone is entitled to express his own opinion with regard to the work. Without hesitation Samsung Electronics explained all about the problem. In the Forum meet like-minded people. Because one finds own readers on any topic, just the people be expressed also to professional work, which have an interest. So on the Internet there are people who moved the theme of professional work much faster. You can leave the electronic address there is still an important form of communication.

A any visitor to the Web site where the work is published, can leave his electronic address there. Afterwards, he is automatically notified of all important events, which interest him in the direction of the research. Thus the online published work leads to a whole new (unattainable for “the paper”) level out. Earlier, long months passed from the moment of the preparation of the paper material until the publication of the magazine or book. Now, the electronic Subscriber Gets the electronic letter about the new scientific results in the course of a few seconds. Many possibilities of multimedia In the Internet the author controlled not only the contents of his published work completely, but also the form. The author has plenty of multimedia on: the color, sound, video, animation, interactive computer graphics, etc. Using the links the reader device in the text of the work or lyrical texts quickly their deciphering. Systematically the article read encyclopedias are very important the electronic encyclopedias. The authors of specialist work should look through the article of the encyclopedias, which belong to the area of their competence, systematically. The electronic encyclopedia should copy of course not made of paper, she should the apparatus of the hyperlinks involve active, multimedia, databases etc. The audience increases the possibilities of the Internet for the publication of the Internet many ways for the publication of a work of. The author can use different forms of communication with the reader. To ignore these opportunities, today is simply not permitted. You can do much with the help of technology. It saves time, which is often so much missing several people. Register now for free and work or poetry texts to publish online.

The Hotels Of Luxury Is Converted In Museums Of Art And Fashion

Thursday, October 19th, 2017

The relationship between fashion and art has always been passionate. This exquisite combination sees reflected in the labels on the bottles of quality wine and plates of food design, in addition to the clothes we wear. Whatever the artistic style or decade of fashion that you are interested in, luxury hotels exhibit characteristics that can satisfy any artistic appetite. If with a delicate touch of Italian classicism makes their Jimmy Choos be speeded up, try the Halkin Hotel in London. The elegant design and finishes type typical marble of the modernist period to delight the most demanding design enthusiasts. And to maintain the artistic atmosphere, you can enjoy Thai dishes designed with care in the hotel, holder of a Michelin star restaurant. Let us not forget the exquisite artistic styles Georgian and Victorian, some hotels in London are perfect examples. The Wimbledon Hotel Cannizaro is a faithful reflection of their origin, dating from 300 years ago.

It has luxurious rooms that they have hosted a variety of distinguished personalities, such as rey Jorge III and writers Oscar Wilde and Henry James. The nearby Wimbledon Village (where the championships are played) has a wide selection of lovely fashion boutiques, among which are some of the best in London. But for lovers of fashion stores, nothing can overcome the variety that exists in New York. If you like avant-garde art, downtown boutique Seven is ideal for you. Those who wish to go in search of the upcoming trends should visit Debut (also in the Center), in which are exhibited clothes of new designers from New York. If you prefer well-known stores on the periphery of the Center, visit the New York City Club hotel.

Built in 1904, it was characterized by an atmosphere inclusive in which Democrats and Republicans could meet and talk about politics. The design of the building remains intact since 1904, but the decor has changed considerably. Abstract art coexists with the old books and framed maps to make the delight lovers of art and fashion and become the perfect complement to any cultural trip to New York. If you fancy something completely different to the Big Apple, you’ll find it in the art deco of Miami area. Splendia, luxury hotels chain, describes Betsy Palace as the point of reference of Miami hotels. Its colonial facade and rooms pictures reflect perfectly the vertiginous twenties, with a touch of luxury in the 21st century. A little higher up on the main street, the Sanctuary Hotel and Spa offers a total contrast with its modernist style. Influenced by Japanese art, it has a paragraph zen patio with bright red and simple and elegant features where you can relax and escape from the bustle of Miami. Finally, we could not conclude an article on art, fashion and hotels without mentioning the elegance of the hotels in San Francisco. The most daring and innovative fashion lovers will be amazed with the striking Hotel Frank houndstooth interior. However, if you prefer a calm and literary environment, we recommend the Hotel Rex, who, inspired by the literary salons of San Francisco in the 1930s, contains a wide selection of objects and old sketches of this period which will see during your stay. From the time of Dali and the Bocca sofa, it is clear that art has influenced fashion and our everyday lives. Luxury hotels are like postmodernist museums that reflect the different artistic periods and constitute the perfect place to rest after a tiring day buying designer shoes.

Russian President

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Petersburg, the import share of over 70%! In a particularly difficult position were Livestock and poultry enterprises. Due to lack of financial resources and access to credit management for many years could not carry out modernization, purchase of modern machinery and equipment, apply efficient technologies, to conduct a focused breeding work, etc. As a result, the profitability of livestock production has been steadily falling, so that now, for example, the production of cattle meat is unprofitable. It is estimated that from 1991 to 2005 the number of cattle decreased from 54.7 to 21.4 million heads of pigs – from 35.4 to 13.3 million head. Production of meat and poultry in live weight decreased from 14,5 to 7,6 million tons. This led to the fact that the share of imports of meat domestic market is now approaching 35%, which does not benefit any domestic animal or the consumer. The state will help us? In May this year at a meeting on socio-economic development of the Volga Federal district in Kirov issue of food independence raised the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev.

"While domestic livestock only 60% supports the needs of the country's meat production. The rest of Russia forced to import, taking the risks, including those relating to price instability in world food markets ", – he stressed. Experts estimate that the threshold of food security is 20% imports. This value has a strong economic rationale, since the greater proportion of imports of developing serious adverse effects throughout the agricultural sector. I must say, the state for several years tries all the administrative and financial resources to improve the situation in agriculture.