Posts Tagged ‘health’

Dental Implants

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

Information to the field of implantology implantology is a portion in the dentistry General. As the name suggests involves the implantation (lat. in the = in, into, planta cutting seedling =) of artificial dental roots. The insertion of such imitations made in Germany since 1969. Implantology was recognized until 1982 scientifically due to some reservations in dentistry, however.

Today there are in Germany approx. 5000 7000 dentists who work regularly in the area of dentistry offer this procedure to their patients. % Of total number of dentists nationwide are about 8-12. Even dentists do the insertion of dentures, without permission to implant dentistry, but a training for the Implantologist must be completed for the implementation of the superstructure (members of the denture implants). Events to training because there are no lectures of this part area of tooth and jaw medical studies, have interested dentists in this A private seminar visit case. You can complete a curriculum for implantology in Gottingen and Hamburg, more training in Bad Driburg, Hamburg, Bad Nauheim, Frankfurt a.

M. find Bremen, Munich, Olsberg and some other cities instead of, which is that there is hardly any corresponding events in the East and North-East of Germany. The first scientific Implantologie-Kongress was held on Malta in 2011. Meanwhile, there are also online courses of this Department as the training courses in implantology in dental online college. Progress is reflected also in the dentistry technology and the modernization of medicine. Today, manufacturer of dental products try the main criteria: security, to meet aesthetic and comfort, so that doctors and patients are generally satisfied. For example, the time is over, it was exposed a up to 3 month treatment phase, i.e. during this time the dentures could not exert large chewing pressure. Today but may charge this often once again, however, there are in a weak Primary stability always still longer healing periods. Material of imitation and its properties as a material for the artificial roots today largely because of its particularly good material properties, titanium used. It is extremely stable and improves osseointegration (connection with the bone). Moreover, it is highly biocompatible, hardly susceptible to corrosion and it as well as any adverse biological reactions take place. Peri-Implantitis (implant infection) several factors can lead to an inflammation in the area of implants: insufficient oral hygiene, smoking, wrong position of one or more implants, a previously infected teeth, an excessive burden of implanted root or an insufficient sterility at the implant surgery. Bacteria colonize the titanium surface of the artificial root and cause an inflammation which bone around the implant begins to dwindle, the root loses its stability and ultimately lost. Unfortunately, you can a started Inflammation is treated very poorly, even antibiotic usually is of little help, because too much bacteria in the root niche take refuge. Should be prevented, by avoiding these factors, inflammation. When an infection in the early stages should remove the implant in a timely manner and after healing a new used. Often pneumonia with a “Titanium incompatibility” in conjunction is placed, this can not agree however, there are simply not an incompatibility on Titan.