Posts Tagged ‘literature’

Fact, Fiction

Saturday, December 7th, 2024

The entire world knows on Hamlet, a memorable history of love and pain. The relation of a man and its faces ahead of the mother, father, you distress and hurts. Represented untiringly she is one of the most beautiful workmanships of English literature. Without hesitation Peter Asaro explained all about the problem. Sight today, for another prism, the psychological one, perceives more than that what inspiration has in this workmanship a little or very of the essence of Shakespeare bringing in itself its desvarios and because not? We are human! It is allowed in them to speak that the privacy if dissolves in private and public the first one is synonymous of ' ' I interior' ' second banaliza the first one when it incurs into the common one and if conjugates the verb to feel in all the grammatical times. After all what it has between Shakespeare and us beyond an admiration? The traumas and ghosts of the past, of a pain not digested that ruminates? What it lacks between it and we is that we are not writers and we do not have the power to transform, to catapultar in art deep feelings. We have the privacy with the effect, know of the effect we live and it, point. (Source: altavista). Point until Freud appears. There Shakespeare if becomes common, at least in the psychological sphere, plus one in the multitude. But on behalf of Rousseau we can believe the transforming power that we have while animal rationals. Read additional details here: Any Florance. We can dominate, if want, the ghosts. We are adaptable! Thanks to Rousseau, Freud and Shakespeare are possible to go beyond in the capacity understanding the cause, consequence, fact, fiction and the complexity of the previsible and equal human being and the quo we are when we come across in them with the truth.

Almeida Garrett

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE WORKMANSHIPS: Of Almeida Garrett ' ' Theater of Frei Luis of Souza' ' Of Ea de Queirs ' ' Baslio&#039 Cousin; ' DANIELLA HOUR GOUVA This literary assay was part of a presented academic work to disciplines Portuguese Literature, as evaluation part. Teacher graduated Letters Portuguese-English for the Atlantic College. If you are not convinced, visit technology investor. Aracaju/SE and postgraduate in Inclusive Education for the CINTEP. Aracaju – 2007 Introduction the present work possesss the objective to carry through the comparative study enters a workmanship of the romantismo and a workmanship of the realism, important trends of Portuguese literature. The chosen romantic workmanship was the Frei theater Luis of Sousa, whose author is Almeida Garrett, and the chosen realistic workmanship was Cousin Baslio de Ea de Queirs. The strategy was adopted to analyze, of comparative form, the aspects of the language, thematic and the structure the narrative, aiming at the knowledge of the nature and the functionality of Portuguese literature for the development of a work academic, of scientific matrix, from critical sense, also contributing for the practical one of literary reading, as well as collaborating with a social and intellectual change. What it took in them to this study was the commitment with disciplines Portuguese literature initially, but the certainty of that the results of this work will be able to also contribute with the improvement of the literature education, convinced in them the importance of this research. For recital workmanships of compared literature will be used, being carried through a general reading for analysis, privileging the differences and elencando the similarities, and search of its structures, organized systematically in a document. Comparative analysis the Romantismo and the Realism are literary styles that had blossomed in Portugal in century XIX. The Romantismo presents two significant moments; the first one is marked by the efforts to introduce and to make solid the movement in the literature, supported in the nationalism, as, representing the maturity and, at the same time, the transistion for realistic trend, that starts from the decade of 50 of century XIX.

Film Narrative Strategies

Friday, February 15th, 2019

The Bible for Oscar, bear and lion. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out technology investor. The favorite book of creators and authors commercials with dramatic stories celebrate successes at film festivals and triumphs in the Internet to participate. Commercials and virals that work, tell a dramatic story. Good stories sell. Dell Inc. contains valuable tech resources. No doubt, but a crusade for the better commercials.

Back to beginning. But bad, good idea, tells a horror. The screenplay for the film is the first book devoted to the dramaturgy for commercials in detail. How does the idea of a compelling story, how does the drama and how do you write the story? The story will work you learn not only why, but above all as a good story for the screenplay for the message of the client. The book reveals the dramatic structure of excellent commercials and shows up to the smallest narrative units whose narrative structures. The variety of narrative variations will be uncovered. The narrative pattern are aware and can be used for your own practice and models. The Creative game design program collects the construction plans of the stories for you.

Happy ending your repertoire for the dramatic write will be refined and expanded. Over 100 script examples illustrate the narrative strategies of the films. The screenplay for the film, narrative strategies for films, commercials and virals second, completely revised and expanded new edition with numerous examples and design program for the development of the story. The advertising film favorite author, 316 pages, 14 x 20 cm, hardback Euro 39.90, ISBN 978-3-9809718-8-1, published by the creative game, Berlin 2009

Word Settlements

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

Living in settlements of the 1960s and 1970s years in the Stuttgart region of Karin Hopfner, Christina Simon-Philipp, Claus Wolf Stuttgart live in settlements of the 1960s and 1970s years in the region of Stuttgart by Karin Hopfner, Christina Simon Phillip and Claus Wolf, June 2012: more than half of the German housing stock was created after the second world war this is unaware of many. The majority in the 1960s and 1970s after the Mission of the urban, dense and car-friendly city “built. In the Stuttgart region, numerous ambitious settlements and housing estates have been realized during this period. However: Hardly another construction era evaluates critical professionals and the general public. A lack of story understanding for the buildings of this period is commonplace. At the same time, it can be observed that their innovative in many respects character not only by the upcoming wave of renovation changed dramatically.

It is high time that the specifics of this productive phase of the housing, the are applicable with the buzz words bigger, higher, denser”characterize leaves to uncover more detail, as well as to evaluate historical building. Formative elements of the cityscape are striking high-rise buildings, living experiments or dense apartment buildings and Memorial values testimonies of their time becomes clear as in this publication part. This book originated from a research conducted by the University of applied sciences Stuttgart on behalf of the State Office for protection of monuments in the Government District of Stuttgart. 1960s and 1970s housing is viewed from different angles and in a wide range of discussed questions. Witnesses and monument owners come to Word, 60 settlements are documented at a glance and twelve exemplary projects presented in detail. The specific qualities of seven cultural monuments are named and reflects the findings of the research. The book opens up new perspectives on 1960s and 1970s housing, indicating that is a second Worth looking. Publisher: Karin Hopfner, Christina Simon-Phillip, Claus Wolf, 288 pages, numerous illustrations and plans, format: 22.2 x 25, 5 cm, hardcover, EUR 29.80 (D), EUR 30,70 (A), SFR 51,85 (CH), ISBN 978-3-7828-1320-4 for more information please contact: Kareem reverse was Renate Brandes phone + 49 (0) 711 / 78 49 6-10 fax + 49 (0) 711 / 78 49 6-20 Renate.Brandes(at) of the Kraemer shipping along with seat in Stuttgart is an internationally renowned specialist Publisher and until today an owner-managed family company.

Sigmund Freud

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

In its solitary search, Sinclair recognizes its difficulty to deliver itself to the philosophical questionings not tied with the utilitarismo: ‘ ‘ my nature never if adaptara to this classroom of direct and conscientious inquiry, where people, the principle, only look truths with which nothing we know that fazer’ ‘ (P. 93). Although this, kept the certainty of that ‘ ‘ for the conscientious man it only had a duty: to look itself exactly to it, to affirm themselves in itself exactly and to follow always ahead its proper way, without if worrying about the end the one that can conduziz it All secondary age. The true craft of each one age to only arrive until itself mesmo’ ‘ (P.

124/125). This certainty and the recognition of the progressos reached in the search for the self-knowledge, the confidence in the proper dreams, ideas and intuitions, if transforms into a balsam distresses for them of Sinclair, strengthened for the interpretation of Eva: ‘ ‘ the look comes back stops backwards and asks itself exactly if the way was in fact so laborious. Difficult only? He will not have been beautiful also? Can imagine another one so beautiful so easy e? ‘ ‘ (P. 140). Misticismo Demian shows to the Sinclair a more rational and less dogmtica form to interpret the religious questions, integrating the opposing forces of maniquesmo that as much disturbed it ‘ ‘ we must not only adore and santificar the entire world in its total fullness and in its official half, artificially dissociada Or same to create a god who also integrated in itself the demon and ahead of which we did not have that to close the eyes not to see the things most natural of mundo’ ‘ (P. 60/61). With clear reference to the concepts of the Gnosticismo, in particular to the demiurge (entity that, without being creative, is impelling of the universe, printing to it movement) Abraxas also discloses the influence of the psychoanalysis of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, in the search of the essence of I: ‘ ‘ The bird leaves the egg.