
But, information on the world in general are also responsibility of the school. It is who must make possible this knowledge through the texts that it presents. Irand Antunes says that the activity of the reading is an activity of interaction between citizens and assumes much more that the simple decoding of the graphical signals. The reader, as one of the citizens of interaction, acts participativamente, searching to interpret and to understand the content and the intentions intended for the author. (2003, pg.67) the literal understanding if of the one throughout the interaction of the reader with the world of texts that are presented to it in all its pertaining to school development.

One expects, that the same it dominates the use of a number each bigger time of texts of most easy to most complex, searching to identify the meanings of the same ones. For this, Celso Antunes (2002, p.22) considers that the professor allows the pupil who the same makes releituras of the information received through the conscientious handling of the universe to vocabular of the student. Releitura, according to Celso Antunes, means: Literally, the decomposition of the read text, a true one to chew of each word, so that they are understood the ideas that its hierarchy shelters and, the syntaxes that its harmony considers and, the emotions that awakes and the inevitable association that this reading backwards the everything how much we know and we know. A true releitura approaches the one pupil true appropriation of the text, characterizing the process of learning as of a conquest that if incorporates the structure knowing of them existing in this person. (2002, p.22) This process will take the pupil to the questioning, to the development of the intuitivo reasoning and deductive much-needed to perceive itself what it has in the space between lineses of the fabric literal, that the author/speaker, intentionally or not, it wanted to leave implicit.


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