Posts Tagged ‘the news’

Webmaster Strategy

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

For the majority of people to make money with its Web, means to put announcements with ” Google Adsense”. Usually one announces as a form to make extra money. Why extra? Because as it is made clear in Webmaster Strategy with about thousands of visits to the day it is not possible to gain the life. So that much money with Adsense can really be won, the visits must be more than 50,000 to the day. Although one is only approaches. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Steve Wozniak. The Webs are very few that are able to make much money with Adsense. Although the majority of blogs and Webs use much to remove benefit to it from the traffic of their Web. But would have to be expressed that traffic that as much has cost to obtain to us? If you only accept the disadvantages that are going to you to generate and del that seems few owners of Webs consider, because has the following disadvantages: Loss of readers by the competition: The readers probably go away to other Webs, of the competition, because the announcements are of you yourself subject.

There are forms to avoid that happens, but are inevitable that some of those announcements of which you do not have control, finish taking it. After all, they are paying for that reason and you are receiving for that reason. Flight of traffic: In fact you are leaving your traffic goes away to another site. That traffic that as much has cost to you as much to win and that as much you try to mimar. Loss of readers by annoying announcements: He is inevitable that the announcements have certain level of infiltration.

It depends on the form how are some announcements. To some they tolerate it more readers than others, but it is a factor that plays in your con. Loss of pagerank: The announcements can inflict the casualty of pagerank, is possible because, in fact you are granting connections towards the outside of your blog. Loss of reputation: The reputation costs much to gain it and little to lose it. The announcements in your blog, on which you do not have control, can hacerte lose your credibility. Although it is because it does not seem a serious site by the amount of announcements. Adsense is a comfortable and fast form to make money, perhaps but he is more profitable to offer to your visits, your own products, fruit of your own strategy that yes you can control. It depends on you to secure to major yield of your Web as you can learn in mounting business online. And in it undertakes in Internet.


Monday, January 21st, 2013

He is perhaps for many strangest of the types of conduct, because it would seem in first plane that is not member of the group. Nevertheless, they exist although the minimum motivations cannot notice always to belong to the group, although their attitude is the one of a remarkable indifference to which the others do like group. Usually they are less numerous than the types mass but for that reason one is not due to leave effort to incorporate them. Many can be the reasons take that it to that attitude reason why it is required of an approach of the leader and, with much understanding, look for strategies to stimulate their action and its participation. the discordant type. The leader must be kind to the appearance of this type of conducts, because its presence can become not only inconvenience factor during the meeting, but outside control it can get to cause dissolution of the group. This discordant type sometimes does not have more solution than the one of being eliminated of the group, although this can be a complex task according to the conditions in which it appears.

Generally, the attitudes characterize that it are the negative, systematic and a priori critic, loaded of touching reactions and expressions until cynical. Basic premises to direct meetings Having bring back to consciousness of which the general characteristics of the groups and of their members seen like individuals, are part of the factors critics to ensure the success any meeting, can be affirmed that the work of the leader in the diverse encounter of the group is not the one of simple witness who indicates to the errors and successes of each member and the colectivity. On the contrary protagonist must feel with one more a mission, as much by her roll of moderator of relations and reactions like by her stimulating roll of of feelings and encauzador of attitudes.

Educational Qualification

Monday, November 19th, 2012

The participation in projects to lower the inequality and the low educative quality the atmosphere design and models educative of education learning the development of programs for the Formation educational the design of education programs learning in virtual surroundings and multimedia In Teaching in Educative Institutions; in Qualification in Departments of qualification of any Organization; in Educative Administration in External Consultancy; in Educative technology in Independent organizations of support to the communitarian educative processes. The withdrawn ones of the Degree in Pedagogy can evolve in the own activities of the educator in their spaces of professional action, to the integral being of the human equipment of an educative institution of any educative or enterprise level in the departments of: Planning, Evaluation, Educational Qualification and of Academic Formation, Clinics or Cultural Institutions of Special Education, Centers and of Recreation, Educative Research centers, Psychopedagogical Offices of Consultant’s office, Centers and Departments of Vocational and Professional Direction, among others In basic education; the basic education includes/understands, primary education and secondary education, that is basically the action land, not discarding that could work in a preparatory one or in a baccalaureate. Conclusion the different professions that are related to the education, are very important and criterion no would have to be independent, in the first place because although each has perhaps different battle areas, all finally they are related to the human being and are worried to give a better growth of the individuals in our society as far as the educative field it refers, all has aspects that are very interesting, each account with a specific profile what the difference in its object of study and its battle area marks, which if it seems to me until certain very ethical point, important and that in our days is ignored, is what each profesionista only evolves in their area and in its area, Because how psicopedagogo can contribute to the 100% in the area of educative psychology when it does not have all the laid the foundations knowledge good? , finally him rest importance to any, nor I will not find pros or cons either, because all is very valuable. Original author and source of the article.

The Theoretical

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

To the same, in many cities quarters submissive even apartheid form almost and that, of when in time, explodes, producing generalized destructions. The problems are intermingled, since they make migration and urbanization. Since they do everyone with the environmental deterioration that is pronounced in the seas, the air and the Earth. It seems to show itself ethics like high-priority task. The globalisation advances like phenomenon that is justified to itself, a indetenible advance, while the policy stagnates, or better it submerges, to take passage to authoritarian tendencies, a possible generalized bud of totalitarianism.

There are lawyer by an encounter of cultures, a respect to the plurality and the diversity. Only with technology not it can, we use although it for the good of the knowledge and like a unique opportunity to learn to respect us by the knowledge that we acquire of the other. III Escasean the world inventors. Protagonists of the theoretical vision of the policy require themselves. Here the truths have demolished and is necessary to go on the new forms of the social organization. What presides to the world is the incredulity. The old woman speeches are deslegitimados. Somebody has spoken of ahistrico sky.

If emancipatorio in the sense to equip the dream with a corpus of ideas is not no philosophical-political exposition either there will be emancipation of the serious problems that us they affect. Nobody speech of a confinement. The philosophy for of theory and praxis. It is necessary to desconstruir the old woman paradigms and to realise the new models being started off of the reality of the today. Those that is dedicated to cultivate the past lose the capacity to think. This intelligent human being is about to raise itself of the terrestrial package towards the search of a new house and must reorganize itself towards the appearance of a new social order.

The Horses

Monday, September 24th, 2012

When alluding to the notion of range or phantom, we give to understand that the possibilities are not run out nor in Domestic economy nor in the technology of the airships. But in the case of the airships – technology of which we analyzed its evolution from the beginnings of our communications – we glimpsed ample possibilities since with the same costs of traction of the transport by water (the means of transport of lower cost), they move to the speed of a helicopter (the means of more expensive transport), without needing harbor facilities and of dredging, as it demands navigation; and without needing airports as it demands the airplane; nor of rails as it demands the railroad; nor of paved ways, as they demand quick the automotive heavy transport and the omnibus. Kind the Argentine constellation of slumses; its potential for public policies or enterprise, familiar or communitarian activities of deconcentration, and considering that constellation was generated in substantiva way by the railroad. And also, considering the process of disarticulation of the railroad via closing and rise of branches, we understand that in each branch or section of nonoperable railroad at the moment, it will be necessary to think about the technology airships kind his increasing economization and its versatility (This is can be constructed and be designed an airship for each type of traffic). As we indicated " disruptividad" of the technology of " lighter than aire" , it is not run out in the transport but one extends to the telecommunications. That is to say, each airship to a noticeably smaller cost can support to the technologies of the communication and the information, including the modality WI- FI, that is the band ancha" , that uses the same modality of the cellular telephony. Although it caused the hilaridad of some friend at the time ours, the biotechnology applied to the horses percherones and the light materials type fiber of carbon, plastics or aluminum, applied to the construction of vehicles, can replace to the tractors that are used in the slumses for the benefit of certain services cleaning public.