Posts Tagged ‘the present time’

Don Corpus Christie

Saturday, May 23rd, 2020

The personage of the clergyman poet serves to talk about to the lack of seriousness and preparation of some conversos that have managed to be accepted by the Clergy. The ignorance of the bases of the catholicism on the part of the personage is put in evidence of sarcastic way. The priest creates verses for Don Corpus Christie thinking it santo and a sacrament not leaving about clear his indifference in relation to the Christianity: Shepherds, it is not pretty joke, That today is the gentleman San Corpus Christie? 3 the author of the Petty thief uses the picaresque novel to attack the bourgeoisie talks. The main personage, Don the Pablos, serve to propose us that the bourgeois and pcaro two faces pertaining to a same currency, differentiated solely by the economic condition. The Petty thief is a sectarian book, his primary target is to demonstrate that the social metamorphosis of the Spain of century XVII is the beginning of one society the other way around.

In many of his Quevedo productions it has demonstrated his sectarianism, for the new society that turns around the capitals and chaste it does not appear like a system that can simply be divided between pcaros with luck and desventurados pcaros: Pcaros has with luck which I meet and pcaros there is no4. The Petty thief is a true testimony of the point of view of an aristocratic one in relation to the structural changes of the Spanish society of century XVII. For Quevedo this new society appears like a system in which the cleverness and the money replace honour and the moral producing a crisis of Spanish values and identity. The maximum exponent of this alteration is I talk, that comes represented in different personages from the novel beginning by the protagonist. The eventful journeys of Don the Pablos serve to demonstrate the techniques of survival of the new society that is based on the industry.

Google Quickly

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019

Although you can send your Web site through the direction, Google does not guarantee that your site is going to be including and, in best of the cases, your pages will not be indexed until they spend several weeks. Thus it finds Google the pages Web Before explicarte how to discharge quickly from the hospital your page in Google, I go to explicarte how the Googlebot, the robot spider of Google, tracks the Web in search of information. Learn more about this with Michael Dell. 1 Googlebot arrives at a page Web 1. In this tracking Googlebot finds a connection to another page Web 2. 2 goes then to the page Web 2. Again the spider is a connection to the page Web 3. 3 Googlebot goes then to the page Web 3.

There one runs into with a new connection to another Web. 4 Googlebot uses the connections contained in the pages that are reading to jump of page in page. This way, most of the pages of the Web are including in their index. How you can discharge from the hospital your Web site in Google Once either we know how the system of tracking of the information of Google works, or can learn how to discharge quickly from the hospital our Web. He is very simple: you only must put a connection to your page Web from other than already it is indexed by Google. When Googlebot arrives at the indexed page and it reads the connection to yours, it will jump and index your site Is a simple but useful and infallible technique. Original article: " How To discharge from the hospital Your Web site In Google In Less than 72 Hours? " Original author and source of the article.


Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

Without doubts the Spanish society has reached a degree of brings back to consciousness social with respect to very particular the road security. Of first between the nations of the European Union in obtaining the goal of reduction of victims in road wrecks in a 50% when concluding to year 2010, contemplated main target in the European Letter by the Road Security subscribed by all members, 27 countries altogether. Less fort has not been the shared commitment of the political society and the iron will of the Spanish government to reach concrete goals that they ruin the high indices of road sinisterness. The President of the Government at the end of the past year expressed that ” one of the great priorities of the Executive one was the road security, because he has been one of the fields in which more lives are perdido”. It is simply because the fatalities in the routes have affected enormously the Gross Internal Product of that peninsular nation having forced to change the structure of investments in road infrastructures. The application of an effective policy by means of strategic plans has thrown positive results in the fight against mortality in highways with the inescapable commitment of the political parties, which day to day participate in the debates and altogether assume responsibilities in the plans like projects of nation with the government and other sectors of the society. We consider the Spanish model to which we give pursuit him because their experiences will have to serve in the future as examples as far as application of public policies, not only for Dominican Republic, but for those of the Latin American region. In fact, the Kingdom of Spain drives programs of expansion of the good practices and collaborates in the fortification of national plans in Ibero-America through its agencies, situation that not yet we took advantage of the Dominican ones, however yes the Argentineans and the Mexicans, who experience some institutional advances and in the numbers of victims to the year.

The estates of the organic structure of the sector that governs the matter have been very well defined and established the authority levels of the system, reason why the governing organism can carry out its works with total freedom once determined the policy to follow. A Security Council draws up the lineamientos and the Main directorate of Transit, under the subordination of the Department of the Interior, executes, always become attached iron to the spirit of the national and integral strategic plan elaborated and concensuado by the different social forces from Spain. At present the DGT this directed by Navarrese, parsimonious, obsessive and persistent Pere, reason why has obtained respect to the Spanish Kingdom of the European Community in the matter of road security, in spite of not being to date in the list of support to the plan of ” Decade of Action by the Road Security Global” that one will begin the 11 of May of this year.

False Message

Friday, January 26th, 2018

For several days envoy has supposedly been circulating in the Dominican Republic an electronic mail around the General Office of the judge advocate general of the Republic, alerting on supposed transfers that were being sold and/or giving in the schools and schools of the country, which supposedly are impregnated of the drug Dietilamida of Lysergic Acid, better well-known by its abbreviations in English like LSD, thus we came to investigate on this individual, determining that one is a false warning on the possibility that young small, they can get to absorb substances injurious (LSD), through contact with self-adhesive figures and tattoos. Who been have investigated from 90 years this type of messages, they assure that to the date (almost twenty years later) she has not tried on that has existed no case of children who have received some dose of any type of drug, through transfers or impregnated tattoos of this drug. Than if there is certainty it is that in the year 1992, were put to circulate by means of you photocopy of a version in English of this type of messages, in paper stamped of the hospital of Danbury, in the EE.UU. One second version of the same, propagated in 1998. Read more here: Ali Partovi. This version, was almost one textual copy of the distributed one (in English), and that simulated to be offered by the same hospital, in you photocopy of a steering wheel with the title " Warning to padres". Indeed in date 11 of June of the 1998, this hospital officially gave account that this warning was false, alerted by the great amount of telephone calls and consultations on the matter. Another message that is known with the same text, this one time in Spanish, dated in Madrid day 02 of April of the 2001, very similar a the other, supposedly left the Unit of Social Paediatrics of the University Hospital Young Jesus, it was put to circulate in Spain, also being distributed by means of you photocopy and by fax, since the electronic mail was not so common. . c.