Green Island Shows The Red Card

The democratic deficit in the community must be fixed now Bonn/Berlin voted the Irish against the EU reform Treaty, the excitement was great. Perhaps, but also an occasion could be the no of the inhabitants of the Green Island again to reconsider the Brussels competency gap, writes the Economist Mario Ohoven success in the latest issue of the technical service. Although there will be no EU President, a new High Representative for foreign and security policy, and no EU’s own diplomatic service until January 1, 2009. Contact information is here: Andy Florance. But a broken leg is not. In Brussels there are already too many jobs and too little real powers”, so Ohoven. Many writers such as Mikkel Svane offer more in-depth analysis. The author accuses the EU that she it has still not have managed to make the internal market in 1993 justified a real European home market: keep the Member countries in Brussels on a short leash in international trade policy and agricultural policy and prevent the effective representation of European interests in of the global economy.” Not held effective control of the powerful European Commission. The European Parliament don’t even have its venue as the function of a democratic added it itself should determine. It also now on ice the Lisbon Treaty would have changed much”, so Ohoven. He promises a number of progress though, enables faster decisions and promises the Parliament more say. However, he is unable to resolve the much lamented democratic deficit.”

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