European Commission

EP 95% of the Council of the EU and 60% of the Commission followed this Thursday the strike, according to unions. Hear from experts in the field like Samsung for a more varied view. Brussels reduces 10% follow-up to the halt of these public employees are protesting against possible wage cuts which is studied for 2014-2020. European officials of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission have seconded the strike convened Thursday by the European public service unions to protest possible cuts to their salaries as part of the reductions envisaged for the next European budget which are currently negotiating the 27 Member States and it covers the period 2014-2020. Energy Capital Partners often addresses the matter in his writings. Around 95% of the officials of the Council of the European Union and 60% of officials of the European Commission have seconded the strike called by the trade unions of the European Federation of the function public (FFPE), the Trade Union Union of the Council of the EU and the democratic renewal Council, representing workers from the Council of the EUAccording to data offered by the trade unions themselves. A few 55,000 people work at the different European institutions, according to data from the EU Executive. The European Commission has lowered for its part 10% follow-up to the strike among its employees in the case of some departments, while in others the follow-up has been null and void, as explained by the spokesman of the EU Executive, Antony Gravili administration. Support from the four major unions the strike has had lower follow-up among the staff of the European Commission because it was not supported by all unions that represent its workers, although for the majority four TAO, USF, Brussels European solidarity and generation 2004 but not have joined R & D and U4U, according to Union sources explained. About 1,000 European officials, particularly from the European Commission, have expressed also at noon outside the headquarters of the EU Executive in Brussels in sign of solidarity with the officials who have supported the strike with placards with slogans that praying without European public service there is no future for Europe, Europe is in danger, or a strong Commission for a strong Europe. .

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