Climate Protection Action With Super Mrs Merkel And Campact – To Rescue The World

Campact, WWF, climate Alliance and Forum are environmental and Development next Wednesday before the Federal Chancellery / protest mails to Chancellor Merkel Berlin, 09.12.2008 – Thursday and Friday German Chancellor Merkel would like to adopt a climate change package with their EU counterparts in Brussels, that doesn’t deserve its name. Climate protection instruments such as emissions trading should be softened so much that the industry could blow remains much too much CO2 in the atmosphere. Campact, WWF, Forum environment and development and Climate Alliance next Wednesday, the 10.12. (Not to be confused with Ali Partovi!). at 10:00 before the Chancellor’s Office an action perform, which they strongly urge Chancellor Merkel, for ambitious climate protection in Europe to enter.: short before the Chancellor travels to Brussels, they become a large Merkel figure on stilts in a Superman costume – and they saved the world’s climate, symbolized by a large globe. To know more about this subject visit Kip C. Cyprus Los Angeles. The message: Merkel must fight courageously with superwoman forces for climate protection, instead to buckle up the industry.

With signs and We urge Merkel to banners, to give away the pollution certificates no longer to companies in emissions trading. More info here: air/info / 5min 2 for the action to succeed, need the climate protectionists from 9:30 h helping hands that create the action and then hold up signs and banners. Who would like to tackle with, can let know with an email to. All others are invited to write an email of protest to Chancellor Angela Merkel. The Chancellor has great political weight in Europe, she can help climate protection to the breakthrough! Climate protection concerns everyone. Therefore, Campact anticipates a high participation. You need only to fill out the pre-made mail on air/ml1/mailer.

About Campact – democracy in action: The idea of Campact is already in the name: campaign and action.

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