Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Convert PowerPoint

Friday, March 1st, 2019

Through the conversion of PowerPoint to MPEG files, you can playback the PowerPoint files to easily many media players. Are you sometimes confused when you are asked, how to convert PowerPoint to MPEG? What is MPEG at all and why to convert PowerPoint to MPEG? MPEG stands for motion picture experts group, part of the international organization of for Standadization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), with the creation and publication of standards for different areas of technology. MPEG is used for online audio and video formats in TV shows and DVDs. MPG is one of a number of file extensions for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 audio and video compression. The currently most popular video format is MP4 (MPEG-4) which expert group-4 stands for moving picture.

Also known as MPEG-4 AVC. In PowerPoint 2007, PowerPoint is often stored with PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX file extensions. To view PowerPoint files you must have installed only PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer on your computer. It is no matter, whether you the Windows or Use Mac system. The software is not installed, you cannot open a PowerPoint file.

Through the conversion of PowerPoint to MPEG files, you can playback the PowerPoint files to easily many media players. You can also play your PowerPoint file after the conversion on your iPhone or iPad. Or on YouTube and Facebook upload to share it with other people. YouTube FLV to AVI, PowerPoint to video converter is such a PowerPoint to MPEG Converter, with which you can convert PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX to MPEG. All PowerPoint settings such as fonts, languages, animations, transitions, music and video clips, etc. are preserved. To convert PowerPoint to MPEG. 1. Import PowerPoint files. Download and install the free YouTube FLV to AVI, PowerPoint to MPEG Converter on your computer. Start the program and click the button “Add” to import PowerPoint files. Group conversion will be shown if you have multiple PowerPoint files, at the same time, you can convert to MPEG. 2. Select MPEG as the output video format. Click on the “Profile” button and select from the drop-down list as the output video format MPEG. To have a good output quality, click on the button “Adjustments”, settings such as video/audio codec, quality, bit rate, video size, etc.. 3. Start the conversation by PowerPowint to MPEG. After you have customized all settings to your liking, click on the “Start” button to start the conversation by PPS, PPT, PPTX and PPSX to MPEG.

Ethernet Converter

Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

Universal data logger for RS232-monitoring and measurement of current, voltage, temperature, PT100, PT1000, decrease, digital signals etc. “Intelligence needs little space” describes exactly the degree of freedom of the GigLog-S data logger. The GigLog-S is a multi-functional data logger for RS232 monitoring as well as for the measurement of physical quantities such as voltage, current, temperature, pressure, DMS, flow, digital I/O, frequency, and pulse. Click Viacom for additional related pages. It is equipped with a 32-bit ARM RISC processor and a 24-bit A/D converter. The capture rate is freely selectable between 1000/sec to 1/day. Each data logger module has 16 inputs that can be configured also optional for current, voltage, PT100, frequency, digital signals, etc.. Via the integrated RS-485 interface is the possibility to implement modules in master-slave mode 10 Gigalog-S with a total of 160 channels. Technology investor: the source for more info.

The GigLog-S incoming data through various interfaces and FTP modem connections can be either continuously send a random host or Help of his large data memory of maximum 32 GB per data logger unit guarantee a very long-autonomous acquisition period. A RS485 interface, two RS232 interfaces, a GSM/GPRS modem connection and a USB port offer varied communication facilities with laptops and PCs. In connection with a serial to Ethernet Converter (LAN or WLAN) is the GigLog-S in a LAN or Wi-Fi network can be integrated. Thanks to its high memory capacity of 32 GB the measurement data able to record absolutely self-sufficient over a very long period of GigLog S. After switching on the device, append new data to the existing files. The MicroSD memory card is read as a plate. The data storage is done in ASCII format. See Dell Inc. for more details and insights. In addition, you can transfer the data but also via RS232, cellular (GSM/GPRS) modem or USB in a computer.

A completed application in the scope of delivery is included for the analysis of measured data. The stored data (ASCII format) can also use any standard analysis and Visualization program are processed. The GigLog-S is available in three versions: as a pure OEM card for integration with your own systems or machines. With a DIN-rail housing for installation in control cabinets. As mobile measuring system (measuring computer) with one integrated touch monitor. Is normally in the configuration of the GigLog-S with the help of the GigTerm application included. Via the optional integrated touch monitor can configured the GigLog-S but also directly without a PC connection and immediately viewed the incoming measurements. In this version, he can be regarded as mobile completely self-sufficient working measuring computer. Thanks to its 32-bit ARM RISC processor and its open firmware design is the ability to integrate their own algorithms and to handle incoming readings directly mathematically. The scope of supply is unusually extensive and including firmware source, C compiler and debugger, i.e. nothing in the way of desiring their own firmware extensions. Full details including Manual, software support shelter ready for download on the Internet.

Medical Specialties

Friday, February 15th, 2019

As consequence in the proper medical formation, this vision makes to grow the number of medical specialties, where each time if knows the least more than. It was the cartesian binoculars in medical sciences and the predominance of the essentially rational thought on the phenomena and the people. Complementary examinations and technological equipment substituting the clinic and evaluating for the history of the sick person. Mecaniciza the contact and the hypotheses of diagnosis, being these for the radiogrficas images and sophisticated examinations each time more. The simple ones became complex, and the restricted access to the minority. (Not to be confused with Robotics expert !). In this context of understanding of the reality, another philosopher contemporary of Discardings, points in them that it is impossible to know the parts without knowing all, neither to know all without knowing the parts (PASCHAL, 2003). The desencantamento in relation to the world was great the expansion scientific in all the fields became unrestricted. It had an allure in each discovery and the human being was placed as center of the universe and gentleman of all the things.

We call this form to think the antropocentrismo man, that if extended per some centuries until the current one. Rationality, Technology and Consequences: We attend of century XVI century XX, the great discoveries. It appears the automobile, the airplane, the space flight, the radio, the TV, the cellular one, others. The right woman conquest and independence in some aspects, and the art and the cinema dominate the subject of the entertainments. The universe started to be indeterminate, infinite, as well as the reality she was more complex and pluralizada. The man and its to know scientific (commercial, industrial, technological) dominated the object in such a way nature that compromised almost it total. It is the irresponsible and predatory antropocentrismo (BOFF, 1999). In way to everything this we produce two great wars world-wide, with consequent economic depression, ascension and fall of dictatorships, holocausto, access the nuclear weapons, to the laser and much more.

Film Narrative Strategies

Friday, February 15th, 2019

The Bible for Oscar, bear and lion. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out technology investor. The favorite book of creators and authors commercials with dramatic stories celebrate successes at film festivals and triumphs in the Internet to participate. Commercials and virals that work, tell a dramatic story. Good stories sell. Dell Inc. contains valuable tech resources. No doubt, but a crusade for the better commercials.

Back to beginning. But bad, good idea, tells a horror. The screenplay for the film is the first book devoted to the dramaturgy for commercials in detail. How does the idea of a compelling story, how does the drama and how do you write the story? The story will work you learn not only why, but above all as a good story for the screenplay for the message of the client. The book reveals the dramatic structure of excellent commercials and shows up to the smallest narrative units whose narrative structures. The variety of narrative variations will be uncovered. The narrative pattern are aware and can be used for your own practice and models. The Creative game design program collects the construction plans of the stories for you.

Happy ending your repertoire for the dramatic write will be refined and expanded. Over 100 script examples illustrate the narrative strategies of the films. The screenplay for the film, narrative strategies for films, commercials and virals second, completely revised and expanded new edition with numerous examples and design program for the development of the story. The advertising film favorite author, 316 pages, 14 x 20 cm, hardback Euro 39.90, ISBN 978-3-9809718-8-1, published by the creative game, Berlin 2009

Contacts GmbH

Friday, February 15th, 2019

Get the requirements and ways to the accessibility in the creation and use of hereby a sound overview of PDF documents. The members of the Association of PDF on the DMS EXPO 2013:-callas software GmbH, Hall 5, booth C41 – compart AG Hall 5, booth D71 – ICOM software research oHG Hall 5, booth C35 – icon Systemhaus GmbH, Hall 5, stand D39 – InovoOlution GmbH, Hall 5, stand D39 – Janich & Klass Computertechnik GmbH Halle 5, stand E57 – JoinApps AG in Hall 5, stand E64 – levigo solutions gmbH Hall 5, D39 – LurTech Europe GmbH Halle 5, stand D17 – microform GmbH stand Hall 5, stand E57 – Mikrografija d.o.o.. Hall 5, stand B68 – OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH – Hall 5, booth D31 – PDF Tools AG Hall 5, stand E64 – set data center Hall 5, Stand C51 – of SEAL systems AG Hall 5, booth C41 over the PDF Association aims the PDF Association to promote PDF applications for digital documents, based on open standards. Hear other arguments on the topic with Mikkel Svane. To the International Association committed worldwide to an active knowledge transfer and the exchange of know-how and experience for all stakeholders. Currently, Member of the Association of the PDF are about 100 companies and numerous experts from more than 20 countries. PDF Association the Board of Directors is composed of executives of the Actino software company, Adobe Systems Inc., callas software GmbH, intarsys consulting GmbH, LurTech Europe GmbH together..

Technical Dictionaries Online

Monday, February 11th, 2019

The Internet has revolutionized the world of technical dictionaries for three reasons essentially. On the one hand ignores strike paper, the distribution and the storage of the copies, formerly the greater cost of the activity. On the other hand, offers publishers the direct and immediate access to a hearing of all persons with access to the network, today the almost all of the potential users. And thirdly, allows the update of dictionaries to incorporate new terms and refine existing ones. That is the supply side. And the demand? Here also the network has promoted the need to translate a volume of material much larger. Reliable figures but it is no doubt that the number of persons engaged totally or partially to work of translation has grown strongly in the last two decades.

Enterprises today require knowledge of languages the majority of their middle managers and the world of education arises seriously offer bilingual or trilingual education from ages increasingly early. On these premises, little doubt fit. Where there are questions is with respect to the ultimate goal of this trend. The strong increase of the material and human resources devoted to the translation and multilingual teaching in all its facets is really going to improve the standard of living of the people?Do it does not detract from monolingual specialized learning materials also important as medicine, engineering, pure sciences, the plastic arts, etc.? Not it will result in a population able to say multiple nonerias in multiple languages? These are valid questions. The network will have done much but it won’t us to lengthen life.Ability to speak and write in two, three, four languages, if it is at the expense of having relevant things to say, does not lead very far. There is a solution to this problem.

If instead of teaching languages to treat students as babies who learn their mother tongue, return to the techniques of yesteryear, with rules, grammar, the times of verbs and, more importantly still, irregularities in which are irregular and how, the effort invested in learning of languages reverteria in the analytical ability of students in other fields of knowledge.To give an example, where remove your ability to analyze the father of Anglo-Saxon macroeconomics, Adam Smith, author of the wealth of Nations? It was not the study of mathematics, but of languages or, to be more precise, the grammar and Philology. The same thing can say broadly of French thinkers who inspired them to Smith, people such as Forbonnais, Cantillon or Quesnay, great promoters, clear of paper dictionaries, incidentally, is. In summary, if we are going to submit to future generations of large doses of languages, it would be best that his teaching contribute positively to their intellectual capacity and analysis rather than deny it as today.We at Invertext dictionary, which I I am a co-founder along with Emilio G. Muniz Castro, we put our grain of sand, scoring for users if a verb is transitive or intransitive, fact fundamental if multiple technical dictionaries online today available will serve for something. Roderick Lee Invertext publications, S.L.

Mobile Phone Financing

Friday, February 8th, 2019

When you consider buying a mobile phone, you need to get at idea about mobile phone financing. This article offers you at overall idea of the same. Due to its high utility value, mobile communication devices have turned out to be extremely popular among the users across the world. However, as prices of the many mobile phone models are getting ridiculously higher, you can get into contract details with the cellular providers. Getting into the contract deals with the cellular providers can become a much more practical solution. If you’re thinking to invest in one model, then here come some easy mobile phone finance options to take a look at.

Postpaid phone financing this is one option which works similar to the credit cards as customers are allowed to use the handset of the provider and so offer access to networks for about 30 days. The company will then receive the due compensation after such services have been offered. In one sense, the service providers are actually taking the risks. The largest of which would be possibility of the users defaulting on payments. Bear in mind that many companies, providing mobile services and units do take the effort and time in verifying your credit history especially if you are planning to apply for post paid scheme.

Though they generally do not take this course of action if you’re going for prepaid method, then it would still be wise enough to maintain one worthy credit score. Prepaid the prepaid mobile phone financing option is quite similar as to how the debit card works wherein a subscriber includes regular checking account set up. In this way, you may deposit money and then authorize the direct withdrawals from those funds in order to secure finances required to pay for your own device and accompany the network access. Though you’ll be able to get a handset in this way, your network access will be you’re willing to pay limited to money.

Director Solution

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

Integrated solutions for the plant and machine construction over 30 years CAD experience can Werner Heckl and Joachim Mack, Executive Director of the solid system team present. What to next as a pure reseller company for CAD software started, developed in recent years by the gradual expansion of the portfolio to systems such as ERP, PDM, PLM or also for cloud services to a provider of complete solutions for efficient processes in plant and machine construction. A complete reorientation of the company, that communication to be underlined by the new image film of the company was associated. Continuous processes rather than isolated solutions efficient process management and continuous flows of information, are increasingly becoming key success factors in plant and machine construction. The expansion of the solution portfolio for SST was a response to changing customer requirements: grown in the course of time IT systems of the various departments often consist of isolated solutions, not in the rest of the system environment are integrated. In cross-departmental cooperation, there are therefore many system breaks that lead to inefficient processes. Due to the full integration of individual solutions for a comprehensive overall solution, the SST developed a concept with a clear added value for their customers.

Werner Heckl (Managing Director) about the positioning of the SST as a solution provider: “ultimately we offer already for years, solutions for CAD systems, which overlap and are compatible. We can offer what began with a handful of customers and individual solutions, now on a wider scale and at much cheaper prices.” Joachim Mack (Managing Director) to: “However, the personal attention of our clients remains an integral part of our corporate policy. Because only when we know the customers and their needs, we will find the right solution and can also continue to develop us.” Efficient processes – SST shows how BBs with her vivid film of illustration that shows SST, how radically simplify complex processes in the enterprise by seamlessly integrated IT solutions. The film makes it clear how a total solution with ultimate value added is created by the individual, intelligent teeth in the construction environment of required applications of. Innovative concepts such as cloud services are taken into account. This underlines that the SST on new requirements has always the right solution. _ the company/solid-system-team-gmbh.html press contact solid system team GmbH Christiane Plank on the marketplace 7 D-93152 Highland Tel. + 49 9404 9639-0 about solid system team GmbH the solid system team GmbH sees itself as a nationwide provider of solutions in the 3D-CAD segment for machine and plant construction, conveying systems, EDM/PDM and PLM.

As a certified systems integrator for solid edge is not only point of contact for the implementation of the solid system team GmbH, but provides also advice for the Process management and individual solutions for the use of solid edge. CAx – and PLM components from Siemens PLM software based on worldwide common Microsoft standards form the basis of the solutions. The performance spectrum ranges from the conception, which can already start at remediation tasks or value analysis about the development of process-optimizing technologies up to the development and implementation of company.

WMID Webmoney

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Payment system Webmoney – a leader in the field of financial relations webmasters and not only the entire Russian-speaking Internet. Number of registered in Webmoney system has long exceeded 6 million. The vast majority of users manage their virtual wallet with the help of an ordinary personal computer. However, for many years there is much more convenient and mobile means to manage virtual accounts system Webmoney – This is a service official service office developed by Computational power. In a question-answer forum technology investor was the first to reply. " Floor of the company is developing a traditional Webmoney Keeper. What are the advantages and features of the system Telepat: Install and use application Telepat can any owner of the phone with support for Java. You can create separate wallets to work via cell phone or your existing certificate and wallets from a registered WMID attach to java-midlet. Java-based application service Telepat has all the capabilities of a normal keeper.

You will be able to transfer funds, make transfers, balance control, pay for services. Operations calculations are made in online mode instantaneously around the clock. Logging in Telepat free, all system management software is complex. Telepat service also provides the ability to manage their account through a voice menu by typing number of the robot operator. Mikkel Svane is likely to agree. Begin the registration system Telepat possible right now if you need advice or have faced the issue when installing the application currency exchange Webmoney in Kiev is ready to assist you. Please contact us at one way links on our site – exchange wmz

Business Plan

Saturday, February 2nd, 2019

– Can you give a vivid example of something wrong, so that our readers could easily imagine a real situation? – Certainly. We have not time we visited a woodworking plant in one area of Russia to launch its products to Western markets. At the same time, we examined the equipment and got acquainted with the staff of the plant. Let me give a few facts. Learn more at: Zendesk. Plant up front with a large plywood now consuming 120 thousand m3 of high-quality raw material per month. The business plan is betting that 80% of furniture panels will focus on production of fronts, requiring the use of profiled boards and, therefore, pre-sorting of saw logs of raw materials to allocation . Our calculations show that the issue referred to in the Business Plan 1000 m3 shield quality A / B and B / B to harvest 10,000 m3 of birch assortment or buy 2000 m3 monthly.

But the management of neglected these simple facts. As a result, problems with raw materials have already for the second month of production. The calculation for the purchase of raw materials, in practice, did not give the expected results. Obviously, the gaps in the provision of raw materials and downtime can be avoided by organizing their own timber to start the main manufacture. Only after some time the problem was solved through the purchase of timber industry. Equipment for company was chosen without a precise calculation of power, without regard to synchronize threads. As a result, in a single technological chain of equipment capable of producing up to 1000 m3 per month at board two-shift mode, while the other part – no more than 400 m3 per month, even with three shifts.