Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Thomas Gierling Germany

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

BONAGO continues key account from Munich, Germany, April 14, 2011 – Thomas Gierling (23) helped the Munich company BONAGO in his new position as key account manager. Primarily, magazine, in its range of tasks will be the care of existing customers, in particular the Hubert Burda. For us, there is the excellent care of our customers in the first place. A related site: Mikkel Svane mentions similar findings. Therefore, we have decided to expand our key account management. As a customer service specialist, Mr Gierling is a valuable asset to BONAGO.

Its service-oriented attitude towards the customers, fits perfectly to the strategy by BONAGO. We therefore greatly appreciate his energetic support. “, argues Mark Gregg, CEO of BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH. BONAGO offers a new challenge, in a growing market in Germany. The company offers me the opportunity to manage key accounts and to expand. So I can use my skills effectively. That was in my decision for BONAGO essential. “, explains the industry specialist Ganga.

Prior to joining BONAGO, Thomas Gierling worked as sales & Marketing Manager at the telecommunications provider O2 Telefonica Germany. There, he assumed, inter alia the project support for the introduction of the iPhone 4 in Germany. The BONAGO incentive marketing group GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hubert Burda Media, is the expert in the use of premiums, coupons, and incentives. BONAGO sells and developed vouchers marketing, sales, and employees to improve incentives for the applications and offers a neutral and cross-industry B2B consulting to its customers.

Can You Imagine Creating Your Own Digital Album?

Wednesday, May 13th, 2020

The good news is that you don’t have to imagine much because, by very poor than your computer skills, you will be able to create a digital album yourself on your own computer. You only need to download a software program with which you can design your own album with pictures of your choice, in the format, size or color that you like. Intuitive and for all programmes publics a simple application that you can install on your personal computer allows you create and design intuitively from photo gifts during the upcoming Christmas album or the nearest birthday, your business cards, boxes to decorate your home or a photo calendar for bear in mind each day the images of your choice. Because that trip to Thailand or your child’s first birthday not be can be forgotten, why not remember them and remembering them daily? Mark your special days create your personal photo calendar is super simple. Once you have your photos on your computer you can work with them in the elaboration of a calendar that will be unique.

The first thing is to select the format that you like, either wall, table or Pocket. In a simple way, you will have to add your photos and mark the important days of next year. In addition, with the text editor you can write your own comments or phrases that you would like to be present in your day to day. It is not something Mikkel Svane would like to discuss. Discuss your digital album in the panel the folder browser you have pictures that you want to create your digital photo album. If necessary, you can retouch and improve them and go them by placing in the order you choose in addition to be able to use some of them as a page background. Once you have the photos selected, you will have the option to add comments to your images, explanations of the name or date of places that you visited or most amusing anecdotes and impressions. The important thing is that you will enjoy creating your digital album and for very little money you can print it and have it always at hand to enjoy it.

Winter Tires Buy Online: Tests Tires Dealers On The Internet

Monday, May 11th, 2020

13 online stores for winter tyres in the test on Hamburg, October 13, 2011 the cold season casts already their shadow, for many drivers the character to equip their vehicles with winter tires. A pending winter tyre buying can however quickly become the icy nightmare, when the customer is wrong advice or paid too much. Because the right tyres is an essential aspect of security to get wet and slippery roads not in the Schliddern or even in the spin cycle. Just when online tire buying the choice of the right provider is crucial. In September and October 2011, has tested 13 online stores for winter tires. The result: test winner (rated 1.85) is as in the last year.

The shop is located in all aspects. For the categories of product & price”and security” receives very good even the note”. For the first time, another provider is less than the note 2.0: is the test winner with a distance of only 0.06 touch points on the heels and achieved the score of 1.91. (2.16), ATU (2.27) and (2.28) occupy the places three to five behind the two front-runners. Who compares saves up to 38% compare prices with online tire buying is worth: who are extensively informed, can save money.

In the test, the price difference between the cheapest offers in the shops was up to 16 EUR per tyre. Converted on a whole set of tyres, the customer can save up to 64 EUR 38 per cent are after all. ings. Who relies on quality and decides for a premium tire has similar savings potential: up to 29 percent savings are possible here. Improvement for many motorists personal advice on the workshop recommendations is scarce email and telephone service a very important decision-making aid when buying tires. Tested online providers has catching up to do: only two shops sent to request a specific offer for winter complete wheels without the tire size. The remaining shops referred to the Dealer with a request to determine the correct tire size itself. Also the email and telephone service of the shops is improvement: only six providers accessible at weekends by telephone, and also during the week, the hotline times are limited compared to other sectors. Flaws in the data security improvements have some shops for secure data transmission. Four of the 13 tested providers use SSL encryption for customer data now actually standard in online trading. The payment, however, is when the tire buying online mostly comfortable and safe: A payment via PayPal is not possible only at a shop, with the winner and the customer can pay even comfortably three other stores after receipt of the goods on account. More information and results see: studies on the testwinner Portal AG operates a neutral and independent marketplace with integrated price comparison with Total free more than 400,000 test reports are available to consumers 1,900 different sources and numerous buyer reviews available. For each product, an own overall rating is calculated from all present test reports and over 500,000 buyer opinions: the touch marks the winner the best assessment of the key product per category. A market place and a price comparison are related to product evaluation. With, consumers can buy the best products at a competitive price quickly, safely, and comfortably. Contact: testwinner Portal AG balance 177 20148 Hamburg Thomas Kimmel, managing editor email: phone: 040-4135-2652


Monday, May 11th, 2020

Ambitious goals and smoking heads into the Gottingen dobrodosli – night last Saturday in Gottingen, 2006 based copywriter network members met PROFITEXTER.NET. The fifth annual meeting seemed to have it: cloud – and plane-free heaven, for smoking heads what sure to Icelandic volcanic ash was not. If energetic direct marketing copywriter forge great plans and ideas for higher customer bring added value to a common denominator, concentrated, stimulated discussion and in a cheerful round. “Advertising advertise sales texts sale” as the brand new slogan of 14 Thoroughbred copywriter, who all have an intense copywriter training and experienced sales practices behind it. That means text sales texts rules – the right concept, according to proven direct marketing target, with measurable success results for the customer.

All professional songwriter members have as always no matter there – whether print or Web articles. David Treadwell has much experience in this field. But PROFITEXTER.NET is now a crucial Step further: the text according to rules of hypnotic programming (NLP) is on the agenda. Professional copywriter colleague Uwe Hiltmann gave a presentation on this topic until 23:00. With the newly created Supreme discipline sales texts, PROFITEXTER.NET has set still higher the quality standards of the direct marketing and is now to be more targeted on the market. Thanks to the diverse qualified PROFITEXTER.NET members from press work can company all around the entire package sales texts up to the marketing consultancy claim no matter, whether SMEs or large publishing house. We are an external marketing agency of 14 Thoroughbred entrepreneurs who just like their customers tick and fit together like gears”- so the unanimous opinion of all the members. Also transparency is now even bigger posted at PROFITEXTER.NET.

There will be code an ethics published on the website, during which all writers to their customers publicly and others commit to quality, punctuality, flexibility and personal customer service. With PROFITEXTER.NET could emerge as pioneers among the lyricist networks these ambitious plans. It will be curious, surprised by how and when PROFITEXTER.NET with first results. Press contact: Simone Domahs Fritz-Hollweg-ring 1 D-01665 clip Wallace Tel. 035204 786971 email PROFITEXTER.NET was founded in 2006 as a nationwide network of professional copywriters who have completed their training at the VNR Verlag for the deutsche Wirtschaft AG. Currently fourteen writers and writers from all over Germany are part of the network. The members come from various departments and can finance, electrical engineering to cover different sectors of the profession of lifestyle fashion.

Equipment Case

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020

Control cabinets are an integral part of electromechanical equipment. Complex units can not take action themselves – they need to be managed. To manage to get signals from the various sensors, level, position, strain gauges, temperature sensors, pressure sensors. If you consult with specialists in the manufacture of control cabinets, we can apply the upgraded sensors, or install additional sensors that improve the functioning of the plant. By means of the contactors and relays. If the control cabinet is used sophisticated electronic circuit, the contactors are making more noise and system will falter. For this, we apply control using transistors and optocouplers. This type of management creates less interference in the control circuit, and has smaller dimensions. In formulating the requirements for the control cabinet should be guided by the best price-competitiveness. You can build a system on expensive controllers, which look beautiful and give the control cabinet-tech look. You can put touch screen and control units, not pressing the buttons, but the image on the screen.

These actions are making an increased interest in their products. But when it comes to price potential customers go to search similar equipment to other manufacturers. It is bad because clients interested in equipment and you’ve spent on them a lot of your precious time. In such cases can provide competitiveness of their products? Should be used electronics, performed specifically for your order. In this case, removed all unnecessary, and additional modules are combined in one unit. If you need to make 6 inputs and 13 outputs, that is exactly 6 inputs and 13 outputs, requires three 12-bit adc and one 10 bit – put three and one 10razryadnoe. Literate study interface control box will highlight customers and lure of its low cost of equipment. But what about the reliability of the equipment in this case? The development is on modern equipment, so the quality of individual orders correspond to the quality of expensive controllers. One last thing worth mentioning in this article – why do control cabinets for today’s electronic database? For example, your equipment is equipped with electronics which was developed more than 10 years ago, when your installation sold well. Then the market was less than the proposals. Now the customer must provide not only quality of the equipment, but also the aesthetic appearance. For a long time operation must have accumulated rich statistics of your units. In this case, to get higher and the result of a competitive need to modernize equipment, and the current scheme of control cabinet is not lets do it. In this case, you can help control panels designed for today’s electronic database.

Russian Federation

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Doors, not only do an excellent job with their practical functions, but also perform decorating purpose – it is an important element of the interior of each room. Interior doors made to subdivide into several types – door swing and sliding, characterized not only by their structures, but at the same time and practical functions. David Treadwell has many thoughts on the issue. Nevertheless, it is interior doors swing more and more popular among the residents of the Russian Federation. Except of the interior door designs to subdivide taken based on production – plastic, wood, or with the use of glass. Wood design and construction of plastic is very practical, but made of Glass – decorative and can give a room in which they are installed, chic and unique aesthetics. By the number of functions doors are divided into standard solutions, soundproof and design fire. Use some variant – depends not only on your needs, however, and the size of a purse, because the door functionality compared to conventional rather expensive.

Installation and assembly of interior doors event is quite simple, not cause any serious trouble – to follow the stages of work accurately and to comply with precision in the calculations. Do not forget that the errors in determining the size and mounting technology could lead to a rather sad consequences – a box door under its own weight doors can bend, and the construction itself can significantly prosest. It is also important to understand that for interior doors should be carefully looked after, otherwise it will soon have to spend money on new construction or to repair the old one. Buy interior doors in Yekaterinburg construction market, or do not know the shop is not worth it – if you do this you can easily buy a poor quality product that you will not last for a year. When you set out to buy quality door, then make it worth a representative of an official of the factory, whose products are you most impressed.

Unister GmbH Lisa Neumann

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

What children’s eyes really shine brings you all years coming back: Christmas and with her search for the best and most beautiful gifts. For several years in particular electronics are increasingly under the Christmas tree. The issue about what gifts in particular children and young people most enjoy, however, remains important. The portal has himself on this subject belongs to. It goes to the next generation, video games under the tree must be for Christmas. Games of all kinds are popular. Whether thinking or strategy games, it is important that they are fun.

Top action games are on the hit list of 14 to 19 years according to a study. Click Samsung for additional related pages. When purchasing a video game should be taken mainly due to the age restriction, because in addition to any unsuitable content also overwork can tarnish the joy of the game. In addition parents can refer it, what games already have their children and love to play. The easiest, it is natural to ask the young directly to his liking. If it is Games for children is that parents can seal educational”use as an orientation aid. Also you can check the sale and on the Internet about it, what games are particularly child-friendly.

A Little About Mountain Bikes

Monday, March 30th, 2020

When searching for iron helper each has its own limits and desires – depending on how many wild and long will your attacks. Here are a couple of models for comparison in 2010. Bike Cube Analog 2010 – high-quality satellite for lovers of the mountain passes and slopes. He is the best option for those inherent in the spirit of freedom, but still, they love the convenience and quality. This hardteyl for cross country with the equipment of the initial-professional level, with an aluminum frame 7005, suspension fork 100mm. Wide soft tires improve the damping characteristics bike, 27 tier switch also allows the very steep hill to climb with ease, mechanical disc tomoznaya system – a guarantee of safety, while the idea may organize V shaped brake system. And finally, to the endless benefits it is necessary to add another big plus – it weighs only 13.1 kg.

So, even with the situation, if you will neobhoimosti some time to shove a true iron horse on the shoulder, it would not be difficult. Estimated cost 18000 rubles. Mountain Biking Author basic – a bike for the city and the rugged terrain, safe maneuvering easy. As in the model that we described earlier, this bike frame is made of the same strong and lightweight alloy – aluminum 7005, which greatly facilitates weight. Equipment for this model the first level, the bike will be in time for beginners and amateurs.

Strong, easily adjustable 24-tier transmission, shock absorber spring oily 100mm rugulirovka load and lock a bicycle make the most dramatic, versatile and comfortable to use. Aluminum V-shaped brake system sells your trips more safe. Weight 13.6 kg. The approximate cost of 15,000 rubles. Bicycles Stark 2010 router disc – Bicycles domestic producer, on the backbone of German technology. The portfolio Stark huge selection of bikes of all sizes. Bicycles that brand a little inferior to the previous two models of qualitative characteristics, but based on the formula price / quality of these funny bike option for beginners travelers. 6061 aluminum frame with reinforced bottirovaniem, suspension fork 70 mm., Mechanical disc brakes. Includes plastic wings with ground tires strong double rims, Switch with 24 levels. Weight 14 900 kg. The approximate cost of 13,000 rubles. Bike Scott aspect – for lovers of biking ski slopes, for those who can not shake from steep rocky paths. You have to understand that buying this bike, part of the price you otaete for quality assurance of reliability, time-tested for a "brand". Equipment installed on this bike its original level. The important qualities of a bicycle may include: oil, spring elastomer suspension fork 100 mm, equipped with a lock of the double bottirovanie, gearbox 24 speed, aluminum frame gidroformirovannaya 6061. Depending on the configuration bicycle can be mounted V-shaped rim brakes or disc, hydraulic, wheel rims on the backbone of the double, weight 14.4 kg. Approximate cost of this bike about 29 000 rubles.

Spy Phones

Sunday, March 29th, 2020

What can you to do the software to spy on cell phones? Cell spy software is something that is no longer in the realms of fantasy, has a lot of real today. Software technology is developing at a rapid pace, and today can spy to almost anyone who has a mobile phone. Software, once installed on a mobile phone, may carry out a follow-up to conversations, text messages and even locate where the device is located in particular.This way you can now track a problematic employee or spy on your child or spouse, with relative ease, thanks to the software. How does the software to spy on cell phones? The working mechanism of the software to spy on cell phones is easy to understand. Once installed will be maintained a record of all calls that are made or received via mobile phone in particular.You don’t need to be a technical expert in order to obtain the records. All you need to do is go and find the details. Sellers who sell the product usually teach you all aspects of the use of the software, which is very simple to use anyway.

Software will automatically send you an SMS alert whenever a call is made or received in the particular mobile phone. The software to spy on cell phones is becoming more sophisticated, with new features being added to these days. For example, these days there are many software developers who offer a feature in the software that can not only keep track of calls, but also find out the exact location of the person. This sophisticated GPS tracking system is incorporated as part of the technology in order to enable this feature. Is it safe to use software to spy on cell phones? The software to spy on cell phones must be installed in a cell of the property of the user who uses the software to spy on cell phones, (if not its use would be illegal). The good thing about the software mobile spy is that offers COMPLETE DISCRETION. Nobody will have even a shred of doubt that are being spied.

With such advanced features, it is not surprising that a growing number of people are looking for the software today. Other items of interest. Software phones cell phones and spying locators locators.

Almeida Garrett

Thursday, March 26th, 2020

COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE WORKMANSHIPS: Of Almeida Garrett ' ' Theater of Frei Luis of Souza' ' Of Ea de Queirs ' ' Baslio&#039 Cousin; ' DANIELLA HOUR GOUVA This literary assay was part of a presented academic work to disciplines Portuguese Literature, as evaluation part. Teacher graduated Letters Portuguese-English for the Atlantic College. If you are not convinced, visit technology investor. Aracaju/SE and postgraduate in Inclusive Education for the CINTEP. Aracaju – 2007 Introduction the present work possesss the objective to carry through the comparative study enters a workmanship of the romantismo and a workmanship of the realism, important trends of Portuguese literature. The chosen romantic workmanship was the Frei theater Luis of Sousa, whose author is Almeida Garrett, and the chosen realistic workmanship was Cousin Baslio de Ea de Queirs. The strategy was adopted to analyze, of comparative form, the aspects of the language, thematic and the structure the narrative, aiming at the knowledge of the nature and the functionality of Portuguese literature for the development of a work academic, of scientific matrix, from critical sense, also contributing for the practical one of literary reading, as well as collaborating with a social and intellectual change. What it took in them to this study was the commitment with disciplines Portuguese literature initially, but the certainty of that the results of this work will be able to also contribute with the improvement of the literature education, convinced in them the importance of this research. For recital workmanships of compared literature will be used, being carried through a general reading for analysis, privileging the differences and elencando the similarities, and search of its structures, organized systematically in a document. Comparative analysis the Romantismo and the Realism are literary styles that had blossomed in Portugal in century XIX. The Romantismo presents two significant moments; the first one is marked by the efforts to introduce and to make solid the movement in the literature, supported in the nationalism, as, representing the maturity and, at the same time, the transistion for realistic trend, that starts from the decade of 50 of century XIX.