Without doubts the Spanish society has reached a degree of brings back to consciousness social with respect to very particular the road security. Of first between the nations of the European Union in obtaining the goal of reduction of victims in road wrecks in a 50% when concluding to year 2010, contemplated main target in the European Letter by the Road Security subscribed by all members, 27 countries altogether. Less fort has not been the shared commitment of the political society and the iron will of the Spanish government to reach concrete goals that they ruin the high indices of road sinisterness. The President of the Government at the end of the past year expressed that ” one of the great priorities of the Executive one was the road security, because he has been one of the fields in which more lives are perdido”. It is simply because the fatalities in the routes have affected enormously the Gross Internal Product of that peninsular nation having forced to change the structure of investments in road infrastructures. The application of an effective policy by means of strategic plans has thrown positive results in the fight against mortality in highways with the inescapable commitment of the political parties, which day to day participate in the debates and altogether assume responsibilities in the plans like projects of nation with the government and other sectors of the society. We consider the Spanish model to which we give pursuit him because their experiences will have to serve in the future as examples as far as application of public policies, not only for Dominican Republic, but for those of the Latin American region. In fact, the Kingdom of Spain drives programs of expansion of the good practices and collaborates in the fortification of national plans in Ibero-America through its agencies, situation that not yet we took advantage of the Dominican ones, however yes the Argentineans and the Mexicans, who experience some institutional advances and in the numbers of victims to the year.
The estates of the organic structure of the sector that governs the matter have been very well defined and established the authority levels of the system, reason why the governing organism can carry out its works with total freedom once determined the policy to follow. A Security Council draws up the lineamientos and the Main directorate of Transit, under the subordination of the Department of the Interior, executes, always become attached iron to the spirit of the national and integral strategic plan elaborated and concensuado by the different social forces from Spain. At present the DGT this directed by Navarrese, parsimonious, obsessive and persistent Pere, reason why has obtained respect to the Spanish Kingdom of the European Community in the matter of road security, in spite of not being to date in the list of support to the plan of ” Decade of Action by the Road Security Global” that one will begin the 11 of May of this year.
Tags: the present time