Posts Tagged ‘education & career’

NLP And Values, The Key To A Fulfilled Life

Sunday, January 19th, 2025

on March 8th, 2009 in Karlsruhe or space Landau company design your life GbR – NLP Coaching training offers and experience seminars and workshops around the topic of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) in the room Landau, Palatinate, Kalrsruhe. For even more analysis, hear from Peter Asaro. The workshop-NLP and values, the key to a fulfilled life takes place on March 8th, 2009. In this workshop capabilities can be shown how its values are determined, that determine the style of life. Values are responsible for motivation, satisfaction, success and happiness in life. They influence the behavior, decisions, the profession and the relationships with other people. People who are in tune with their values, are able to realize personal and professional goals easier. Each change begins with a desire thoughts.

If this is formulated correctly, becomes a concrete objective. In NLP, the SMART criteria are used for the purpose as also the Wohlgeformtheitskriterien. SMART stands for specific, measurable, solely accessible, realistic and timing. As soon as the objectives correspond to the values of life, these be achieved more easily. This course serves as a break from the stress of everyday life, to become aware of its values and goals in life.

The workshop deals with these contents: what principles of life are me of importance or in a field of tension? How fit my work, relationships and partnership to me? How do I motivate myself? On what basis I make decisions about right or wrong? What is important in my life for me and makes me happy? Determination of personal values is what me really important in life? I more easily and with fun goals my discovery of smart’s own values hierarchy and Wohlgeformtheitskriterien of NLP how? The maximum number of this workshop is 12 people. Smaller groups individual is entered on the participants and the learning content can be communicated better. The participants develop the featured topics in groups of two. What is neuro-Linguistiesches programming? NLP originated in the 1970s as a the Assistant Professor John Grinder and the computer science student Richard Bandler the work of exceptional therapist examined. You wanted to find out why these were vastly more successful than all other therapists in their time. In particular they analyzed three of the largest therapist: Virginar Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson. These three yielded extraordinary results. The interesting thing was that they had similar basic structures despite seemingly different approaches in their work. Bandler and grinder described these basic structures, so that they were teaching and learning for others. You were limited to doing what yielded the real change. For this reason many highly effective communication techniques and methods of personality development are us today in NLP. These are often easy and quickly achieve the desired results. Since the early days of NLP, as were many experts in various other areas E.g. in the economic analyses to their practices to reproducibly and with success! That is, NLP goes far beyond therapeutic applications and is applied very successfully in sports management, coaching, school and in the communication. The efficacy of NLP is now scientifically proven. More info on the workshop: date: Sunday, March 08, 2009 2 pm 6 pm venue: Karlsruhe or space Landau participation fee: 29,-EUR Organizer: design your life GbR – NLP coaching and training Anette Schneider wine str. 24 76835 track hamlet near Landau Tel: 06345 954157 mailto: more seminars: 03c1989ace118390d/index.html

Editing And Formatting A Thesis, Thesis Allows?

Thursday, September 26th, 2024

Students or PhD students have proofread your thesis or doctoral thesis or correct? Thats been ghostwriting? The press has reported extensively on behalf of former Defense Minister the issue of ghostwriting of doctoral theses. It came to the question, when a scientific publication contains no longer sufficient power. And doctoral students make also the question of whether a proofreading of a thesis or dissertation is allowed in this context. Learn more in this article. There are probably no U.S. citizen, not “was covered by the discussion on the subject of ghost writing of theses”.

Extensively reported incorrect citations, lack power, fraud, and ghostwriting. Even a wiki platform has brought for weeks on this topic in the discussion. And PhD students are unsure of themselves, how much help will allow is what is no longer kosher and when a thesis (Bachelor thesis, diploma thesis, master’s thesis or household chores,…) or a doctoral thesis no longer sufficient Contains its own performance. As a freelance lecturer I was asked by my students (Bachelor) and other doctoral students I coach. As a result to this topic, I can conclude only the following and recommend: help from fellow students and assistants are allowed at the beginning and during the creation of a thesis and encouraged.

Coaching by agencies is absolutely allowed in my eyes, as long as the equity performance (scientific power of creation of and work) is not replaced by agency performance. Copy editing and proofreading, as from, or are allowed in my eyes because this service changed the scientific framework of power or supplemented. That is also the opinion of my colleagues and many other professors. Many see also positive to proofread a scientific text because he is simply better ascertainable. Any student or Assistant has made the experience that almost any scientific publication of a Professor of his at least Secretary or an external service provider is proofread.

Thomas Gierling Germany

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

BONAGO continues key account from Munich, Germany, April 14, 2011 – Thomas Gierling (23) helped the Munich company BONAGO in his new position as key account manager. Primarily, magazine, in its range of tasks will be the care of existing customers, in particular the Hubert Burda. For us, there is the excellent care of our customers in the first place. A related site: Mikkel Svane mentions similar findings. Therefore, we have decided to expand our key account management. As a customer service specialist, Mr Gierling is a valuable asset to BONAGO.

Its service-oriented attitude towards the customers, fits perfectly to the strategy by BONAGO. We therefore greatly appreciate his energetic support. “, argues Mark Gregg, CEO of BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH. BONAGO offers a new challenge, in a growing market in Germany. The company offers me the opportunity to manage key accounts and to expand. So I can use my skills effectively. That was in my decision for BONAGO essential. “, explains the industry specialist Ganga.

Prior to joining BONAGO, Thomas Gierling worked as sales & Marketing Manager at the telecommunications provider O2 Telefonica Germany. There, he assumed, inter alia the project support for the introduction of the iPhone 4 in Germany. The BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hubert Burda Media, is the expert in the use of premiums, coupons, and incentives. BONAGO sells and developed vouchers marketing, sales, and employees to improve incentives for the applications and offers a neutral and cross-industry B2B consulting to its customers.

Time Networks

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

Business people know about Rene Stejskal referral marketing and networking the importance of networking to develop new contacts, Word of mouth to operate and maintain business recommendations. Networks then becomes the pure waste of time, if and this is the biggest mistake no Follow-Up is operated. Imagine following situation. It is at a networking event. Has great and interesting conversations.

Meet influential people. Exchanging business cards. And never contact it makes with these people is no post-processing. The talks may have been perhaps entertaining and stimulating for the moment, but successful Networkers know, it’s about building relationships and remains a unique conversation without repeated meetings. Hand on heart: how many cards we have what we had agreed upon, or what this person looked like actually in our desk store where we no longer know what we talked with this person.Probably a whole lot we had our Probably better use of time. Here are three simple tips for efficient reworking: It starts with the preparation: precede the event targets what you do or who you want to get acquainted and consistently implement it.

At the height of the conversation, ask whether it is for your interlocutor OK the next day for the purpose of appointment to be called then to think about how you could support themselves mutually. By your actual call, you show that you can rely on you. Admit directly as far as I contact after each event with all your interlocutors via XING or LinkedIn. Thus you stay better in memory. The moral of the story: If you don’t have time to rework a networking event, but also now save the time for this event and not to participate.

22 Interesting Professions In Social Media

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

Overview 22 interesting social media professions “you can than make really money?” so many people react when they hear of the new professions in the social media realm. The question is understandable, because often it is not even known what the term “Social Media” just behind. Social media is the umbrella term for communication platforms in the Internet, where user about what they care about and moves can interact. Most Facebook and Twitter, millions participants in all over the world. Social media has opened up innovative opportunities companies, generally to have a constant dialogue with customers, prospective customers and the general public and also to advertise products and services.

It professionals are required of course that are not only technically well versed with Facebook, Twitter & co, but also know how to optimally use the opportunities offered by social media. There so many new occupations have emerged, which in this field Active are to help businesses to move successfully into the world of social media. The famous portal to the topic of occupations and earning potential,, shows 22 different social media occupations with job descriptions and salary information. The most popular occupations are likely to be in the Social Media Manager and the social media analyst. Who operates in the area of social media or there is planning a career, can consult free about professions, required qualifications and earning potential. Just in very new job descriptions, salary comparison is very important to make too low or high demands so that a candidate at interviews or salary negotiations is not in danger.

Also, some valuable tips are given at, as you can convince his boss to be more generous with the content. Who wants to know what he actually gets paid at the end of the month by his company, can on with a gross net calculator salary net of taxes and Get social security contributions. Before changing the individual analysis of the content offered on this website is very helpful – so can identify everyone, how much he is worth to a new employer. More information on:…