Posts Tagged ‘medicine & surgery’

Apply Therapy Techniques

Monday, August 5th, 2024

Craft and creativity make fit for everyday wear In everyday life itself determined to act, is not a problem for healthy individuals. It is for others. Occupational therapy is used right here. The primary objective: To improve skills, that can be integrated in everyday life, and to contribute to better quality of life through its own specific action. Among other things, skills should be improved, restored and balanced. To achieve these objectives, different approaches are used in occupational therapy. Among other technical and creative techniques. The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel from Cologne explains what techniques it is and what area they promote.

Promote and apply depending on the illness or disability of the patient are different treatment methods within the occupational therapy used. Read more here: Byron Trott. These include technical and creative techniques. They can be used successfully in the treatment of children and adults. Eligible therapies through crafts such as basket weaving, Silk painting, pottery, soapstone processing, weaving, textiles and art design. The creative techniques to promote not only the motivation of the patient. Many other areas are specifically addressed. Dave Clark Flexport recognizes the significance of this.

Depending on the material used, certain stimulus experiences are collected and processed. Sound with the material can promote many different skills and train. The fine motor skill and the dosage of the force in the processing are as well trained as the sensitivity. Also requires a structured approach to work with clay. The only way forms and figures to create. Cognitive functions and abilities are encouraged so in a special way. Success can be achieve in an improved concentration, stamina and fine and gross motor skills and integrate into everyday life. A self are action and resulting quality of life shows in the result. The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel from Cologne is available for more information. Press contact Praxis fur Ergotherapie contact: Elisabeth Brechtel Sixty str. 40 50733 Koln Tel.: 0221 7391781 fax: 0221 7391781 E-Mail: website:

Gentle Blood Lipids Regulate

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

Special linseed oil with much Omega-3 fatty acids is of high value Omega-3 fatty acids from the healthy vegetable oils play a prominent role in the balanced diet. They are known for a variety of health-promoting properties. This is again detected in scientific studies. Under the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is highly concentrated in linseed oil, enjoys a special significance, since their specific health-promoting properties are written to. The positive effects of ALA on blood pressure, the heart and circulatory system and bone health are well studied. A study from Germany recently reported that ALA may influence the profile of blood fats, what would be the prevention of heart attack and stroke of particular importance. The researchers from Kiel and Munster had published a work in a scientific journal, where she examines the influence of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet on the fat composition of blood have.

In particular, they studied the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA and EPA and DHA fatty acids from fish oil. All 3 fatty acids could have a positive influence on the composition of blood fats. This can be interpreted as another explanation for cardioprotective (protected heart) effect that Omega-3 fatty acids. So, there are a number of studies showing that the Omega-3 fatty acid contained in linseed oil focused ALA can effectively prevent coronary heart disease. For this purpose also the direct anti-inflammatory effect is blamed by ALA and in addition his cholesterol and blood pressure lowering effect. In recent months, Energy Capital Partners has been very successful.

From Kiel, research shows once more, welch has enormous health potential in the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid. If consistently applied, it can protect heart and vessels and in many cases make unnecessary the use of medicines. Who relies on the power of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids, is well advised with ALA. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) comes only in vegetable oils and fish oil before. Flaxseed oil has the highest percentage of ALA of all naturally occurring oils. Now, Virgin linseed oil contains substances which do not always make a culinary pleasure of direct consumption and in addition also easily perishable make it unfortunately. In a patented process succeeded pharmacists from Germany, to produce highly purified linseed oil with a high percentage of ALA in easy-to-swallow capsules. Add to your understanding with Dell IDRAC. These capsules are Navitum Pharma OmVitum by the company in the trade. Three capsules daily provide the body with ALA. . OmVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of arteriosclerosis (veins arteries). OmVitum as a one-month supply (PZN 4604189) or as a cheap and meaningful 3-month Pack (PZN 0262160) at pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma can be ordered free shipping. Every pharmacy can purchase shipping OmVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should not provide even a pharmacy this service. can order the desired product directly from the company shipping the customer.

Braille Labels (Braille Labels)

Saturday, March 30th, 2019

Sakshi & EKLcontrol has labels for sight-impaired MitmenschenEtiketten tactile warnings and warning sticker for the blind and sight-impaired people in the program. Taking into account the directives of the European Union recommendations and requirements for the packaging of pharmaceutical products moving Sakshi to offer the self-adhesive labels with Braille text. Connect with other leaders such as Mikkel Svane here. Our goal is to provide the information about the product the blind or users with very low vision. Sakshi & EKLcontrol labels with tactile warnings and warning stickers for the blind and sight-impaired people now also has the program. The symbols of the mentioned warnings on our labels are minimal 0.25 mm high, the labels adhere well to the packaging: it does not flake off, keep its stable shape. Based on this experience Sakshi and its partners have developed the Braille labels in a very short time and we are able to supply our customers. A special printing technology is used in the printing of these labels, them, which endows products with an almost unlimited life and a unique pressure plasticity. One more feature: in the manufacture of these characters paint per square meter is consumed up to 60 grams of UV.

The pressure is very resistant to pressure, friction, water, Oiliness and the weather. Labels are made so transparent organic PE, so that they are not disturbing on the products. Exactly on this way our labels for pharmacies are same manufactured and the pharmaceutical industry. In accordance with the requirements of article 56a of the EC directives 2001/83/EC and 2004/27/EC is required to give the common name of the product, the name of the product, terms and related information of the product in the medical packaging. Ali Partovi may help you with your research. Also additional information in Braille can be given according to the discretion of the manufacturer: date, name of the manufacturer, instruction manual etc.

Since 2005, the European manufacturer of pharmaceuticals products follow the provisions of the directives. Since 1 January 2010 a new EU amendment approved, which is obliged to identify in-house products with Braille. The printed Braille is clearly tangible and always customized according to size and content vary. Compared to folding blind writings many advantages: flexibility, freedom and attachment. The requirements of the EU directives for the products not adjusted directly for the medical institutions, medical professionals, packaging quick use: power plate, ampoules are determined. Instructions in Braille should be included only in the secondary packaging. However, as the larger part of products of medical purpose has no cardboard packaging, the need for printing of self-adhesive labels with Braille becomes particularly relevant. Thanks to the trend of manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry and pharmacies, to provide the information for the blind with the readable relief Braille on the labels of medicinal products, plant cuncontrol also labels with Braille for the manufacturers in the food industry, as well as other branches to expose the industry. In this way, a possibility is given for the blind and people with the weak eyesight to read the main information of the product used and to understand.

German Internet Pharmacy

Friday, August 4th, 2017

German Internet Pharmacy: buy health products online with the autumn starts also the dark season. Often people feel tired and exhausted from lack of light. With the right supplements, which can be purchased from a German Internet pharmacy, the increase in performance and reduces fatigue. Now, a German Internet pharmacy on over the appropriate preparations, through the support of the health in the cold, wet season and about the benefits of purchasing the desired products in a German Internet pharmacy informs. More power on a German Internet pharmacy for online micronutrients base complex drugs which can be obtained from a German Internet pharmacy, especially in autumn and winter, the immune system help to strengthen; also a performance low can be overcome with dietary supplements.

Fatigue especially vitamin deficiency occur, for example, due to stress and stress in everyday life if no time for a balanced diet remains. Vitamins and minerals, as well as valuable Coenzyme Q10 in combination with Omega-3 fatty acids affect positive well-being. Phytochemicals and vitamin C support the immune system, so cold in cold weather have no chance. Is it work – and everyday due to chronic fatigue or an acute fatigue syndrome, then help also supplements that are enriched with amino acids such as L-Histidine, L-lysine, L-PROLINE and L-carnitine. Supplements such as orthoextra pro with amino acids and orthoextra base, which is fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, relieve fatigue and reduce performance lows. German Internet pharmacy informs: health products for more efficiency and to strengthen the immune system buy online now interested do something good health and supplements such as orthoextra pro and orthoextra base to strengthen the immune system and to improve the performance of online about a German Internet pharmacy by referring to Through the regular use of these drugs, thanks to the included vitamins and minerals the immune system strengthened and positive influence on well-being. Also fatigue and exhaustion can be absorbed by the regular intake and relieved, so that users feel fit and full of energy. Related links on the subject of German Internet Pharmacy: contact: Arcade pharmacy mark Herold E.k.. Peter Asaro has plenty of information regarding this issue. Web: fastmed.


Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

Glucosamine plus chondroitin study more effective than single substances usually starts innocently. Movements in the joints fall no longer quite so easily, they ache. Especially in the morning. Usually the knee but not always will be affected. If you are then only once has warmed, it’s often better. Who thinks already of osteoarthritis? This is just the treacherous on osteoarthritis.

You starts creeping unnoticed by the person concerned and increasingly destroyed the joints. Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that is incurable to date. At best, the progressive joint destruction can be slowed down, sometimes even stopped. To the person concerned but must do something. One of the promising measures is the regular consumption of natural joint modules such as Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Glucosamine and Chondroitin, which are also called joint vaccines belong to the natural components of the joint.

You used very successfully for many years by those affected with arthritis. For both natural substances there are many scientific studies that prove their effect in knee osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis. Even if the two joint vaccines be applied together in a Tablet, they do their service. There’s more: You can mutually even in their effect, as experimental research also studies with Arthrose-shows affected. Initially, Kiel researchers studied the effect of Glucosamine and Chondroitin each alone or in combination on the cells of the articular cartilage. They noted that the effect of the combination of the two substances on the cellular operations was higher than that of the tested substances alone. Also case studies involved with knee osteoarthritis and other forms of arthritis showed that the combination of Glucosamine plus chondroitin was very effective. As it summarizes the results of this study and the experience of many users, it is clear that the common application of Glucosamine and Chondroitin is and will probably increase the probability of success of the application. This concept of combining ArtVitum is realized by two joint protective in one tablet. Each tablet Glucosamine HCl and chondroitin sulfate. To have the full effect of the tablets, it takes a few weeks and an adequate daily dose in the rule 800 mg of chondroitin sulfate and 1500 mg GlucosaminHCl. Both doses produced by ArtVitum in the daily intake by 2 x 2 tablets. Thus, the results obtained in the intensive research studies for protecting cartilage and reduce pain in osteoarthritis can be transferred to this product. Artvitum (PZN 4604249) is available in selected health centers, pharmacies, and German Internet pharmacies and directly at the company to 29.50 for a month. Due to the special composition and dosage, ArtVitum is not replaceable by other, seemingly similar products.

Asked In The Break – Rethinking A

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016

Quintiles: Strategic partner of the healthcare industry solutions Mannheim, October 2010 the health market is changing: the law changes, which come into force in this and in the next year, bring strong structural changes in the entire health system. The development of highly specialized products and therapies will be more expensive, at the same time to finance expensive projects is more difficult. Against this background, the Government demands for affordable drugs, doctors and regulators expect added value in high-priced high-performance products, health insurance companies and last but not least the patients themselves play an increasingly important role in the decision-making process. Due to these challenges, the role of the service provider changes: long ago the best of them will not be seen only over tactical contractor for individual tasks, but as strategic partners who have internalized the shift in the market. Expert advice, integrated thinking and an understanding of the relationship of doctors, Patients, health insurance companies and businesses are the order of the day. The complex structures in our health can be in the future only still cope with in networks and partnerships”, so the opinion of Monika Beintner, CEO quintiles commercial Germany GmbH, one of the world’s leading outsourcing partners in the healthcare industry. Patient-centered programs of patient well-being and benefit proof quintiles of a pioneer for innovative business models that create important competitive advantages to pharmaceutical companies is optimally combined with its concepts.

As the first provider, quintiles to example Patientenzentrierte has implemented programs. They help to improve the compliance of patients with chronic diseases such as rheumatism, osteoporosis. By adhering to the therapy, optimally supported by expert care, demonstrably is the patient best, a benefit for the entire health care system. Drop-out rates, bringing high financial costs to allow significantly reduce in this way. Due to a direct speech of patients is legal requirements by the industry currently not possible outsourcing partner can here act as an important interface.

Allergies To Christmas

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Unexpected dangers of cookies and co. For most Germans, Christmas is inextricably connected with apples, mulled wine and nuts. Especially on the Christmas market lure attractive scents and crunchy almonds. But not everyone can enjoy unconcerned this time. Allergy sufferers need to control exactly the ingredients of Christmas delicacies, as sometimes violent reactions, which can end up even in a coma or death.

Greatest caution is advised before traces of nut are included in almost any candy. The news portal reveals what people with allergies should pay attention. The press officer of the German skin and allergy, Dr. Heike Behrbohm, nut allergy warns of eating cookies at Christmas time. Finally, nut traces are often not only in the dough, but also in the chocolate cookie cover. Can also trigger allergic reactions the marzipan made of almonds or nougat. As the editorial staff for health ( gesundheit.html) recommends that you should keep to allergy sufferers in particular by the pleasure of loose or open sold food. This is not only because the seller can make mostly no precise statements about the ingredients, but also the rapid spread of the nut particles. In case of doubt, consumers can ensure access to the roll of dough and bake your own cookies. It mainly tangerines and dried fruit should be processed, because these are considered particularly compatible.

Dental Implants

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Information to the field of implantology implantology is a portion in the dentistry General. As the name suggests involves the implantation (lat. in the = in, into, planta cutting seedling =) of artificial dental roots. The insertion of such imitations made in Germany since 1969. Implantology was recognized until 1982 scientifically due to some reservations in dentistry, however.

Today there are in Germany approx. 5000 7000 dentists who work regularly in the area of dentistry offer this procedure to their patients. % Of total number of dentists nationwide are about 8-12. Even dentists do the insertion of dentures, without permission to implant dentistry, but a training for the Implantologist must be completed for the implementation of the superstructure (members of the denture implants). Events to training because there are no lectures of this part area of tooth and jaw medical studies, have interested dentists in this A private seminar visit case. You can complete a curriculum for implantology in Gottingen and Hamburg, more training in Bad Driburg, Hamburg, Bad Nauheim, Frankfurt a.

M. find Bremen, Munich, Olsberg and some other cities instead of, which is that there is hardly any corresponding events in the East and North-East of Germany. The first scientific Implantologie-Kongress was held on Malta in 2011. Meanwhile, there are also online courses of this Department as the training courses in implantology in dental online college. Progress is reflected also in the dentistry technology and the modernization of medicine. Today, manufacturer of dental products try the main criteria: security, to meet aesthetic and comfort, so that doctors and patients are generally satisfied. For example, the time is over, it was exposed a up to 3 month treatment phase, i.e. during this time the dentures could not exert large chewing pressure. Today but may charge this often once again, however, there are in a weak Primary stability always still longer healing periods. Material of imitation and its properties as a material for the artificial roots today largely because of its particularly good material properties, titanium used. It is extremely stable and improves osseointegration (connection with the bone). Moreover, it is highly biocompatible, hardly susceptible to corrosion and it as well as any adverse biological reactions take place. Peri-Implantitis (implant infection) several factors can lead to an inflammation in the area of implants: insufficient oral hygiene, smoking, wrong position of one or more implants, a previously infected teeth, an excessive burden of implanted root or an insufficient sterility at the implant surgery. Bacteria colonize the titanium surface of the artificial root and cause an inflammation which bone around the implant begins to dwindle, the root loses its stability and ultimately lost. Unfortunately, you can a started Inflammation is treated very poorly, even antibiotic usually is of little help, because too much bacteria in the root niche take refuge. Should be prevented, by avoiding these factors, inflammation. When an infection in the early stages should remove the implant in a timely manner and after healing a new used. Often pneumonia with a “Titanium incompatibility” in conjunction is placed, this can not agree however, there are simply not an incompatibility on Titan.