Methods Levitation Tits
I hasten to note that the methods described here raise the TIC (thematic index of citing) are not the only ones possible. I’m sure there are other methods, but we will only consider the most effective and most famous. Lyrics. TIC is needed by all. It is an axiom that is not discussed. TIC – it’s traffic from the directory Yandex, a measure of credibility to the site and, most importantly, an opportunity to earn big money on the stock exchange Links. For all that is needed TIC.
And raise it is not difficult. The method number 1. Catalogs. Some people believe that a mass registration in the directories will not give that effect, that gave earlier. Yes, it really is. You will not get in near apdeyte TIC = 150-200, but if you come up with the head of the directories that extra 50 TIC can tear quite easily. Opinion that the directories no longer appeared to steer since the inception of services such as registration of mass, where you at pennies can drive your site to several thousands of catalogs and, of course, do not get any sense, because Yandex them all already pobanil or plans to do so in the near apdeyte.
Today we need to look for directories that register a million sites, and only one, which (if you’re lucky to get a directory) will benefit from this. From well-known directory I recommend (Google’s Russian-language analog DMOZa). To get there is not easy, but Registered in it you can be sure that it is not bogged down in hundreds of links that will be placed on the same page with you and it is to welcome you to spill over TIC. Method number 2. Natural links. They say that this is the best and effective method of all. The method is based on clear for all things. You are creating a great site that people visit and share links to your page on various forums / conferences, etc. However, there meets at least two problems. First. Quite difficult to create a site with a unique and interesting material. Second. If Yandex has consistently stressed that does not include links to forums and guestbooks, then where, in fact, take the natural links? It is foolish to rely only on those webmasters who do not put pobrezguyut author. They are easier to steal stuff from your site and give it to your own. Practice shows that are doing it if not all, of the majority. Method number 3. Sapa. Registering in Sapa you will be able to buy links to your site. This method is interesting not only because of your site TIC grow automatically, but you can still promote your site on interesting keywords. Let’s say your site – an online store that sells mobile. Suppose you want to sell a large batch of phones Samsung D900. In this case, it would be appropriate use the following anchors: – Buy Samsung D900 – Samsung D900 can be bought from us – We can buy the Samsung D900 Create more different anchor text to their Yandex not pokleit. Thus, your site will not only flow from the TIC website of the donor, but also in.
Tags: internet, Internet Marketing