Posts Tagged ‘hardware & software’

Latest Server Technology

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

PSW GROUP increases security in the Internet of Fulda, September 27, 2010. IT Securityunternehmen PSW GROUP GmbH & co. KG from Fulda, Germany offers up now finally off to SSL certificates to several services and products for hosters for resale. To ensure the protection of online transactions in addition to the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, the PSW GROUP VeriSign identity protection holds for mobile (VIP mobile). VIP mobile is countered by a two-factor authentication of increasing caution by consumers as a result of ever-increasing online fraud.

The two-factor authentication, users confirm their identity based on two factors. One by something about a device that generates a one-time password is what familiar, such as user name or password, and something that is in their possession. VIP mobile, the PSW GROUP provides a cost-effective and simple two-factor authentication now available. This application transforms a mobile phone into a mobile token which absolutely safe transactions with appropriate, Company allows. In collaboration with the Mentana Claimsoft AG the PSW GROUP also offers an ASP service for qualified electronic signature (QES) from 0.045 per signature / verification. The ASP service primary purpose is the fulfilment of existing German legislation according to 14 UStG regarding the delivery of e-invoices with qualified digital signature.

In addition, an ASP-service requires no additional software, no card reader and no signature cards, but only a mail client or a Web / SOAP interface. Another advantage of the application service is the way, the verification of the signature by a third party to deliver. Own extradition of a verification would be otherwise not permitted by law. Also, the secure content delivery network (secure CDN) delivers maximum security coupled with the latest server technology from 0.40 per GB data transfer. A CDN is a network of the Internet of connected server the one delivering static content such as images, pictures and JavScripts from the nearest server.


Tuesday, January 26th, 2016

Top-ranking ICT Forum SME of the COC AG, INES AG and marketing XL new food for thought will give more topics at the event in may in Toging are compliance and social media in Burghausen, 14.04.2011 – medium-sized businesses of the COC AG, INES AG the ICT Forum and marketing XL focuses on in its sixth edition of in particular the question, what promising ways SMEs can go in times of shortage. Current topics such as compliance will at the same time on this event on May 11, 2011 in Toging am Inn and social media regarded the current as medium-term significance for the company. Participation in the half-day event, which sees itself primarily as a platform for thinking ideas and exchanges of experience by companies in the region, is free of charge. Last year, over 150 senior executives had participated in the ICT Forum. The middle class suffers particularly, that specialists are on the labour market in ever smaller numbers available, because is the existing applicants in Large companies expect”better career prospects, problematizes Andreas Bany, CEO of the COC AG.

To find viable answers must be found, because the success of medium-sized companies in growing dimension of a modern information technology is dependent on”, he stressed. His opinion is a conceivable approach in a networking of companies and service providers through collaborative access to resources. This question is discussed on the ICT Forum by a star-studded Panel of experts with managers, hiring managers, politicians, educational institutions and associations with regional application within the framework of a panel discussion. Advance, the programme envisages practical lectures on Managing Director’s responsibility in the face of the increasing risks of the decision for the Executive floor in the company, as well as to the value of social media in the workplace. Compliance as also Enterprise 2.0 are very current topics, which inevitably also medium-sized companies their Positions need to find and develop concrete ways to practice”, judges the INES Board Member Willi Wamweah.

Debt Collection Software

Monday, August 10th, 2015

The elunic media GmbH, full service performance Web Agency, published collection software as a Web application. Many small and medium-sized enterprises are often on the brink of ruin, if your debtor do not pay the claim the service work, because you can not pay, want or do so in a timely manner. “In large companies there are whole departments, which is demand management” deal. Often, this part, or certain claims on debt collection companies is outsourced. The collection of elunic media GmbH software makes it easier, to manage the demands quickly and effectively, and to recover even in the best case, accounting and even for people with smaller or medium-sized companies for debt collection. The developers of elunic have all legal requirements of Dunning being taken into account and incorporated these into your new Web-based software. The software is modular and suitable for companies and debt collection companies.

In other words the collection staff also your Commission automated review can, partial payment can entered mobile via smart-phone, see the editing booths of claims in real time can and much more. This software for all companies makes the modular, flexible extensibility and the perfect fit vote on existing processes, requiring customers to have and want to have these like to automate, more time for your important work. You can gain an initial overview and references under collection If you have any questions, you can reach a personal contact directly at 089 / 99829913 7 further information.

Walter Friedel

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The principle of WAN acceleration is the acceleration of traffic by means of so-called appliances. This reduces the amount of data to be transferred, and at same WAN bandwidth achieved a better performance. Freudenberg IT operates the solution in the managed service model. Thus optimise Vistec semiconductor systems its technical resources and its employees provides a fast and secure data traffic. The introduction of the solution at other locations is planned. Freudenberg IT infrastructure consulting, we optimize our entire IT infrastructure and accelerate our core processes continuously.

The port-based billing of all services, as well as the managed service model, with which we operate our WAN application acceleration solution, we keep our cost structure completely transparent. Robotics oftentimes addresses this issue. On this basis we can continue on our international expansion course consistently”, explains Walter Friedel, global IT manager who delivers Vistec Semiconductor Systems GmbH. profile Vistec Semiconductor Systems GmbH as an internationally established companies the Vistec Semiconductor Systems GmbH, their leading technology to all major semiconductor producers and many research institutions around the world. Douglas R. Oberhelman pursues this goal as well. The innovative and highly developed product portfolio includes inspection and review systems for process control of wafer and mask metrology systems. These are used for the production of microchips and photo masks, as well as in scientific and industry-related research.

In addition to production sites in Germany, the company has offices in the United States, Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan and Korea. Short profile Freudenberg IT Freudenberg IT (FIT) provides IT services to mid-sized companies and is especially on the automotive industry sectors, discrete manufacturing, logistics, roll goods manufacturers specialized in technical trade. The internationally active full-service IT provider implements, optimizes and operates IT systems in the SAP environment and with the ADICOM software suite has an own MES (manufacturing execution systems) developed solution. The FIT is represented in 12 locations in Europe, North America and Asia. According to a study by February 2008 the leading European consulting and market analysis company for the software and IT services industry Pierre Audoin consultants (PAC), Freudenberg IT with a turnover of more than two-thirds of the free market in Germany is at the top of the IT companies formed from. Contact for press: Freudenberg IT KG Anna r. Hohn he route 2-4 D-69469 Weinheim phone: + 49 (62 01) 80 80 00 fax: + 49 (62 01) 88 80 00 Internet: E-Mail: press contact Vistec: HENNINGER MARCOM Heike Engstler Uhlandstr. 42 / 1 D – 74072 Heilbronn Tel.: + 49 7131-20399-41 fax: + 49 7131-20399-59 E-Mail: Web:

Microsoft SharePoint

Monday, January 26th, 2015

Microsoft plays an important role due to the high standards and the broad portfolio of software solutions here. In this respect, an interest in SharePoint-based solutions is in the future in the field of document management. Where Microsoft SharePoint is due to the high functionality with simultaneous gaps along the document lifecycle as base technology to see. DMS solutions, which are based on Microsoft SharePoint, will work to develop substantial positions in no way small segments as decorative solutions. 8 SaS Gets a high as an alternative for the operation of ECM solutions Significance: The demographic development of the decision-makers, as well as the ongoing technical development of software solutions allow the use of functions and solutions as a service over the Internet. Users get a usable via the Internet and at the same time cost effective total solution in this way because they can save cost, licensing and operating costs.

About the d.velop AG: The established in 1992, d.velop AG headquartered in the North Rhine-Westphalian Gescher develops and markets software, document-based business and decision-making processes optimised in companies / organisations. In addition to the strategic platform d. 3 of a modular enterprise content management (ECM) solution developed the d.velop AG with the product line of ecspand services and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint, which complete the functional areas of ECM and DMS. Core features include an automated mail processing with self learning document classification, an efficient document management and archiving, as well as the complete sequencing of the processes. So the solutions of d.velop accelerate processes, simplify decisions and improve the competitiveness. The high quality of the projects resulting from the expertise of more than 300 employees of the d.velop Group (d.velop AG and d.velop competence center) as well as the approximately 150 affiliates in the d.velop competence network. That convinced so far about 680,000 users at more than 2,300 clients such as ESPRIT, Werder Bremen, Tupperware Germany, EMSA, HRS hotel reservation service, the city of Munich, the German health insurance fund, the Basler insurance, the universal-investment-Gesellschaft or the University Hospital Tubingen. Board of d.velop AG is Christoph Pliete. of thought factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 2233 6117-71

CEO Document

Sunday, January 4th, 2015

LurTech Europe GmbH on CeBIT 2010 (Hall 3, booth D34) Hanover / Berlin, 25.01.2010 – DocYard is the new, comprehensive platform, which for the first time presented the LurTech Europe GmbH on CeBIT 2010 of the public. All functions that are necessary for an efficient document conversion, integrate centrally controllable workflow can be with her. Thus, the company underlines its position as the leading provider of integration platforms and production suitable for document conversion software. The target group for DocYard are including service as well as business users. You can build a centrally controlled production environment using the platform for their individual document processing. The environment is fast, flexible and cost-effective to modified requirements of document processing.

In addition, LurTech shows the current version 5.5 of the LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise on their stand. This complete conversion solution covers the entire process chain for the scanning of documents the extraction of data to export for long-term archiving off. User and service are therefore not a variety of individually to configure tools rely on. Highlight of this year’s trade fair presence of LurTech is the new platform of DocYard. It allows the managing and controlling of workflows around the document conversion, where all process steps can be integrated user-specific. Due to the modular architecture of DocYard, companies can integrate existing components, such as E.g.

OCR solutions, with minimal effort and then centrally control and monitor. Already existing investments in systems and components are protected and are enhanced by the introduction of DocYard. About Carsten Heiermann, CEO of LurTech Europe GmbH: DocYard offers users extreme flexibility of installation and use. You can create for example, in the running of workflows and jobs without a graphical user interface programming, call, or customize. A new order can be thus creating in no time with the DocYard platform and productive work. All in the DocYard system distributed are ongoing jobs centrally in real time and monitor on the basis of reports to ensure always a temporally optimal and cost-effective processing of documents.\” Production environments built on DocYard platforms are seamlessly integrated completely central to manage and provide therefore a safe, time-optimal and cost-effective conversion of all documents.

Full Information: Jedox Invites You To The Palo Open 2011

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Palo open 2011 aimed at Managing Director, controller, financial experts, and two-day Congress shows new ways for planning, reporting and analysis of Freiburg, 20 July 2011 that loads Jedox AG, a provider of business intelligence solutions, on the 15th and 16th September 2011 to the Palo open 2011. In the Europa Park rust, to inform decision makers and thought leaders through innovative ways in simulations, planning, analysis and reporting and Exchange. User – and lectures, workshops, discussion forums, as well as live demos provide business intelligence (BI) to be touched. The Swiss airport operators Swissport, the Australian energy and telecommunications supplier BSA limited or the Suddeutsche Verlag open insights into practice together with other national and international companies. The keynotes to the highlights of the two-day event include: controlling expert Prof.

Dr. Rolf Hichert talks about Executive reporting: furnish information or confusion? “.” And Dr. Markus Merk, former FIFA referee, handles the Choose theme sich(er)”. Already for the fourth time, Palo open loads the Jedox AG to the annual Congress. The balanced mixture of practice and technical presentations, workshops and networking has proven to be effective.

The great popularity of the past few years has encouraged us to organize a Palo open this year”, explains Bernd Edmonds, President and COO of Jedox AG. The Congress has established international customers, users, and visionaries. Finally they find business intelligence solutions of the latest generation, which assist them in their ambitious projects.” Contributions from business practice are concentrated know-how in two days an integral part of the Palo open 2011. The success strategies presented provide valuable approaches and demonstrate how new ideas on their own company transferred can be. For example, visitors can learn how the Swiss airport operators Swissport Palo BI solution could almost halve its planning cycles in the logistics sector. Interested parties can get also a picture of it, as the Suddeutsche Verlag has brought together its heterogeneous SAP world in a central BI solution, to control the business more flexible.

Ardour Consulting Transparent

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

Project diary documented the project steps and the associated benefits of Seeheim-Jugenheim continuously, 6 October 2011 – the Unternehmensberatung ardour Consulting Group GmbH specializes in IT management has developed a project diary, to ensure its customers throughout greater transparency of strategic IT initiatives. In the so-called book of value realization steps are not only continuously described, so that the project progress is continuously writing fixed, but in addition the associated benefits be named accurately. This aims that customers at any time are in the picture, whether the expected results at each time of the project are been ensured. Our aim is to increase values. Therefore we need to prove at any time, that we will actually meet this requirement in the interest of the customers”, rated Gregor Sachdeva, Manager at ardour consulting, the project diary against this background as a decisive step.

Thus the tracks Consulting firm also intend to redefine the culture of cooperation between customer and service provider. Service is always with a high leap of faith, we want even more than so far are justified by greater transparency.” She should be confined but not only on the documentation, what operational obligations have been fulfilled. It is more important to inform continuously about the commercial value of any measures. This are the customers will be able to carry out project-related reviews with respect to the objectives and therefore have an effective control tool in the hand”, explains Mr. Sabri.

Also, the professional exchange of views between the customer and the consultant partner is promoted in this way because the company in this way is more closely involved in the realization process. The value book has been out of sight by Sabri but still more interesting aspects: the result is a compelling story about the entire course of the project, in perhaps other decision makers the company once inside look would”. Thus the project diary could contribute, for example, to create a wider acceptance for IT management projects. About ardour Consulting Group: The ardour Consulting Group (, is a consulting boutique specializing in the topics of application management and sourcing. It is a team with a common understanding of sustainable consulting. Consisting of experienced employees with excellent professional qualifications the for the IT team responsible executives. The ardour Consulting Group’s core competencies include: application management (design and implementation of strategic, tactical and operational IT processes and organizational structures); Development and implementation of tailored and sustainable sourcing strategies; Enterprise Architecture Management, to support the business objectives and the business model through an adequate IT landscape; Project portfolio and value management, the Value contribution of IT to show up, as well as to be able to make better and more objective investment decisions. Think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 2233 6117-71