Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Machine Embroidery: Unlimited

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Machine embroidery has become an excellent alternative and hand decoration textiles, and other ways of decorating products, which are not of high quality. Machine embroidery has achieved a high rate production. However, the complexity and quality of the images from this does not hurt, since modern embroidery machines have virtually no restrictions on color, size embroideries, used tissues. Not so things were before, when the machine embroidery was just beginning to develop. Machines worked slowly, the number of colors that can be used simultaneously, it was small, and the complexity of drawing such a embroidery could not compete with the manual. In addition, self-programming of embroidery (and for that we used punch cards) is time consuming and require extensive knowledge.

In the 70 th – 80 th years of xx century, machine embroidery has become actively developed, and new computer technology greatly expanded its capabilities and simplified the work of designers and programmers. Today, embroidery machines are able to make a drawing on virtually any surface. Special cylindrical hoop can even embroider on the sleeves, and other such details. Each machine uses a wide variety of threads, so the images with complex color transitions are the norm for machine embroidery. The speed with which work is underway, it is very loud. The most powerful machines are capable to make over a thousand stitches per minute. All this makes the embroidery machine profitable and reliable way to replicate high-quality decorative textiles. In addition to the usual technique coats, modern embroidery machines are capable of using dozens of other ways of drawing on fabric. For example, a great interest in the so-called beznitochnoe embroidery. By using this technique under the main fabric is enclosed another, auxiliary, and the machine holds out the thread from the lower blade through the top, creating on it an original drawing. After finishing work balances supporting tissues are removed. This machine embroidery at all costs, without threads, and the result is very unusual.

International Conference

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

Moreover, in the early stages the most promising application of a 40% solution as an additive in polystyrene mixture in an amount up to 2% by weight of polystyrene, thus achieving a reduction in consumption of liquid glass in 2 times, increase the strength of the mixture in dried state at 8-10. But in this case we find that the positive effect that These mixtures are legkovybivaemymi, upon heating above 300 C, they can easily spill out of the cavities of the casting, sand cores made. Thus, by adjusting in the range of 1-2% of this additive, engineer-founder gets gamut legkovybivaemyh mixtures for various conditions of casting (mass casting a rod, a kind of alloy), the competitive strength of resin. A design for recycling polystyrene foam technology by dissolving the gum in turpentine obtained data show a very wonderful opportunity to compaction. According to the table in one unit (46 cm3) of 40% solution is placed 19.14 volume units (880.5 cm3) of waste polystyrene foam, and with respect to source 30 cm3 of solvent that the volume of waste more time in 29.35. Questions or References 1.

O. Shinskij, V. Doroshenko, A. Striuczenko, J. Ladarieva. Recykling polistyrenu piankowego / / Recykling. (Miesiecznik ogolnopolski. Poznan) – 2008 .- 1 – P.28-29 2.

IV International Conference "Replast 2007. Recycling of plastics. " Moscow. 3. Bedrik BG, Chulov PV, Kalashnikov, SI Solvents and cleaning compounds for machinery: A Handbook. – Moscow: Khimiya, 1989.-176 with. 4. Shinsky O.Y., Terlkovsky .V., Stryuchenko AA, that n. Dekle. U.S. Pat. Ukraine 9003 vd 15.09.2005. Zastosuvannya gum turpentine for yak rozchinnika vdhodv pnopolstirolu. Bull. 9. 5. Shinsky O.Y., Naydek VL Stryuchenko AA, that n. U.S. Pat. Ukraine 77 338. Polstirolne zv'yazuyuche for vigotovlennya livarnih forms that sterzhnv – publ. 15.11.2006, Bull. 11. 6. Shinsky OI Doroshenko, VS, AA Stryuchenko Sand mixture, based on polystyrene for molds and cores with higher crude compressive strength. Casting the 2008 Abstracts. Reports .- K. editors of "casting process", 2008. – S.193 – 194.

Exception ZipFile

Thursday, August 23rd, 2012

He works professionally with Java he has 7 years and he possesss 4 years of experience in the development of systems for the IBM of the United States, used the world-wide level. He acts more than has 2 years with courses and training of professionals in great companies. It possesss the certifications of Sun SCJP, SCJD, SCWCD, SCBCD, SCEA, IBM SOUNDS and ITIL Foundation. Code-source used in the article: package zip; import le; import leInputStream; import leOutputStream; import Exception; import putStream; import tputStream; import java.util. Enumeration; import java.util. Stack; import; import; import; import; public class ZipHelper public void zip (File files, File outputFile) throws IOException if (files! = null & & files.length > 0) ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (outputFile)); Stack parentDirs = new Stack (); zipFiles (parentDirs, files, out); out.close (); private void zipFiles (Stack parentDirs, File files, ZipOutputStream out) throws IOException byte buf = new byte 1024; i will be (int = 0; i 0) out.write (buf, 0, len); out.closeEntry (); in.close (); public void unzip (File zipFile, File to dir) throws IOException ZipFile zip = null; File archive = null; InputStream is = null; OutputStream = null; byte buffer = new byte 1024; try // creates informed directory, in case that if does not exist (! dir.exists ()) dir.mkdirs (); if (! dir.exists () dir.isDirectory ()) throw new IOException (' ' The directory ' ' + dir.getName () + ' ' vlido&#039 is not a directory; '); zip = new ZipFile (zipFile); Enumeration = zip.entries (); while (e.hasMoreElements ()) Entered ZipEntry = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement (); archive = new File (to dir, entrada.getName ()); // will be inexistent directory, creates the structure and polishes pra next entered if (entrada.isDirectory () & & arquivo.exists ()) arquivo.mkdirs (); it continues; // if the structure of directories does not exist, creates if (! arquivo.getParentFile () .exists ()) arquivo.getParentFile () .mkdirs (); try // reads the archive of zip and records in record is = zip.getInputStream (entered); = new FileOutputStream (archive); int bytesLidos = 0; if (is == null) throw new ZipException (' ' Error when reading the entrance of zip: ' ' + entrada.getName ()); while ((bytesLidos = (buffer)) > 0) os.write (buffer, 0, bytesLidos); finally if (is! = null) try is.close (); catch (former Exception) if (! = null) try os.close (); catch (former Exception) finally if (zip! = null) try zip.close (); catch (Exception e)

Flash Player

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

The world this moving, the necessity of mobility this increasing each time more. With this they appear new and coveted products that the main reason has to connect you the net. Today the Internet with the Smartphones is capable to have a good navigation, to put what it leaves to desire is the size of the screen, the joined maximum today in the market is of 4.1 counts. It is accurately that tablets enters, does not have the configurations of a computer here but if it is similar sufficiently, let us say that it is a Smartphone grando. Motorola Xoom MZ605 has its screen of 10.1 counts and resolution of 1280×800 pixels to attend films in HD is possible in this belezura. To the videos and contents web in general, it comes with the Adobe 10 Flash Player, wheel in the operational system Android, is compatible with the HTML5e language everything this weighs 730 grams. To read e-Book also is very comfortable in this telona, it visualizes and edits diverse types of archives as word, excel, pdf, etc. What more he impresses and the processor dual-Core, what provides a bigger speed to you of processing in multiple tasks, being in the access the Internet or the applicatory physicists of tablet.

In its part of multimedia you account with a camera of 5MP, zoom digital and flash led in its back camera, the advantage of 2MP for video called or conferences web. In the videos the capture is in HD and has the option to see in HDMI. But we cannot leave stops backwards most interesting of this device, you can connect the net 3G, Wi-Fi and if locate easily with the integrated GPS. Motorola Xoom already this available one for sales, for you that it carries through its purchases for net or in physical store, with the approach price of R$ 2100,00.

Consultancy Energetics

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

The main consuming sectors of energy and where measures in the matter of Saving and Efficiency can be realised and be fomented Energetics are: The transport, the most consuming sector of energy in Spain, approaching 40% of the national total and especially the car that represents 15% of total saying approximately, must be harnessed with measures as the labelling to promote the electrical vehicles of low consumption and, to foment the alternatives to the particular car like the public transport, the nonmotorised transport and the diversification in the mobility of people and merchandise, mainly in the transport by highway The buildings, that represent 20% of the needs energetics of Spain and where reductions of one third part of the consumption can be reached stimulating measured to improve the design of the buildings and to foment the installation of more efficient systems of illumination, heating, conditioned air and hot water. The industrial sector, responsible for 30% of the power consumption of our country and where one has demonstrated to the influence in the reduction of power consumptions of the implantation of measures of implemented saving and efficiency in the industrial processes through application of new technologies thanks to the conclusions obtained in the accomplishment of audits energetics. Despite and in spite of the interest of all we have left much to progress and we have before us exciting challenges to which we must give satisfaction during the decade that comes and that we must begin to design right now. These challenges imply by equal parts the administrations, the companies, and professionals, in this urgent necessity because this new tendency energetics can cause in a significant change of our economic and social model. The administrations must stimulate the I+D+i in efficiency energetics, that is an objective value in hiring processes as quality criterion and to drive fiscal measures to stimulate to the companies to be more jeopardizes with Ahorro and the Efficiency Energetics, sensitizing and obtaining the implication of all the social estates. The companies must participate developing initiatives that generate new opportunities of business and use, that influence directly in the reduction of costs within a frame of economic and environmental sustainability. The professionals in saving and efficiency energetics must collaborate with administrations and companies in the creation of a market with quality assurances, stability and independence, fomenting the use of the audit energetics like essential tool to obtain a rigorous knowledge of the power consumptions and being optimized the management of the facilities energetics. Javier Maueco Go’mez-Inguanzo Partner of SinCeO2 Consultancy Energetics Original author and source of the article.