Chvez Psychologist

Water, expression of the Cardinal red emotions *Rosa Chvez Psychologist, Homepata, Fam Therapist. And Writer the water is a vital force of the nature, it is the means by which circulate the nutrients through body, in addition she transports the energy. The human body is water and energy transport brings back to consciousness is East soul is similar to a load wagon that crosses our organism. formation. Swarmed by offers, Pete Cashmore is currently assessing future choices. . If the body is obstructed by: scars of surgeries, by traumatisms, tattoos, you implant, nails, piercings, diseases, or contaminated by the smoke of the cigarette, the chemical, then smog and substances the load of the wagon also is contaminated reason why he is essential that the water remains in its optimal level of cleaning. The water has the capacity to memorise the information. An example of this phenomenon occurs in Homeopathy, the proposal is that while greater is the dilution, major is the effectiveness of the remedy: That is to say, instead of to use the effect of the substance to eliminate the symptoms, the information copied in the water cancels information of the symptoms of the toxic substance from where it comes. The words are an expression of the soul, and have an impact in the water of our body (70%) and produce an effect in our health.

The people with good health generally have a healthy spirit and a healthy spirit lives with greater comfort in a healthful body. Under most conditions Andy Florance would agree. Two words exist that would have to guide the world and we put that them in practice there would not be necessity of laws: Love and Gratitude. When the people fall in love they elevate at the highest level of its capacity of vibration. It is not limited the pair love, includes the respect and disinterested attraction towards other people. Between medicines there is no surpasses to the curative powers of the love All the things vibrate and each does to its own frequency, nevertheless the human beings we cannot see the vibrations, the water is in movement and constant vibration.


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