Cecilia Rodriguez
An investigation realised by Argentine investigators lays the way for the natural product development (food technology) to prevent or to treat the gastritis. According to the experts, fermented milk could be the first step to solve this malaise. Although the symptoms of the gastritis depend on each individual, most common they are annoyances in the mouth of the stomach, acidity, nauseas, indigestin and loss of appetite, among others. And their causes are mainly alcohol, tobacco addiction or stress. The problem increases when medecines to alleviate the pain bring about in some people indirect effect like diarrhoea, abdominal pain or some cutaneous reaction, according to indicates an investigation realised by doctor Jannis Kontouras of the University of Salonica, in Greece. For this reason, the director of the Center of Reference for Lactobacilos, Graciela Font de Valdez and its work group integrated by doctors Fernanda Mozzi, Cecilia Rodriguez and Marta Medici, realised an investigation that aims at the development of natural alternative treatment with therapeutic aims to repair the damaged gastric mucosa (a hope source for which they suffer of the gastritis). The work demonstrated that fermented milk is effective in the therapeutic treatment of the induced chronic gastritis in an experimental model in mouse, by means of the administration of aspirina.
” The consumption of this probiotic food, that is to say, the milk fermented by this probiotic microorganism, had effect modulator of the immune response of the mouse and brought about an increase of the thickness of the mucus layer gstrico” , it emphasized doctor Font de Valdez. the results were correlated with the restoration of the gastric mucosa after the treatment with fermented milk as they demonstrated to the histopatolgicos studies and the observations to it of electronic microscopy, explained the doctor. Although the basic study is of science, the main author of the study emphasized that: ” the lactic probiotic objective is to develop a natural treatment using with specific properties, that do not exist at the moment in the market. The results obtained in this study mean a contribution to the development of new functional foods, segment in continuous growth in the market internacional”. ” In this particular case, the ingestion by the animal with gastritis of the milk fermented with lactic bacterium CRL 1190 and its exopolisacridos gave comparable results to the obtained ones with drugs of use common in this type of pathology, indicates of Valdez. The results of the work were published in the scientific magazine World Journal of Gastroenterology.
Tags: astronomy