Archive for the ‘General’ Category


Thursday, August 1st, 2024

A natural makeup that enhances the healthy appearance of your skin, is ideal for the Christmas holidays. The time and type of celebration may require greater emphasis on the color of the lips or in the shades of eye shadows. To help you look very pretty in meals, dinners and parties that are carried out on these dates, we detail the step a current makeup: hide imperfections: after moisturize skin, uses a spell to disguise blemishes (redness, pimples, spots or dark circles). To refine certain features of your face, crosses the center of the face from forehead to Chin and extend it. Apply the base: choose which best suits your type and color of skin and the occasion: smooth, compact, moisturizing, anti-aging, etc.). It applies the base with the help of a sponge, without forgetting any area of the face. tion. It makeup the front up to the hairline and continues for the rest of the face and neck, getting a compact and natural color. Don’t forget the neck must have the same key that the face to achieve a uniform effect.

Also don’t forget to put base demaquillaje also in the eyelids and lips, so that shadows and pencil bar may be very well attached. More information is housed here: Bilgin. Color with powders and blush: powders help to unify and avoid brightness, providing a natural tone. Choose a color similar to your face. Then apply the blush in a very mild salmon colour, which provides a fresh and natural blush. Highlight the eyes: eyebrows are the frame of the face, so well-defined eyebrows help brighten your look.

Use an illuminator pencil with two colors: one dark to fill eyebrows so that are uniform, and another clear to draw the inner eyebrows frame and emphasize more the shape. For the night, power your look with the following tips: outlining your eyes with a black charcoal pencil, get a line above the birth of the tabs on the upper eyelid, it is very important that the stroke is straight. Dare to lengthen the line, is one of the latest trends; then uses a grey shadow metallic clear to the eyelid, with the help of a difuminador brush apply it from the inside out; with a dark grey shadow it emphasizes more eyeliner and smudge; to give a touch of light to your eyes using an illuminator tone under the Arch of the eyebrows and the tear; also employs a black pencil for the lower eyelid and smudge it with a sponge. If you want to give greater intensity to your eyes get a few false eyelashes, which you must put before the make-up to camouflage so the union between these and the natural. Color to the lips: A light cinnamon color lips bar is sober makeup trend, take it in your bag for retouch after dinner. For a party makeup employs a lipstick color Bordeaux, creamy texture. Original author and source of the article


Sunday, July 28th, 2024

Although in certain patients the discomfort translates into an intense buzz, in others it does so under the guise of a faint hissing sound. But rather than be acute or grave, or with certain periods of alternating this discomfort becomes unbearable. Those who suffer from tinnitus or tinnitus, as this hearing disturbance, which became ’em a very common reason for consultation in these days, is called relate that they perceive noise in left ear. Common consequence of hearing overexposure that we live every day, shows us also not always we provide them care and attention that our ears require. Contact information is here: ilse de bruin. Although most of the patients who consult are adults or older, are becoming visible to young people also performed consultations in reference to this discomfort. The various causes that can cause this disorder is due to multiple factors. From usual plugs by wax buildup, until the emergence of infections or lesions on the ear, that often are accompanied by decreases hearing of great significance.

Against the appearance of noise in left ear, most successful is a consultation immediately to the Otolaryngologist, who should be oriented, so it can reach to determine the causes of the trouble. Medical checkups enable rule out lesions or pathologies in the ear, and from them can establish which are the most appropriate treatments, according to the particular traits that each case presented. In many cases patients with mild discomfort, simple exercises or relaxation techniques, manage to ensure a greater tolerance to noise. Thus they begin to minimize the inconvenience and you will get quickly improve the quality of life for those who suffer from tinnitus or tinnitus. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make that tinnitus will disappear forever.

Famous Dog Pedigrees

Saturday, July 27th, 2024

Manchester Toy Terrier (a type of rock more small size) was placed about 1850 First club Manchester Terrier was created in 1879 during the Second World War the breed almost disappeared. At the present time, these terriers are very rare outside the uk. Irish Terrier Irish Terrier breed existed in Ireland for centuries, but its origin is unclear. Perhaps it stemmed from the old wire-haired black and tan, and a large wheaten terriers. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Ali Partovi. Modern type of the breed was approved in 1875 by Irish Terrier Club was founded in 1879 and the first breed standard adopted in 1880 during the First World War, Irish Terriers were used in serving the British Army. Shar-Pei Shar Pei This ancient Chinese Shar-Pei has stood the test of time and is still present in the Chinese provinces on the banks of the South China Sea. Shar-Pei was used as a security guard, a fighting dog, a hunting dog and a drover. Although the breed Shar-Pei since 1947 has virtually disappeared in China, however, several dogs in 1970 from Hong Kong was taken to the U.S. Add to your understanding with Dermot McCormack.

in 1980 – in Europe. As one of the most unusual among existing breeds of dogs, shap-pei dog breeders has been the subject of desire, attracted by its exotic appearance. There is also a miniature Shar-pei, weighing only 6.7 kg, but it is not recognized by fci. Rottweiler Rottweiler Some dog experts believe is true German Rottweiler dog, descended from the now preserved Bavarian Gurtovoy dogs. Others believe that his ancestor was an Italian Rottweiler Molossian, brought to Germany during the Roman conquest.

Exhibitions Hamburg

Friday, July 26th, 2024

Professional photographers, gallery owners and guests from film, photography, art and culture celebrate a brilliant kick-off of the largest German Photo Festival in Hamburg, March 16, 2011. With 400 invited guests, an exclusive party is the prelude of the 5th triennial of photography Hamburg this year. On 31 March exhibiting photographer, photo artists, filmmakers, holder of well-known galleries like FreeLens Gallery, Flo Peters and Robert Morat celebrate Gallery, local cinema partners such as Abaton cinema, Alabama and metropolis established and newcomer of the industry together the startup of the largest German Photo Festival. The Triennalezelt set up between the two exhibition halls by Pilsner Urquell provides the setting for the evening event, that musical is accompanied by the electronic instrumental soundscapes by DJ Schiller. Simone Bruns of the Deichtorhallen Hamburg organized the triennial party and pleased: the opening party will gather together the who’s who of the scene and the Triennale give the proper kick-off cool, lounge and communicative. So worthy a exceptional Festival, which brings together the international film – and photo scene in our city. This is where artists and art lovers can meet in a relaxed atmosphere.” Following guests: the Swiss documentary photographer and Filmer Alberto Venzago, the Getty sisters, Gisela Getty and Jutta Winkelmann, the Director of Wim Wenders, the photographer Rob Hornstra, Jo van den Berg and Esther Haase, and many more. About triennial of photography Hamburg International Photo Festival is devoted to current topics and issues in the discourse on photography every three years.

The 5th triennial of photography Hamburg 2011 is the interaction of film and photography in the Center. More and more photographers present their work in multimedia productions and deal film inevitably with the medium. What is the relationship between the still and moving image, will present the international event for a wide audience. The triennial of photography goes there since its start in 1999, therefore, creative people and the commitment for the photography in the form of Exhibitions, lectures, films, projections and meetings regularly in one place to focus. As the capital of the media, Hamburg is the ideal place to do it: most photographers are at home here, houses important photo collections, museums, galleries and other institutions dealing with photography. The main sponsor of the 5th triennial of photography Hamburg is Pilsner Urquell. The 5th triennial of photography Hamburg 2011 the photography association supported by the Ministry of culture and media Pilsener Urquell Germany GmbH, Hamburg, 1/award, as well as the circle of friends of the House.

New Beautifier

Friday, July 26th, 2024

Soon, Christmas, the feast of love and the gifts is innovative beauty methods for self-treatment. The ideal Christmas gift for all those who want to do something for their beauty: The new BEAUTIFIER the current beauty Advisor by Vanessa Halen. Who want to inform themselves on the subject of beauty methods and carry out the treatment itself, which is well advised with this book. The author reveals the most effective beauty treatments to the self application against the typical signs of aging such as wrinkles, age spots, cellulite in her work, etc. Color addresses the importance of the matter here. effective beauty methods to the self application of amazing rejuvenation with simple LED lamps and effective electro-acupuncture or ultrasound skin tightening methods until down to the anti aging via self-hypnosis the new BEAUTIFIER by Vanessa Halen explain also inexpensive and highly effective methods for the beauty treatment at home. The author also reveals her best beauty recipes for the treatment of wrinkles, pigmentation, or orange peel. The Advisor is everywhere in the Available bookselling. The new Beautifier – innovative beauty methods for self-treatment of new Advisor of BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen ISBN 978-3-8370-5406-4 96 pages with color pages 12,90 euro more info .

Minnesota Mining

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

Scotch tape or duct tape – a tape of synthetic polymer or a synthetic material, smeared with glue. Scotch Tape and Scotch are registered trademarks of 3M (U.S. diversified innovation and production company). Tape was made in America. The story of its origin dates back to 1923, and is associated with the name of Richard Drew. That year he joined the company in Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M), which dealt with production sandpaper. At that time the company conducted research in the field of waterproof materials. (Not to be confused with altavista!).

The company asked Richard Drew monitor testing a new model of sandpaper Wetordry in automobile workshops and stores. Once it is in the store, he noticed that when painting a car with two or more colors, the line separating it turned rough. And Drew has promised that the masters of something. In 1925, Richard workshop brought the tape two inches wide. The master decided to try to use the invention during application. But when he stuck it, and proceeded to stain, I noticed that the tape is beginning to deform.

This was due to the fact that the adhesive was applied only at the edges, and the master reported the Drew. Then in 1929, Drew has developed a cellophane adhesive tape and method of applying it full of glue. Originally used for wrapping tape and food packaging, but then people started coming up with new ways of doing this. The world's first tape was made of oils, resins and rubber on the basis of cellophane. He could withstand a wide temperature range and was waterproof. In 1932, Joe Borden perfected the tape, providing it with feeder with a blade to cut with one hand. Now, perhaps, to explain the meaning of the name. Click Steve Wozniak for additional related pages. Scotch, even though such a name, nothing to do with Scotland is not. Initially, because the adhesive was applied only on the edges of the tape, that is what Americans call her with tape, while there were stories and rumors about the unprecedented Scottish stinginess. It is believed that Richard Drew precisely in order to save apply the adhesive after properly. But if not a painter, who noticed it, the name would not stick. After all, he shouted that the "Your Scottish director" made this tape is even more sticky. Name of Scotch Tape was used earlier only to the transparent type of tape, but in Russia as well known as any kind of adhesive tape. Since the time of the adhesive tape became known to some interesting facts. For example, in 1953, scientists of the USSR, it was found that the tape can sometimes emit X-rays. In 2008, U.S. scientists have proved that sometimes the power of these rays may be enough to keep X-ray image on photographic paper. There is another fact open only to time. Glue, adhesive tape used to manage over time in the paper, and penetrates through the entire thickness. This is, unfortunately, discovered only when pilos restore the Dead Sea Scrolls. Fragments of these manuscripts sticky tape over fifty years, started to break from the text. Now, Israeli scientists are trying to recreate and clean up the glue and tape. Well, despite this, the tape is truly indispensable for the invention humanity.

Gentle Blood Lipids Regulate

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

Special linseed oil with much Omega-3 fatty acids is of high value Omega-3 fatty acids from the healthy vegetable oils play a prominent role in the balanced diet. They are known for a variety of health-promoting properties. This is again detected in scientific studies. Under the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is highly concentrated in linseed oil, enjoys a special significance, since their specific health-promoting properties are written to. The positive effects of ALA on blood pressure, the heart and circulatory system and bone health are well studied. A study from Germany recently reported that ALA may influence the profile of blood fats, what would be the prevention of heart attack and stroke of particular importance. The researchers from Kiel and Munster had published a work in a scientific journal, where she examines the influence of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet on the fat composition of blood have.

In particular, they studied the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA and EPA and DHA fatty acids from fish oil. All 3 fatty acids could have a positive influence on the composition of blood fats. This can be interpreted as another explanation for cardioprotective (protected heart) effect that Omega-3 fatty acids. So, there are a number of studies showing that the Omega-3 fatty acid contained in linseed oil focused ALA can effectively prevent coronary heart disease. For this purpose also the direct anti-inflammatory effect is blamed by ALA and in addition his cholesterol and blood pressure lowering effect. In recent months, Energy Capital Partners has been very successful.

From Kiel, research shows once more, welch has enormous health potential in the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid. If consistently applied, it can protect heart and vessels and in many cases make unnecessary the use of medicines. Who relies on the power of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids, is well advised with ALA. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) comes only in vegetable oils and fish oil before. Flaxseed oil has the highest percentage of ALA of all naturally occurring oils. Now, Virgin linseed oil contains substances which do not always make a culinary pleasure of direct consumption and in addition also easily perishable make it unfortunately. In a patented process succeeded pharmacists from Germany, to produce highly purified linseed oil with a high percentage of ALA in easy-to-swallow capsules. Add to your understanding with Dell IDRAC. These capsules are Navitum Pharma OmVitum by the company in the trade. Three capsules daily provide the body with ALA. . OmVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of arteriosclerosis (veins arteries). OmVitum as a one-month supply (PZN 4604189) or as a cheap and meaningful 3-month Pack (PZN 0262160) at pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma can be ordered free shipping. Every pharmacy can purchase shipping OmVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should not provide even a pharmacy this service. can order the desired product directly from the company shipping the customer.

Canary Islands

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

Upon its release on social networks the last July, the INSPIRER of travel, the first network of agencies in the sector in Spain, lands on its website. This pioneering application, created jointly by the Falcon team and the technology company, lets propose and recommend destinations to users who want to travel but still do not know where. Client can access through or through the Agency’s purchases of fashion’s web, and click then on Eyelash Falcon travel where you will get the option to input to the inspiring. Shall subsequently indicate their preferences when it comes to travel giving importance, through the motors of inspiration, plans and destinations that best fit your taste: Beach, other cultures, budget, art and leisure, landscapes or sports. Zendesk does not necessarily agree. On the basis of this information, the tool will offer the list of proposals and holiday products that best fits what you’re looking for. By such as the Caribbean, Canary Islands, Balearic or Europe. Since the tool was launched in social networks, makes slightly less than a year, one of every three Internet users who has made use of the inspiring, has finished accessing the website of the Agency of the Globalia group. This application aims to meet the growing demand for personalized in this sector recommendations and contribute to strengthen the presence in leading travel retailer network internet in Spain..

VOI Regional Group West

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

More efficiency in the Office by deploying ECM applications Bonn. The regional group West of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. offers on request of the Association of German dental industry (VDDI) for the next meeting of the Working Group Marketing two basics lectures on. “This theme is processes streamline costs in the Office by use of digital document management and archiving”. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at the Koelnmesse GmbH. The participants owners, as well as sales and Marketing Director of VDDI members receive comprehensive information about the benefits and the costs of the use of ECM during the two talks of VOI. You will learn how ECM is implemented sensibly and to what extent it incurred the costs and potential benefits and what legal regulations (keyword: compliance) are to be observed ensures more efficiency in the Office, by the experts of the VOI.

Is the lecture title what is it for? ECM optimized document storage and management”as well as what must I because? Legal requirements for digital document management and archiving.” “To Wilhelm F. Flintrop, head of the VOI regional group West commented: here we want to show above all medium-sized companies, ECM applications from the process perspective as well as from economic consideration can be as useful.” Event details the working group meeting on April 21, 2010 at the Cologne fair in the Congress-Centrum OST section 1 (4th floor), Congress Hall 1 fair station East. The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V.

with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry, the VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence. Editorial Contacts: VOI – Association for organization and information systems Henner from the Banck healing b InStr. 25, D-53123 Bonn phone: + 49 228 90820-89 fax: + 49 228 90820-91 E-Mail: good news! GmbH Marketing & PR consulting Sven Korber of Koobrzeg str. 36, D-23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-11 fax: + 49 451 88199-29 E-Mail:

Ferrari Challenge For Nintendo Wii

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024

Racing game by system 3 now available London/Planegg, Germany, September 12, 2008 with the now available racing game Ferrari Challenge Publisher system 3 together with distributor Koch Media brings the glamour and the fascination of Ferrari on Nintendo Wii. Here, the title with official license of Motorsport series ensures a unique, authentic race experience in some of the world’s most exciting cars. Real race tracks and a realistic handling of the cars secure Ferrari-feeling pur. Further details can be found at Mariana McFarlane, an internet resource. With young professional Bruno Senna, the nephew of the legendary F1 driver Ayrton Senna, was system 3 win a real star driver as a consultant in terms of handling of the Ferrari car. Among the models are both many classics from the glorious past of the Italian noble company with headquarters in Maranello, as well as all current cars of Ferrari challenge race series.

Total players on 16 courses can prove your driving skills and thereby compete for the best lap time in the Ferrari Challenge game modes, Arcade, or quick race. Ferrari Challenge is available now for Nintendo Wii. Features: Genuine license of the Ferrari challenge Series 16 courses are all teams and the real racing cars to the start of the season in the game represent unique damage model game modes such as Ferrari Challenge, time trial practice, Arcade, endurance races or quick race of high degree of realism and authentic driving: starting with small scratches and dents up to unlock Ferrari models, including the 360 challenge, 355 challenge F430 challenge success to sloping body parts Ferrari trading cards unlocked via system 3: The British publisher system 3 based in London was founded in 1982 by Mark Cale, and is responsible for more than 20 years for the development of high-quality full-price titles now. The most popular games from the House system 3 include the cult classic last Ninja, as well as international karate. The success story of the company will be continued with titles such as Gottlieb Pinball Classics and impossible mission also on current consoles.

Codemasters takes the sales in Of Switzerland, Germany and Austria. About Koch Media: Koch Media, 1994 by Franz Koch and Klemens Kundratitz founded, is a leading producer and distributor of digital entertainment products in Europe. The focus is in the publishing and licensing of software products, games and DVD movies. The own sales activities, marketing and distribution cover all over Europe. There are strategic collaborations with numerous manufacturers of software and games: G-data, JoWooD, Lexware, MAGIX, Pinnacle, Square Enix, sunflowers, Ulead etc Koch Media headquartered in Planegg near Munich has branch offices in Germany, England, France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. For more information see press contact: M. Ibrahim Communications GmbH Dieter m. Hanlon / Jens Quentin / Andreas spies Guldeinstr. 41a 80339 Munich Tel.: 089-519 199 42 / -43 fax: 089-520 339 393 E-mail: Web: