Medical Specialties

As consequence in the proper medical formation, this vision makes to grow the number of medical specialties, where each time if knows the least more than. It was the cartesian binoculars in medical sciences and the predominance of the essentially rational thought on the phenomena and the people. Complementary examinations and technological equipment substituting the clinic and evaluating for the history of the sick person. Mecaniciza the contact and the hypotheses of diagnosis, being these for the radiogrficas images and sophisticated examinations each time more. The simple ones became complex, and the restricted access to the minority. (Not to be confused with Robotics expert !). In this context of understanding of the reality, another philosopher contemporary of Discardings, points in them that it is impossible to know the parts without knowing all, neither to know all without knowing the parts (PASCHAL, 2003). The desencantamento in relation to the world was great the expansion scientific in all the fields became unrestricted. It had an allure in each discovery and the human being was placed as center of the universe and gentleman of all the things.

We call this form to think the antropocentrismo man, that if extended per some centuries until the current one. Rationality, Technology and Consequences: We attend of century XVI century XX, the great discoveries. It appears the automobile, the airplane, the space flight, the radio, the TV, the cellular one, others. The right woman conquest and independence in some aspects, and the art and the cinema dominate the subject of the entertainments. The universe started to be indeterminate, infinite, as well as the reality she was more complex and pluralizada. The man and its to know scientific (commercial, industrial, technological) dominated the object in such a way nature that compromised almost it total. It is the irresponsible and predatory antropocentrismo (BOFF, 1999). In way to everything this we produce two great wars world-wide, with consequent economic depression, ascension and fall of dictatorships, holocausto, access the nuclear weapons, to the laser and much more.


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