Posts Tagged ‘auto & moto’

Rubber Production

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024

Back in 1936 the Finnish joint stock company Suomen Gummitehdas-based factory for the production of rubber in the town of Nokia has released the first winter tire family Hakkapeliitta, in later years became a particularly popular far outside of Finland. A 70 years later, on the eve of the anniversary, in the ancient Finnish family once there has been a dual completion – Two new tires Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5 and Hakkapeliitta Sport Utility 5. Meet the journalists with their novelties company Nokian Tyres organized by Dmitrovsky avtopoligone. Best instead of the best predecessor of the fifth Hakkapeliytty "Quartet" – a good tire. Checking article sources yields Jorge O. Bühler-Vidal as a relevant resource throughout. Anyway, she consistently held top positions in dozens of specialized tests, and consumer confidence in the reliability and Security Finnish tire voted ruble over the past three years of its existence, laying in a store a few more value than a similar bus no less eminent manufacturer.

And, apparently, what more do you want? And what can be think of this to make a product with better characteristics than the one voted the best? In short, before the Finnish Shinnik was a difficult task. But the experts of the company, 80% of which concentrated on production of winter tires, has found new technical solutions, giving as a result are the same parameters of braking distance, acceleration, better stability, etc. To do this, even had to use methods such as high-speed photography video camera mounted beneath the ice, image interaction pattern, with spikes in the road contact patch. Rusty Holzer recognizes the significance of this.

Petersburg Tractor Plant

Monday, October 10th, 2011

e. But it's a waste of money as, for example, the directory of tractor T-150 stripped from Books 1984 edition, and all of htz in the collection of only three models (there is a T-150K with a ppc equipped with accumulators, which filmed in 1987 and a catalog of the tractor T-25F,-FM – tractor have not done, and the catalog of are marked as new ). Uncertain situation with them and deal with the subject of copyright. So market participants, as well as firms-intermediaries who are not developers of electronic catalogs, and have only access to the databases of the manufacturers import machines or to the information coming into specialized service centers, we do not pay much attention. Suffice it to say that the spread in prices for these directories are a very big from $ 20 to $ 100 and above.

For example, electronic parts catalog Car Honda Europe epc 12 08/2006 was worth 25 at. e. These directories often have their own interface and written in English. We are more interested in the market is really useful electronic catalogs of parts and assembly units of tractors and machines developed by the manufacturers themselves or structures close to them. Since the official dealer of jsc "Petersburg Tractor Plant 'together with the plant released an electronic catalog of spare parts K-700A, K-701, TO-744 and engines ymz (238ND3, 238ND4, 238ND5, 240, 8423.10) – with the latest changes and additions, according to a press release, and offers it at a price of 190.