Archive for the ‘General’ Category


Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

You know the difference between mark and patent? A patent is a heading that recognizes the right to explore with exclusiveness the presented invention, hindering to others its manufacture, sales or use without the assent titular it. On the other hand, the patent places it in general the disposal of the public for the had knowledge. The patent can be mentioned to a new apparatus, a new product or the perfectioning or improves of an existing product already. Considering that the tool or protecting object is characterized for its utility and not for its aesthetic one. A mark is a heading that grants the exclusive right of the use of one determined identification of product or service in the current market. It can be considered marks the words, or combinations of words, three-dimensional images, figures, symbols, graphs, ciphers, forms, denominations, logotipos, stamps, you defend social and etc. One same mark can be registered in one or several of the forty and five possible categories. classrooms if group in types: in products and services.

One marks can denominative, graphical, mixing, three-dimensional, sonorous and be related the odors (cheiros). A corporate name is a heading that grants to the exclusive right of the use of the names of people and societies as identification of the same ones in the market. The corporate names as the headings of industrial property are independent of the names of the enrolled societies in the mercantile registers. One exactly corporate name can be registered in several of the forty and five possibilities. For example: & ldquo; Pepita& rdquo; in the segment of infantile toys as dolls, or as clothes, cooling, etc. the economy of a country, or in lesser scale, the economy of a state or city is evaluated having as reference the system of marks and patents. The numbers of requests of registers if convert into one estimated of extreme importance for the inquiry of growth in one determined context. The creativity also can be analyzed by means of the same mechanisms, considering the register of inventions.

Post-employment Corporate Competitive Advantage

Monday, June 15th, 2020

Corporate competitive advantage through company pension plan the sustained and growing skills shortage is already one of the first visible symptoms of short – and medium-term irreversible demographic change of in Germany. The local labour market is subject to a continuous change, whose Herausforderungen must confront the company that success or failure of a company depends on quite crucially their employees. Cuts in the statutory pension insurance and the looming supply gap in retirement can therefore greatly increase the current and future importance of an attractive State-sponsored company pensions as an incentive instrument for the recruitment and retention of skilled workers. The advantages are obvious: in addition to increase the satisfaction of current or potential employees by the them through this additional service the cost of the company pension plan are placed appreciation both to workers as well as Employer legal sozialabgaben – and tax-free and can lead to the saving of non-wage costs. A tax on employee side is delayed on the time of retirement. This tax deferral also relieves the worker as the future tax rate is usually already lower. For carrying out multiple options (direct insurance, pension fund, Provident Fund, direct commitment, pension funds), but all accompanied the often long-term experience of insurance companies in the area of occupational pensions and their active support for the employers very low overhead offer themselves. . Whenever altavista listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Corporate Succession

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Business succession: A case for professionals the look in the business section of the daily newspapers says: Germany’s economy is supported by the small and especially medium-sized companies, they make up a large part of our success at home and abroad. As a strong export nation, German products and services at home and abroad enjoy an excellent reputation, they boast excellent quality made in Germany, and also the supplementary services can be seen. There are very often the small and medium-sized enterprises, which provide strong export performances and who are economically through healthy. But just the medium-sized companies are faced with the problem of the succession, because the Patriarch wants to put to rest, all necessary legal arrangements should be made. It looks similar in the case of death, which occurs always too early and completely unexpectedly. Even the succession must be substantiated be regulated. The owner of the company has all necessary Arrangements, members and employees can face largely retired or even the dreaded death. On the way to the comprehensive clarification of the succession, a good tax advisor is the perfect companion.

In the best case, he is a trained consultant for the succession. Tax issues in the Centre as well as countless other issues especially the topic is taxes at the heart when clients are looking for a consultant for the corporate succession. Who supervised Freising and the other towns in the greater Munich area as a tax consultant, finds there clients from diverse industries, who have to settle the succession. A considerable importance of tax advice. Finally, it involves the question of inheritance and the inheritance, especially when company shares tax issues for all parties are taken into account. As possible heirs to pay inheritance tax may be required, must in the context of the tax also be clarified, what obligations the heirs thereof adult.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

Corporate social responsibility, refers to the commitment that has the company with all its stakeholders, is to respond to employee, customer, supplier, to the community through strategic plans so that these plans will become a competitive advantage for the business that develops. Now well, some say it is not philanthropy and is not only the compliance of laws does but won’t love to make things right for the welfare of the other, taking as a basis, duty through legislation a way to begin to be socially responsible? i.e. do love and legislation will not be the starting point to be socially responsible?, discard them it seems absurd to me. You may want to visit Kai-Fu Lee to increase your knowledge. State, as all institutions that possess the authority and power to establish the rules that govern a society has the duty to enact and promote laws, rules and regulations for the collective welfare, of course company must meet them because that is a duty, not an option. Without the rules they had not laws, therefore the anarchy Albert and discard the compassion, love and the will that emanates from philanthropy, serious yet more anarchic and immoral, what if I agree, it is that you must manage this legislation those wanting to do, i.e. Design competitive strategic plans, which translates into sustainable accountable plans, all these plans revolve to the social environment and curbing them would be ambiguousregulate the social through certifiable standards would not be suitable is like telling the company, so far, taking into account another factor that these rules, most are designed for large corporations that happens to SMEs or family companies that are socially responsible from their radius of action? , here emerges the newest norm ISO 26,000 which has joined opinions such as: according to Camacho…in no time the ISO 26000 refers to what is efficient use, which could lead to confusion and interpretations wrong..-Employers considered that the text is too complex and difficult to read and that it does not apply to all types of organizations and is clearly focused on large companies, another comment did the President of accion RSE, Janet Sprohnle, who openly stated that the ISO 26000 is socially irresponsible most I have seen., his stance is based on thatin his view, Social responsibility is a theme of all and not only to the employer, I still do not see where are the regulations for people who are within a company.

Corporate Communications

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020

Public speaking is a skill that requires training and practice. Speak with authority and confidence is essential in most companies today. These are techniques that executives use to communicate information to groups within an organization. You may want to visit Nicolas Keller to increase your knowledge. Training in corporate communication is a special training designed to teach a person how to must present business to working groups information. For a communication training plan required a formal training, which helps the individual to submit his ideas with clarity to business executives. This normally includes the requirements for dress, talk, and writing techniques. A business manager uses these skills to communicate information to teams, managers, or the customers of the organization. Writing for business skills are often taught in the classes of corporate communications as a corporate training plan. Pete Cashmores opinions are not widely known.

This form of writing requires clear and concise definition of matter and with the formal attributes of business. Some examples of business writing emails, formal, proposed letters and briefings. Each form of business writing has features in both style and formality. The charisma is required for the majority of speakers. Training in corporate communications with a good training plan teaches a person how to persuade and educate your audience. This requires the confidence and assertiveness in techniques of tones and the presentation of an individual. A kind of training in corporate communication is designed for criticism of all areas of communication skills.

This includes suitable for an audience of business attire. When a good formation of corporate communication plan is developed, people who are pursuing must have the ability to accept large changes in your life. A speaker of business must know your audience and know the best way to communicate with them. He usually wears formal clothes when you It gives a presentation to a group of companies, and this provides the perception of professionalism that is lacking when it is presented with a typical casual clothes. Learn the techniques of communication requires much practice and is for this reason that a good training plan should be created many spaces to gain confidence, having fluency and, above all, lose any fear of business audience. Good meeting management is another skill that is taught in classes of a good communication training plan. This normally includes techniques on how to create and run a business within an organization meeting. A good meeting includes an agenda, defining the problem, and the expected result. By following these three simple processes, each meeting manage to be productive and informative for the group.

Guillemot Corporation

Sunday, May 31st, 2020

VAT) be available. Hercules XPS 2.1 BASSBOOST: intense bass for all those who are on and rich bass sound, Hercules brings high performance at an affordable price on the market. “With his wooden subwoofer, whose big sound” performance guard is supported by this in a very striking design, provides Hercules XPS 2.1 BASSBOOST intense bass and a good output. The accompanying satellite speakers provide an optimal sound development thanks to their size and their air volume with dynamic, powerful sound. The intensity of the bass resonance makes the Hercules XPS 2.1 BASSBOOST system perfect for fans of computer and video games, electronic music, films and multimedia applications. Others who may share this opinion include Mikkel Svane. Visually convincing the set with its design inspired by PA systems with striking solid metal grille.

Can the satellite mounted on walls or sides lying even as stage monitor speakers to be placed. The easily accessible volume and Bass controls are located on the right satellite speaker. Here are also a stereo headphone jack as well as a 3.5 mm line input. RMS power: 32 W (2 x 8 W + 16 W) / peak power: 64 W frequency range: 40 Hz to 20 kHz Hercules XPS 2.1 BASSBOOST will be available from mid-July 2012 to a recommended retail price of 59.99 (incl. VAT). Hercules XPS 2.0 60 DJ SET: the bedroom Studio “concept with the Hercules XPS 2.0 60 DJ SET features Hercules all hobby-DJs and Mixingfans the initial equipment for the domestic bedroom Studio”. The set is as well as the selection of tracks and effect vote for the preparation of the first DJ mixes. Hercules XPS 2.0 60 DJ SET has two satellites, both compact and made entirely of wood, providing best quality sound.

Each satellite is equipped with a tweeter and a 3-inch woofer with Kevlar cone for good bass response. In addition both satellites have two grille on the front, useful to set the level of bass frequencies. The Hercules XPS 2.0 60 DJ SET is equipped with an RCA input, a 3.5 mm line input, as well as a stereo headphone jack. Easily accessible, the controls for volume, bass and treble are attached to the front of the right satellite. RMS power: 30 W (2 x 15 W) / peak power: 60 W frequency range: 60 Hz 20 kHz the Hercules XPS 2.0 60 DJ SET will be available in June for a suggested retail price of 99.99 (incl. VAT). Guillemot Corporation is a developer and manufacturer of interactive hardware and accessory products. The Group offers a wide range of products under the brand name of Hercules and ThrustMaster. Since their launch in 1984 the Guillemot Corporation group is represented including France, now in 11 countries, Germany, United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Belgium, Holland, Hong Kong, Romania and Italy, and its products are available in 30 countries around the world. Mission of the group is high-quality and user-friendly products to offer, which improve the satisfaction of customers of interactive, digital entertainment solutions.

Birol Baris Lawrence

Saturday, May 30th, 2020

Grandmaster Birol Baris ozden, Sigung master master for VC-Ving chun and author of the forthcoming book: ‘ ALL-AACHT – everything is A(a)CHT!’, ALL-AACHT-Verlag, Cologne. Sigung master master Birol Baris ABUDU (name meaning: Birol = was one, peace = layer Babu, Jagan = clean, honest skin) was born on May 7, 1960, in Beyoglu, Istanbul, Western-oriented downtown. He comes from a family with strong family tradition, which is influenced by Islam and the give and take of”, live in the present and the love of nature, the animals and the people” are very important fundamental values. So he was influenced also by his paternal grandfather, who belonged to a Sufi order, intensive way and got through it gives many positive values. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Mikkel Svane on most websites. The lives of children and young people in Istanbul took place but on the road in the 1960s.

There was the right of the stronger, and so learned Sigung Birol bar? Lawrence early know the importance of the fight. Rivalry was the order of the day and the stronger was the sound; Sigung Birol babe Ali quickly learned to prevail. At the age of 12, Birol moved bar? Lawrence with his family to Germany. He had already animated at an age of 8 to 10 years, with his father in Turkey, learned military Jiu Jitsu and started with a suggestion of his mathematics teacher with Turkish wrestling, but now he began to deal intensively with martial arts. He practiced very successfully many different martial arts, including Judo, karate, boxing, Kickboxing and taekwondo.

He also noted that this martial art not for anyone to protect itself suitable as often missing the optimum physical conditions for the people. The stronger insert their superiority often over weaker, they exploit and suppress. Therefore, he developed a strong aversion against injustice and the abuse of forcibly skill and physical superiority. His interest in the traditional Backgrounds of martial arts and his strong sense of Justice could continue to look for a system, which is learned by many people.

New Alternative

Friday, May 29th, 2020

They separate from Pragmatic the Linear one, Student: Fuente.Canal-Message-Adressee. They propose a new Model of Convergence and Interaction. Its antecedent is located in 1944, with P. Lazarsfeld and his " The people choice" , on the electoral motivations of the Yankee town, the influence of massive means was filtered by the local Leaders of opinion, through the interpersonal Networks with people. Lawrence Kincaid affirms then that the things no longer can be raised in classic terms of a Source that is put under its influence to a possible adressee. Kai-Fu Lee understood the implications.

A New Alternative considers: the human interactions, process in spiral. Additional information is available at Kai-Fu Lee. It is understood then to the Communication not like a series of Acts, but like a Process. Participating process of creation, distribution, transformation of Information. Abierto, Shared in common process. Non-symmetrical. All Human Communication implies a reading key that interprets and attributes to meaning from contexts and marks of individual experience. The previous mentioned Model was manipulating, linear, authoritarian, unidirectional.

The New Model is democratic, humanizador. It does not interest the interactive effects but processes to him. Not it transmission of messages, but the ebb tide of the information. The systems of Massive Communication own an evident aim of Expressive and Representative Ecumenicalism. " Mass Media" they influence sovereign in the collective life: publicity, automatism of men who are created free, substitution of the language by the sign, intensive manufacture of new needs (Montale). In the Contemporaneidad, the intermitencia, the fragility and until the extemporaneidad of the sign or the expressive sound constitute the guarantee so that the network of the communication reaches effects in planetary scale. I again mention the Italian poet-thinker: " The important thing is that it enters these means is sacrificed the word, that is guilty of not being sufficiently multipurpose and to try some truths, lasting What it is needed is not the language, but the interjection What it is needed is what it sees, is listened to, it is touched for a moment only and soon burning fire and is replaced on the other analogous excitacin".

FridCorp FridCorp

Friday, May 29th, 2020

“It is important that companies are already starting should, to create in order to capture their CO2 emissions, reduction potentials to identify infrastructure and to be able to start initial measures” explains Dr.-ing. Thomas Fleissner, strategy of NADIA AG cost and effort for this discovery of carbon footprints to keep Executive Board, we have developed based our software-as-a-service solution FridCorp for more than 10 years of experience in ecological balancing. ” FridCorp is part of the software platform of Frida, which requires no locally installed software as a software-as-a-service solution to use, but can be controlled through the browser. For one or hundreds of locations the relevant energy consumption and emission factors collected, calculated in FridCorp, then reviewed by the NADIA as an independent Institute, and validated. Result is a company-wide carbon footprint Protocol or DIN according to the GHG ISO standards and the NADIA TopDown Approach has been determined. Reduction potential can be better cover up but also when repeated calculation of the carbon footprint CO2 environmental management optimize savings through the use of the software. In addition, the result of the carbon footprint is always accurate through experience in the acquisition. FridCorp can optionally be integrated into existing IT-systems, deeper business processes to integrate dasCO2 management.

The Frida family FridLog offers for logistics companies that want to capture especially their transport-related emissions. FridLog is also a SaS solution. Freight forwarders can per customer and or quickly and easily the CO2 emissions calculated order and print out a report validated by the NADIA for their customers. This is just with regard to the forthcoming DIN EN 16258 standard for the collection of transport-related greenhouse gas emissions a competitive dar. More information by phone under + 49 8192 99733 20 or via e-mail at sources interested parties,: -. Company document/7/0,3746,en_2649_34307_49934983_1_1_1_1,00.html – – /

Corporate Reputation

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

Corporate reputation is the set of perceptions that have over the company various interest groups to which it relates, both internal and external. It is the result of behaviour developed by the company over time and describes its ability to deliver value to the above-mentioned groups. This reputation relates not only services, but also with the brand, executives a company is not only what she alone is, but that she is and everything that surrounds him. Only the fact of saying you work for Menganito, if it’s a well-known company, and gives you some reputation yourself. However, and as we have announced, this reputation can damage, impaired and cause big losses if there is an uncontrolled incident (complaints, criticisms, harmful comments).

Therefore it is essential to know that says foo, which has been his problem, and above all try to fix it, because companies and clients are United by symbiotic relationships, even more if it is of a employee. Thus, the management of reputation begins with listening to what customers are saying. If you’re of that thinks that these very occupied for listen to TUS customers and much less SUS critical, then do not continue reading is not get along with everyone, as it is impossible. Nor will it generate artificial content, to answer quickly and strategically is not an effective method and convince it to users, because they know to detect these mechanisms insufficient, and cannot be but increase the discontent. Ideally, users shed constructive criticism, and entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to improve certain aspects, it is relatively easy to understand without that cause major conflicts in these. However we are aware that there are many people criticizing free of charge and many companies little concerned with the satisfaction of their customers. This problem is created by certain Web pages, and main objective (in many cases, the only one) is that users criticize, creating great problems of image and reputation to a company.

When criticism is a complement to information giving certain pages on companies, usually having opinions both positive and negative, making it easier to have a joint vision of the pros and cons of a company. What is having a service that detects and prioritize those contents that make reference to our company, knowing that in the social world and 2.0, consumers have an uncontrollable power, even much greater than the person who tries to damage our reputation presupposed. Employees, who are direct representatives of the company, beginning and ending by customers who are for this essential, should be aware that say and what are the problems. There are studies that show that the greater is the degree of satisfaction of an employee, the greater the own results of enterprises. Similarly (even more) the greater is the degree of satisfaction of a client, the greater the performance of the companies. Audea security of the information Marta Sanchez Valdeon legal Department