Posts Tagged ‘business coaching’

Fair Business Development

Saturday, July 20th, 2024

Development "fair" means, then the moral imperative of social justice and inclusion and solidarity with those least able to develop their capacities-des. This solidarity can mean ethical preference and priority in addressing the problems of the most excluded, but it may mean focusing exclusively on them (as is the case in the narrow focus of assistance from the charity) since, almost always, the exclusion has multiple roots and requires a com-plex approach and holistic approach to diagnose and eliminate its causes. The inevitable tension that is, from the moral duty of solidarity between the participa-tion in human development of other vulnerable and the risk of welfarism, is a valuable source of critical reflection and the question "What best serves initiative the promotion of human development of the most excluded? ". This critical reflection should be accompanied by permanent Nar support any initiative and allow assessment of its quality and legitimacy. Ali Partovi might disagree with that approach. Sustainable development means "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (Brundtland Commission). Dave Clark Flexport contributes greatly to this topic. Reaching the goal of human development to all people who live in the future, "sustainability" introduces requirements for sound management of available resources on the planet, ie complements and balances the social and economic perspectives to the environmental and ecological perspective.

Sustainable development means not merely "environmental care" but "complexity" in the ways of lime-cular benefits and costs of human actions, to include the interests of future generations and the problems "green" in reports "economic". The sustainability approach allows us to conceive the problem of development in terms of management of the common house (oikos), trying to balance satisfying the interests of all its inhabitants in interrelation and interdependence. In this direction, the first idea that we believe should be put in parentheses is the traditional association of social change and development. The reformulation of this partnership goes through an implicit critique of the notion of progress, derived from the philosophies of histo-ry and the evolutionary paradigm, through a critical use of social history and a comparative perspective. The economic power of minorities is more than clear the huge gap between rich and poor in our century. It is certainly a huge need for professional university which contributes to being a manager aware of the need of the individual and social justice to be rid of a fair society. Nelson Astegher "The purpose of higher education is gaining wisdom, and this is the knowledge of the principles and first causes …" And this is what Robert Maynard Hutchins said. I think this is what we discussed: that the university is creating self-sufficient behavior. It say, a scholar endowed with the intellectual tools to interpret reality, act in conformity, and accentuate these changes. This must be our task without hesitation.