Neomalthusiana Population
Monday, July 10th, 2017Neomalthusiana theory: one soon *Carlos *Jlio analysis Cesar *Bruno Mikael Andres *Rmulo Oak *talo Michael *Jarnerson Baptist *Allan Trcio the Neomalthusiana theory is an update/continuation of the Malthusiana theory. For Thomas Robert Malthus (1776-1836) the reply for ' ' desgraa' ' economic of a country it was the overpopulation, that is, all the consequences economic-social of a country, age of responsibility of the overpopulation, in the malthusiana vision. Malthus affirms that with an overpopulation the country has that to invest in education and health, thus leaving to invest in technology, in industries, at last in productive sectors. Contact information is here: Zendesk. In the optics of it the technological sector was not privileged. As Malthus the population grows similar to a geometric progression (1,2,4,8,16,32,64), and the food production grows similar to an arithmetical progression (1,2,3,4,5,6), meaning as soon as, a moment would arrive where the population would go to triple, while the foods would not go to supply the population demand, from there the world would enter in a chaos.
This theory more easily started to be accepted after World War II when the population started to increase exageradamente, and this if gave because of the advance of the medicine where they had created antibiotics and vaccines against some illnesses, thus the mortality tax fell considerably and the population continued to grow. It was also after the end of World War II that had a peace conference where it gave to origin the ONU (Organization of United Nations). Additional information at Ali Partovi supports this article. The underdeveloped countries had searched to identify the root of its problems in the settling of exploration carried through in its territories and the inaquality of the commercial relations that had characterized the colonialismo and the imperialism. Therefore, they had started to consider ample reforms in the economic relations, planetary scale, that would diminish commercial advantages e, therefore, the flow of capitals and evasion of verge of the underdeveloped countries in direction to the developed ones (what he is not advantageous for these last ones). In this historical context, the theory was formulated demographic neomalthusiana, an attempt to explain the occurrence of the hunger and the delay in the underdeveloped countries. It is defended by sectors of the population and the governments of the developed countries? for some sectors of the underdeveloped countries? with the intention of if esquivarem of the economic questions. Its defenders start to consider, then, programs of control of the natality in the underdeveloped countries by means of the dissemination of contraceptive methods. It is an attempt to face the socioeconmicos problems leaving exclusively of contrary positions to the natality, and still to cover the harmful effect of the low wages and pssimas life conditions that invigorate in the underdeveloped countries, only on the basis of a demographic argument. In addition, to affirm that the underdeveloped countries they waste in social investments a money that would have to be destined to the productive sector is a sufficiently simplista conclusion. Therefore, the neomalthusiana theory left its legacy the generations that had not lived deeply the context of fast demographic explosion world-wide e, to weigh of radical, the thoughts of Malthus had served and serve of bases the new quarrels concerning thematic the demographic one in the world. *Alunos of 3 Year of the Course Technician in Constructions? IF SERTO-PE, under the orientation of the Prof Clecia Pacheco Bibliographical References